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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. And the point i am making is that "lots of Thais" have family support, a different diet, government healthcare, access to financing and very different expectations. It is not a level playing field. To claim it is, is disingenuous.
  2. what does this spurious comparison have to do with anything? The OP is not a thai, nor a massage girl.
  3. Later mate. don't stop to reply. we will just assume that you are off to the better place.
  4. Its been shown already that its ungroomed <deleted>. 40 baht worth gas? Oh the savings.
  5. methinks its not just the missus. Their seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of loans and collateral. Keeping a bike you neither own nor pay for and using it only around the village is essentially theft. Then there is the matter of 200k for a used bike. a new ninja 400 comes in around there.
  6. I find it difficult to comprehend that this would actually be a deal breaker for some.
  7. jesus, befuddled by your own personal mythology.
  8. I would have to agree. not fully grown and very poorly groomed. even my own efforts are far better. Beyond laughable.
  9. What a joke, they don't even specify sativa or indica based. i really dont hold out much hope for these.
  10. yes, with less vomiting and no hangover the next day. And the weed actually weed, rather than a fruit wine simulation.
  11. 1978 baht crash? err what?
  12. at 36.07 Thb to the USD, i dont reckon its a bad time to be in Thailand at all. in fact, every time transfer money in its like Christmas.
  13. anyone buying their bud in a rasta bar is, by definition, a tourist.
  14. Both the kids parents sell weed. What are the chances that they were doing so pre-legalization? This has nothing to do with increased availability, everything to do with careless parenting. The Thai media is having a field day with this reefer madness stuff. if only there were precedents and empirical evidence to show folks that most of these inferences are unfounded
  15. What astonishes me is that you are willing to hold up your own personal experience as a template for others and offer actual medical recommendations. Due you stand by your treatment plan enough to put up a bond to cover the OP's treatment on the off chance you are wrong?
  16. doesn't major oral surgery constitute necessity?
  17. Tragic, but at least the media isn't claiming the guy was high on pot. Small mercies
  18. The thing is, even if he had a bag of weed to ease the meth comedown, weed will be the culprit. If he had a couple cans of Leo in tow, would they even have mentioned it? marijuana rarely if ever causes a psychotic break and destructive behavior, and this guy didn't run the wrong way through a roadblock because he was high on pot. There are unexplained circumstances here. The bong is a side issue.
  19. Couldn't sound more codger if you tried. At what point do you just give in and let the misery define you?
  20. like that isnt already the status quo? of all the places i have lived, the Philippines is the only place i couldn't find information on the internet about sendng money OUT. Every thing on the internet covers sending money in,
  21. none of this thread is doing the participants any favours.
  22. as opposed to Thailands charming amateurs
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