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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. I have both a Surface 3 (not Surface Pro 3) and a Surface Pro 2017.  Originally I bought the Atom-powered Surface 3 as a desktop replacement, and it failed miserably in that regard.  As a tablet, it would probably be fine, but for regular use of Windows programs like Photoshop, it was s-l-o-w.  I think my frustration was more with the eMMC as a hard drive -- basically a thumb drive installed on the motherboard -- than with the Atom CPU itself.  An SSD would greatly help a Surface 3, but, oh well.


    If you want to just use it as a tablet, but with a few familiar Windows programs, a Surface 3 should be adequate.  To answer the question about apps in the Windows store:  you can use those or any program that runs on a Windows desktop computer.  Just be aware that complex documents may be a bit slower to load/edit/create than on a full-powered desktop computer.


    For a very basic, but free, word processor Windows still comes bundled with WordPad.   You can open and save files in .docx (MS Word) format.  There is also the free Libre Office word processing suite that you can download and install.


    I'm very pleased with the Surface Pro 2017 (i7, 256GB, 8GB) as a desktop replacement.  It's every bit as fast as the i3-6320 desktop computer it replaced.

  2. 10 hours ago, torrzent said:

    A martini with pineapple juice???????  James Bond is rolling in his grave!

    But, will they be shaken or stirred?


    Progress is being made.  Today they were using a power washer to clean the sidewalk and they've added some planters.  Looks like there's a counter/bar along the new (bamboo?) "fence" along the front patio and they seemed to be working on indoor facilities, too.  I'm quite looking forward to the new place, especially if it's up to the standards of  POR.

  3. On 1/1/2018 at 11:06 AM, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

    Any time I've taken the Jomtien bus (not Pattaya bus) from the airport, I've always gotten off at Pattaya Klang (Central Road). I always tell the staff I want to get off there. Many Thais get off there too.


    On 1/1/2018 at 4:14 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Yes, the bus stops opposite Central Rd. If you cross Sukhumvit road there are usually baht buses waiting at the top of Central road below the diagonal roads. Have to wait till they fill up.


    I notice that they have updated the appearance of the web site slightly within the last week, and the new version now does not mention Pattaya Klang, and I think it used to.  We might need someone who has used the bus since the first of the year to confirm, just to be sure.  The OP has a valid concern, IMHO.  (I will be taking the bus on Friday, so can confirm or deny the Pattaya Klang stop if nobody does by then.)


    On 1/1/2018 at 11:06 AM, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

    This bus NEVER goes to the North Road bus terminal, unless they've just changed the route.

    Except the last two buses at 21.00h and 22.00h.    They terminate at the Pattaya Nua bus terminal "For Passenger’s safety" per their web site.

  4. 2 hours ago, champers said:

    He caught a minivan from the bus station (Ekami or Mo Chit?). Bell Bus only run busses from the airport.

    Bell also operates buses from Bangkok city hotels to Pattaya/Jomtien: 


    - van from hotel in Bangkok to a bus terminal on BangNa-Trat, then

    - big bus to Pattaya Nua bus terminal, and finally

    - van from Pattaya Nua to hotel/condo in Pattaya/Jomtien

  5. 21 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    Bangkok have washed their hands of those of us who don't live in Bangkok, so doing it there would require renting a place there, then providing proof you live there.


    Supposedly, they told the local-offices to do them - but some won't, or only rarely, or only if receiving special-compensation (10x+ the actual fee) to do it.


    Thanks.  That does sound familiar but I seem to have forgotten about it.

  6. For the option to convert to Non-Immigrant O visa within Thailand, a factor to consider is in which part of Thailand you will be living.  e.g.  Cholburi Immigrations (Pattaya/Jomtien) apparently makes it quite difficult to do the conversion.  I believe some other areas of Thailand still don't handle the conversion, and if so, you'd need to make two visits to Chaeng Wattana Immigrations (Bangkok) to accomplish the task.

  7. Used Google's DNS settings, both in my computer's network connection (both WiFi and Cat5 cable to ADSL router) and in PureVPN via Windows Network and Sharing Center, and still no connecting to that one web site via PureVPN.


    I noticed that on the Security tab for PureVPN Properties that "Type of VPN" is set to IKEv2.  Not sure why, but I thought the connection would be PPTP.  Tried changing the setting but it requires the connection to be dis-/re-connected and even though I choose another setting, PureVPN reconnnects with IKEv2.


    At this point, I surrender to the gods of the internet universe that this is "just one of those things" and disconnect from the VPN when I try to access that web site.  If there were some simple, explainable reason, it would have surfaced by now.

  8. Yes, can access the site without a VPN connection.


    Currently I have "Internet Freedom" mode selective on the app and cannot access the site.


    When I'm browsing, in particularly reading various forums, I use a VPN to avoid the annoyance when someone links to a site that is blocked within Thailand or a video that is geolocation restricted.


    Just now, with Singapore and Internet Freedom, I was unable to access FlyerTalk.  Changed the location to United States and was able to access.  Changed back to Singapore, and was able to access.  <shrug>

  9. 1 hour ago, superal said:

    I have heard that the Thai centipede also can give a very painful bite . That video should have an x cert and bet he wishes he did not do such a stupid thing . Did you catch the follow up video as I did not see a link  ?

    I don't think the follow-up video has been posted yet.  The date on that video was two days ago.  He's pretty prolific with his YouTube videos, so suspect there will be a follow-up, just not yet.

  10. 10 hours ago, Pib said:

    I just accessed FlyerTalk with PureVPN via San Francisco and Singapore VPN connections.  AND, I can accessed FlyerTalk "without" any VPN connection as shown in the snapshot below.  I'm in Bangkok on AIS Fibre.


    It's a conspiracy then.  Now I *know* they're out to get me.  :laugh:


    FWIW, I tried logging on to PureVPN with not only with their app but also "manually" by setting up a connection via Windows Networking.


    Wait.  With more tinkering, somehow it now works.  Using the app, I changed the "Mode" from Security/Privacy to Internet freedom and FlyerTalk was accessible.  I changed the mode back to Security/Privacy, and was again able to access.  In fact, all four modes permit access now.   Go figure.


    Pib, do you log on with a manually configured setting via Windows Networking or do you use the PureVPN app?  If the app, which mode?

  11. On 12/20/2017 at 11:57 PM, Thunder26 said:

    Why would you go to a hospital and pay a thick bill when there is a pharmacy next to you door that sells the same medicine for peanuts?

    I go when it segues into coughing bouts.  In Thailand, only hospitals can dispense codeine, and for me it is by far the most effective treatment for coughing.

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