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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. I'm not able to access the FlyerTalk web site while using PureVPN.  I was going to inquire on their forum why they block VPNs, but by  chance, happened to have Strong VPN active and was able to access the site, so it's not simply using-a-VPN that's the issue. 


    Any ideas why the web site is not available when using PureVPN?  Do requests for access look different to web hosts when coming from different VPNs?

  2. Just be aware you might not see much speed improvement by replacing your failing HDD with a SSD.  According to a Google search, that laptop has "SATA" which to me indicates it's not SATA3 or even SATA2.  For the full speed benefit of a SSD, you need an SATA3 connection:



    What is the difference between SATA I, SATA II and SATA III?

    SATA I (revision 1.x) interface, formally known as SATA 1.5Gb/s, is the first generation SATA interface running at 1.5 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 150MB/s.


    SATA II (revision 2.x) interface, formally known as SATA 3Gb/s, is a second generation SATA interface running at 3.0 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 300MB/s.


    SATA III (revision 3.x) interface, formally known as SATA 6Gb/s, is a third generation SATA interface running at 6.0Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 600MB/s.


    This interface is backwards compatible with SATA 3 Gb/s interface.




    That's not to say you won't see *any* speed boost with an SSD, just don't set the bar too high with the older SATA bus.  You *will* enjoy other SSD benefits, though:  quiet operation, not as susceptible to damage if you drop the unit, less power used/less heat generated, etc.  You can also consider an SSD a future upgrade for another system if you decide to stop using the notebook at a later date.


    FWIW, you can probably find an HDD for about B1500 with the same, or higher, capacity and >100MB/s transfer speed.

  3. 5 hours ago, CMKiwi said:

    Seems to be an asian thing re contractors not cleaning up after themselves.  I struck that in the Philippines too.  Electricians would do their work and leave bits of stripped wire and all manner of crap lying on the floor.  Luckily I didnt need a plumber.

    Not just Asian.  In Mexico, I found many local laborers wouldn't clean up after themselves.  Those that did also stood out in that they wore clean, crisp clothing -- it seems if they took pride in their personal appearance, they took pride in their work.  My experience is similar here in Thailand, too, BTW.

  4. 12 hours ago, webfact said:

    The bus was carrying 31 passengers, including citizens of the United States, Brazil and Sweden, authorities said.

    Maybe the author(s) of the article could contact the US Embassy to let them know.


    12 hours ago, webfact said:

    The U.S. embassy in Mexico said it was working with authorities to learn whether U.S. citizens were aboard the bus.


  5. On 12/18/2017 at 6:51 PM, 473geo said:

    Well there is a password management tool in the recent update I received, as I said do not use it.

    Or perhaps it is trying to direct me to the tool but it is offered


    On 12/18/2017 at 7:05 PM, lopburi3 said:

    Where?  I just installed 1709 a few hours ago and the default Edge browser turned off my Last Pass but offered to allow to turn back on which I did.  Perhaps if you had none that browser would offer a system (as is the case for all current browsers).  But that is a browser extension so if you do not use the browser you will not be using it even if turned on in the browser.


    On 12/18/2017 at 7:10 PM, 473geo said:



    On 12/18/2017 at 7:26 PM, lopburi3 said:

    What did you click on to get that menu?  

    That (or similar) pops up by typing password in the Windows search box (Cortana?).  However, I don't see any obvious "password management tool" in that list-- other than to change the password for Windows log on or Homegroup networking.  Maybe "Sync your passwords on this PC"?  That doesn't show up when I enter password into Windows Search on my computers:




    PS:  I don't use Homegroups.

  6. On 12/18/2017 at 12:10 AM, champers said:

    Isn't Hawaian food mostly deep fried spam?

    No, there's also spam musubi.  :laugh:


    Seriously, though, in Hawaii you'll find lots of ono food like kaluha pork, lomi lomi salmon, chcken long rice, and even poi.  Granted that last one is more of an acquired taste.  Try eating at a Zippy's some time for some great comfort food, Hawaiian style.  Or, if near Waikiki, KC Drive Inn for a waffle dog with peanut butter milk shake.  Shakah brah!


    That said, I don't see much of a market for such food in Thailand.

  7. I think the general rule is that mosquitoes don't fly upwards more than seven floors.  BUT, if a community of mosquitoes sets up residence on, say, the 4th floor where a neighbor has abundant potted plants and a water feature, then they can expand up to the 11th floor, etc.  Also, they can travel up in elevators, so there is no guarantee you won't get mosquitoes on any floor, but I think the common rule of thumb is that above the 7th floor, you are relatively safe.


    Regardless the height of my unit, I install window screens/screen doors to keep out all sorts of wildlife, but that's just me.  Flying insects, birds, wandering tree snakes, enormous spiders, and other critters stay out on the outdoor balcony, it I have any say in it.  (Have you ever had a panicked bird get trapped in your room?  Bird sh*t and feathers *everywhere*!)

  8. On 12/16/2017 at 2:30 PM, suzannegoh said:

    It doesn't screw them up, the IRS clearly states that it's accceptible to print your return on A4 paper.

    They do *now*,  but several years ago they didn't.  One year (probably pre-2000?) I got a letter from them saying they would accept A4 that time, but that time only. That's all academic now, as I file electronically now.

  9. On 12/14/2017 at 7:04 PM, marinediscoking said:

    Yes. That is what I heard also. The owner who had the health problems was the one who did all the meats. it was a labor intensive slow process that had to be constantly monitored to come out right. A labor of love as most would put it. He told me the pastrami would take 21 days before it could be served. This was the main reason I heard for closure and not revenue.

    Quite some time before they closed, one of the owners chatted with me about the pastrami and at that time he said they were in final negotiations to contract out the pastrami production to a provider in Malaysia.  I quietly wondered if that would result in a lesser quality.  I didn't often have a pastrami sandwich.  When I would order other random sandwiches, I was always satisfied.  Toward the end, I tended to order the pepperoni/cheese calzones, which I *really* liked.  I think some people looked at the menu and thought the prices were too high, but I always thought the quality supported the price.  I look forward to see what the place becomes next.

    • Like 1
  10. I have a Surface Pro (2017) and in general am pleased with it.  There were some speed bumps with the docking station and external monitors after the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, but other than that pretty smooth sailing.


    I have the i7/256GB/8GB model and it replaced my i3-6320/512GB/16GB desktop without breaking a sweat.  It runs two external LCD screens via the Microsoft Dock.  I wanted the 512GB model, but couldn't justify the leap in price, so I compromised and have an external USB3 drive attached to the docking station for lesser-used files.


    I had purchased a Surface 3 (non-Pro) before and it was *way* too anemic (Atom processor) but I liked the form factor so much I took a gamble on the Surface Pro (2017).


    You can use your Surface Pro 3 keyboard with the Surface Pro (2017).  In fact, I'm using a SP3 keyboard with a fingerprint sensor because there isn't a SP2017 keyboard with a sensor.

  11. 5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

    Did you actually see a mosquito at the wound?

    Is it possible it was a different type of insect? 

    Your response was so immediate and so severe that it is atypical of a mozzie bite. 


    Your symptoms are not typical of Dengue or Malaria in my experience. 


    The description of the wound site is more like a spider bite in the US but I don't know about spiders in Thailand. 



    Could you clearly see a small single welt from a mosquito bite?  Spider bites will be in pairs, but some small spiders' fangs are so close together it might also look like a single welt, I guess.


    I was bitten by a spider at an outdoor cafe in Bangkok once, and though my symptoms were milder than yours and didn't last as long, they sound similar.

  12. What can be taken after a particularly painful episode of acid reflux to kill the throat pain?  I have occasional reflux while I sleep and sometimes the pain (burning) is really intense, while usually it's rather mild.  Water does nothing.  I thought milk or yogurt would help, but no.  Any quick "band-aid" fixes for those sudden middle-of-the-night flashes of pain?

  13. Can you roll back to the previous driver for your keyboard via Device Manager?


    [edited to add:]

    Or, even more hard-core, roll back the entire system to before the update a week ago via System Restore?  (If that doesn't help, you can also un-do the system roll-back via System Restore.)

  14. On 11/26/2017 at 2:27 PM, topt said:

    I was presuming my much older Sony (bought in 2009) with Core 2 Duo processors was also safe but using the tool I get -

    I am guessing that the "Detection Error" means it comes up with the rest automatically in a sort of CYA......

    I also note Sony are not yet on the link @wpcoe put up.

    The Intel list of manufacturers with a fix now includes Vaio (which are made by Sony) on it.  It links to this page in Japanese and Google Translate surprisingly does a good job at translating the page.  It appears, though, that the Sony fix is only for about a dozen specific models.

  15. 1 hour ago, Srikcir said:


    52 minutes ago, noopin2014 said:

    Thanks mate

    If you download the form to print at home be sure to NOT print two-sided on a single sheet of paper.  They tear off the bottom of page one to return to you, and if it's printed on a single sheet of paper, that will rip off what they need to keep on the back.


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