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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. On 10/23/2017 at 3:36 AM, webfact said:

    The source said nearly 104,000 passengers a day were expected to use the City Line service of Airport Rail Link trains between Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi, and 65,630 passengers a day will use the high-speed railway between Suvarnabhumi and Rayong.


    Doesn't 65.6k passengers per day seem a bit high?  Even if there were 100 trains, that would mean 650+ passengers per train.  (100 trains/day would be roughly a departure every 15 minutes, 24/7.)

  2. On 10/17/2017 at 6:32 PM, leddie said:

    what happens if you leave country for 2 or 3 months without paying (say for a rented condo).....will it be cut off and do you just then go to the PEA to get it up as running again.....is it reconnected instantly if cut off?

    I think it might vary from province to province, so I'm curious what would happen in Pattaya, too.  When I lived in Hua Hin, a neighbor had his meter removed after about two months of non-payment while he was away.  It was quite pricey to have it reconnected, and they did not come out promptly after he paid up.  ISTR it was three days he waited for them to come re-install the meter.


    One time (also in Hua Hin) I never got my bill, so didn't pay, and a week after the due date they disconnected the live wire from the meter.  It was easy to just slide the wire back in after I paid the overdue bill and late fee.  The PEA truck showed up the next day to reconnect, but I had already done it the day before.  Another neighbor said I could have slid the wire back in and had power even before paying the late fee.

  3. Tramadol is available without a prescription, but there are some controls such as a licensed pharmacist must be on duty in the pharmacy and they are supposed to be registering the details (name & address?) of all purchasers.


    Apparently some pharmacies are law abiding and don't sell it without the licensed pharmacist and/or don't want to be hassled with the record keeping.  However, in my experience, most pharmacies I walk into will sell me Tramadol.

  4. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Sophon Cable TV reported on Facebook that it was not all bad news in Pattaya regarding rubbish and sidewalks with dangerous holes.


    They pictured workers from City Hall repairing a section of walk way around the Hotel Atlantis and Condo Resort.


    Residents in the Pratumnak area had been complaining about the problem for ages.


    ???  Isn't the Atlantis on Jomtien Second Road near Soi Watboon?  Why would residents in Pratumnak be complaining about that?

  5. 2 hours ago, sendintheclowns said:

    has anyone had battery problems? where can I replace mine (Pro 4) ? The icon reads 100% charged, when connected to my adaptor. As soon as I unplug it, the screen is barely visible> Lost in nakohn si thammarat.

    Screen brightness can be adjusted.  Does the battery quickly discharge from 100% or is it just the screen brightness that's an issue?

  6. I've heard of a few sales where the weak link in the chain was, in fact, the debt-free letter from the condo management.  In one case the ONLY person authorized to sign the letter was on a two-week vacation and totally unavailable.  This was a fairly large, rather well known property, too.  Assuming you are in contact with the seller, have them get that process started as early as you can.

  7. 4 hours ago, dddave said:

    Is your Win-10 legit?   

    Are you sure?


     My thought as well, especially since he "had [it] put on" the computer.  Sounds like it was a Lenovo without an O/S and the shop put on a bootleg copy of Windows.


    Elsewise Windows Update will check regularly (daily?) for updates, and if nothing else, will install the monthly Patch Tuesday updates.

  8. 2 hours ago, SEEDGER said:

    Pattaya sewage treatment plant needs to be updated to handle the increase in sewage.  I read some where it can only process 60 million gallons but takes in 80 million. The government needs to improve the sanitation treatment plant for Pattaya, which in turn will bring in the tourists which they seem to want.


    *Is* there a functioning sewage treatment plant in Pattaya?  I thought the one in Jomtien on Soi Watboon is non-functioning.  Is there another one?

  9. Had lunch yesterday at Hawker Chan, and my jury's still out.  I always give a place a second try just in case I hit them on a rare "off" day.


    I had the signature chicken with noodles.  I think the chicken was slightly undercooked.  It was not hot like the noodles were, the meat was slightly pink in the middle (not bloody, just a hint of pink) and had to be gnawed off the bones.  The noodles were rather clumpy, too.  Flavor-wise, though, both the chicken and noodles were top notch.


    I guess compared to food court pricing it may be high, but I didn't think it was unreasonable for a decent size dish of chicken and noodles.  I also appreciated that they had Coke Zero -- so many places only have sugared soft drinks -- at B30.


    I think next time I'll try the sliced pork and maybe ho fun noodles?

  10. 30 minutes ago, maxpower said:

    Login to a Google account and the language settings will follow you. Google wants you to open an account or it will make you crazy.

    Thanks!  Those URLs are exactly what I was wanting.  I can't even remember the last time I logged on to Google, and will try to keep that practice if at all possible.

  11. 18 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    You are a committee member. This is similar to being on the board of directors of a company. Indeed the term is used in the Condo Act. You are there to represent the interests of co-owners. This is an elected position and is not a job. There should be between 3 and 9 members in every condo building.
    The Juristic Person is the legal entity of the physical building, and its finances.
    The Juristic Person Manager is a person (or company) appointed by the vote of co-owners to be responsible for the building and to ensure that it obeys the law. Being JPM is a real job (even if the person doing it receives no salary) and cannot be performed by a farang unless he/she has a work permit.
    You may also have a building manager who is just staff and can be appointed by the JPM.

    Nice concise set of definitions.  Thanks!


    18 hours ago, saakura said:

    I think you should decline the offer as you do not seem to be aware of even the most basic thing like the difference between a Juristic Manager and  Condominum Committee Member. 

    I wouldn't be so harsh with a rush to judgment.  Everybody has to start somewhere and @madmonk888 could turn out to be a fast study and a real asset to his/her building.

  12. When I updated to iOS 11 on my iPhone SE some dates on SMSs in the Messages app had random future dates assigned to them.  I waited for the first update, iOS 11.0.1, which I installed a couple days ago, but it didn't fix the problem:




    From the content of the messages, they look like they were probably from 2015 or 2016.  It's only 18 SMS "conversations," or about two screens to scroll down to reach the actual most recent SMS.  I have messages from as old as 2012 that seem to be properly indexed.   If I open one of the SMSs with a future date assigned, it shows only the day of week as if they were in the past week.  (Usually SMSs over a week old show day of week and date.)


    I Googled and found no hits with a problem like mine, and not sure what best third-party site to use to get help.  I tried to get chat support from Apple, but keep getting the following error:


    Has anybody here experienced such a problem with SMS dates, and more importantly, found a solution?


    What's the best way to contact Apple for assistance from Thailand?

  13. 19 hours ago, Jeffrey346 said:

    That's correct. Google has servers in most countries. You are automatically connected to the server closest to you. This is why Google searches are fast.

    Slightly off topic, but how can I guarantee to connect to a non-Thailand Google server?  I often use google.com/flights to research trips and increasingly I get the Thai version. i.e. Totally in Thai language.  For a regular Google search, I know google.com/ncr, but that doesn't seem to work with /flights appended.

  14. 10 hours ago, kg1947 said:

    If you need transportation, RENT a Blue pickup ( Songthaew ) ,

    they have suffered through many episodes , yet the regular routes

    still cost Baht 10.- p/person.

    Within the CITY - charter price B. 150.- up to B 200.- / trip

    Outside City Limit - charter B 250.- and up . 

    SUPPORT YOUR HARDWORKING BLUE pickups , although

    sometimes they're a bit moody & have no smiles left .....

    IF YOU HAVE TO MAKE A LIVING like them, you'll be grumpy too !


    10 hours ago, kg1947 said:

    RENT a BLUE pickup instead ...

    In town B 150.- to B 200.-

    Going out of tiwn B 250.- and up 

    Screw the TAXI MAFIA , They will never use METER .

    Blue pickup from Tesco Lotus to my home:  B200.

    Uber from Tesco Lotus to my home:  B85-B100.

  15. On a smaller scale of a similar issue, several times when I've arranged Grab or Uber to pick me up at my condo building, they've gone to the rear entrance while I'm waiting at the front door.  They do call to ask where I am and all but one agreed to drive around to the front, but one driver insisted I come to the rear entrance.  Not a big deal, but I find it annoying and puzzling.


    Why would they drive to the rear entrance (service delivery entrance)?  And, no, there's no taxi stand in front that might be a threat to the driver.


    And (moreso in the OP's situation than mine), what if the customer were mobility impaired?

  16. 2 hours ago, superal said:

    Not aware of the dengue vaccine , have you had it yet ? any idea of the cost ?


    I got the dengue vaccine at BNH hospital in Bangkok, but don't know the price as it was one of several shots I got at the same time.  

  17. @bruceamstutz:  A possible hitch in the plan could be flying to Thailand for a 30-day visa-exempt stamp.  Technically he would need to show a ticket departing Thailand within the 30-day period before the airline in Taiwan could check him in.  I don't know how strict the airlines in Taiwan are, though.  In the USA it's policed pretty sternly.


    If he has a visa of any sort, including the Non-Immigrant O and Tourist visas as mentioned above, there is no need to show a ticket out of Thailand before checking in for a flight to Thailand.  Only on a 30-day visa-exempt entry.

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