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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. On 11/25/2017 at 10:11 PM, steve187 said:

    do a system restore

    Which brings up one of my favorite Windows Update bits of shenanigans -- it keeps turning System Restore "off" with no notice.  It probably happened with the Fall Creators Update, but I forgot to be vigilant and check at that time.  The other day I went to set a manual restore point (which I often do when updating software manually) and found Windows Restore was not turned on.  This has happened with several of the major Windows updates.  

  2. 1 hour ago, EcigAmateur said:


    JBC was looking worst than Nirun few years ago before second road was built, and before they repainted the building. Did the management changed ?


    I remember talking to a JBC owner while the Jomtien Second Road construction dragged on, and he said that management was literally waiting for the dust to settle before painting the back three (A1, A2 & A3).  They acknowledged that they were overdue but figured painting them before/during the construction would be pointless.

  3. 3 hours ago, RichCor said:

    Reading these articles, it really looks like many Intel users are really pwned unless they correct this with a BIOS patches (that may never be written for some users).


    This, 100%.  I'm cautiously optimistic that my computer, as a recent Microsoft Surface flagship model, will see the BIOS patch.  And, hopefully sooner than later.

  4. On 11/23/2017 at 10:52 PM, Destiny1990 said:

    Friend of mine is considering and he is allowed by the juristic comitee to partially enclose his balcony about 3,5 Meters wide...


    On 11/24/2017 at 8:43 AM, Destiny1990 said:

    I think u correct about the dirt streak that will effect units under mine is there a good way to prevent this?


    On 11/24/2017 at 9:51 AM, Destiny1990 said:

    The outerwall of my enclosed kitchen will be from the ground up bricks cement till about one meter high. So right above my kitchen sink...



  5. On 8/17/2017 at 3:41 PM, wpcoe said:

    Hoo boy.  The Thailand seller raised their price slightly and Amazon lowered their price slightly, so I went to order on Amazon.


    The "Import Fee Deposit" went from $99.15 (on the old US$1300.55 price) to $242.92 (on the new US$1278.54 price).


    What the heck???   From 7.6% to 19%?  :angry:


    On 9/2/2017 at 4:00 PM, Beachbunny said:

    Clear your cookies...I had that happen when looking at several price quotes for air fare last year...cleared my cookies and all was fine.  it may help...


    Hobz's post brought me back to this thread so I thought I'd re-check the "Import Fee Deposit" and, sure enough, it's down to $92.96 just now (on $1268 price.)  I remember clearing the cookies when Beachbunny suggested it and at that time it stayed ~$245.  Seems almost random what Amazon pre-charges for import fees.

  6. It does matter what your purpose will be.  Different considerations for a rental (and also whether long-term or (illegal) short-term) vs owner occupant.

    As an owner occupant or long-term renter I would place VT1 ahead of JBC.  Living here year 'round I value access in the immediate area to things like grocery stores, banks and restaurants without needing a car or moto-sai.  Also prefer walking to such places vs relying on a baht bus.  Not much within walking distance of JBC, but VT1 has plenty.  For the very rare times I want to go to the beach, the distance from VT1 to the beach would not be a hindrance.


    However as a rental for a short-term visitor, who may put highest priority on being "at the beach," not care so much about banks and groceries, and might find baht buses a fun part of the local flavor, JBC might be a better choice?  There is a 7-11 right in front for munchies, beverages and basic toiletries.


    Both places seem to be relatively well managed and have decent pool areas.

  7. 20 hours ago, dabhand said:

    My main gripe with airport rides is when the driver pulls into a gas station shortly after pickup. This despite turning up early and not using that time to get organised.


    The final price charged by Uber is based on a formula of actual distance traveled and actual time taken.  The cynic in me says that the driver wanted you to pay for the minutes that he was filling his tank rather than doing it for free before he picked you up.  It's a bonus if the gas station is not on a direct route to the destination, thus also adding to the distance part of the equation, as well.


    One benefit of Grab is that they give you a fixed price before you accept the ride (Uber displays a suggested range of prices, but doesn't guarantee any of them).  Even if you sit in traffic for an hour with Grab, the price stays the same.  With Uber it's like a metered taxi where the meter ticks upward during a wait.

  8. On 11/12/2017 at 11:28 PM, dddave said:

    Both Boots and Watsons sell 400mg Ibuprofin for between 30 and 50 baht for a 10 pill pack.  Many non-chain pharmacy's sell 600mg  10 packs for B30 and up, including the pharmacy on Sukhumvit close to Bully's between soi's 2 & 4.


    I haven't done extensive research, but each time I've gone to buy ibuprofren in Thailand it's always been in relatively large dosage, usually 600 mg.  I'm used to Advil in the USA which is 200mg and recommended dosage is one tablet/caplet every 4 to 6 hours, and that's usually adequate for my aches and pains.


    Next time I'll check Boots/Watsons for 400mg and slice them in half.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, R123 said:

    I was involved in doing a change of address in Jomtien Immigration recently (the side entrance section) and the official there was telling a person ahead of me that a TM 30 is needed anytime someone leaves Thailand and returns; the report needs to be filed within 24 hours.

    The inference being no matter if someone  leaves Thailand for just a day or less, the report still needs to be submitted within the 24 hour period.

    No mention made if someone is simply  travelling around Thailand without leaving the country.

    Note I am just relating what I witnessed first hand.


    15 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    I also filed myself and got the TM-30 stapled to back page of my pspt - asked  Miss cutie pie in the IO Office on the left  -  if I went to Vietnam and came back, do I need to file again, she said "If same address, no, change Condo, yes"  I said that was easy - she replied "Later will be on-line for owners, even easy more and smiled"  So I will test the water and not file again when I come back next trip.


    And, there you have it.  MORE conflicting "correct" info coming directly from the horse's mouth -- the Immigrations staff in the TM.30 room in the Jomtien office...


    Somewhere in this forum section is someone who reported they were advised -- by the folks in the TM.30 room in the Jomtien office -- that if, and only if, they were gone more than 14 days is a new TM.30 required. 



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  10. When I moved into my Jomtien condo last year I duly filed a TM.30 as owner-occupant.


    I've read conflicting reports from folks who were told by Jomtien Immigrations that after you file a TM.30 you:


    –  never need file another one unless you move to new address, even after being out of town

    –  only need to file another one if you are gone for more than 14 days

    –  need to file a new one every time you return from being out of town


    I returned from overseas late Friday night after being gone 17 days, so thought maybe I better file again.  I completed a new TM.30 and when I got to the office, the line to the room on the left was out the front door. (!)  I saw folks holding plastic laminated cards with numbers, so I asked at the desk if I needed one to file a TM.30 and they said yes.


    That, in itself, was interesting:  Why queue up if you have a number?  Why issue numbers if there’s a queue?


    When my place in line was opposite the counter on the left of the lobby there were two IOs there, including Mr. Personality (you Jomtien veterans know who I mean...) so I politely asked if I needed to file a new TM.30 after explaining I already filed one for the same address before and had the receipt in my passport.  Both IOs said no, so I returned to the front desk to give back the number card and the girl looked puzzled, so I said I didn’t need to file a TM.30 since I had already filed one for the same address.  She looked at my passport & TM.30 receipt and said I *did* need to file a new one.


    I got back in line and the IOs looked at me questioningly so I explained that apparently I *did* need to file a new TM.30.  They asked: “Same address?”  And I said yes, but I was gone for 2.5 weeks.  They said: “You don’t need to file again.  Who told you that you did?” So, I pointed to the girl at the front desk and Mr. Personality (quite friendly, in fact) said: “She no Officer.”


    Not sure who to believe, but not wanting to spend an hour or so in line, I thanked the IOs, turned on my heel, and left.


    What would YOU have done?

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