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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. glad you counted! that is quite the impressive list of octogenarians. i have had enough of your "facts" for today.
  2. Facts stand huh, I must have missed the part where you quoted your sources. Your dense walls of text are nothing but opinions. All i see is you telling other people how to live their lives despite your own failures. Smacks of narcissistic delusion to me.
  3. Id say smug virtue signaling contributes its fair share too,
  4. uh huh. not a day over 40. you are a catch. Who said anything about a barstool? You have quite the moralistic streak, dontcha?
  5. i have a mating pair in my garden that pilfer the food i feed my koi and torment my cat. they are funny as fok.
  6. ah, you are a geriatric. nuff said.
  7. Utter nonsense, the thai courts are very definitely the child's corner and likely to select the parent that gives them the best advantages. It is the same when it comes to employment issues. well, which is it?
  8. then you are doing it wrong.
  9. Ain't it grand to see the same demographic that pushed Brexit through, despite their limited time left to live with the consequences, tell us all that climate change is an imaginary bugbear.
  10. more like nationalistic stupidity.
  11. Then it would seem you are buggered.
  12. I have the same issue. I have a huge double door Samsung fridge in perfect working condition with the exception of a 1000 baht damper motor that regulates the airflow and temperature between the freezer and fridge side. All my vegetable freeze when the motor seizes and Samsung stopped making the part.
  13. that a pretty big leap from the statement i responded to, but oki doks, I missed the point.
  14. nailed what? a completely innapropriate comparison? people smoke weed to get high. people vape to fulfill other cravings. There is no crossover.
  15. Even more than the fixation on whores and all things thai female everywhere else in the forum?
  16. this thread is a festival of curmudgeonly misery.
  17. Been warming up the account for a while now, good to see you finally putting it to some use.
  18. Aww, listen to you. So vehmently proud and easily slighted. How quaint.
  19. thought you had me blocked my man, carry on. Hit that report button hard. But, before you do, consider if it is a joke, an attempt at sarcasm or just plain satire.
  20. Nobody has suggested that trans youths should lack support or access to counselling until. It has also been suggested that gay, lesbian and bisexual youths are equally likely to consider or commit suicide due to stigmatization.
  21. It is you politicizing this. You are also using words like "hated minority" to promote a victim culture. To the contrary, your oppressed minority is all about political gain and controlling speech as the undermine the rights women and gay populations have for for decades.
  22. No. These laws are about preventing children from making irreversible decisions before they understand the ramifications.
  23. Good. At least one government on earth has common sense.
  24. No, what he is telling you is that the resort should have registered your freinds online. If it had, they would not have this issue
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