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Everything posted by wpcoe

  1. Do you need to use ID.me or login.gov to access/service your SSA account? I still go directly to the https://www.ssa.gov/site/signin/en/ page and click on "my Social Security" for entry. My pension, however, is administered by the PBGC (another federal agency) and they now require use of login.gov, and it requires a US landline phone in the users name to register. (!) No way around it. They made this change about two years ago (?) so I've lost online access to my pension information, can't request tax forms, etc. I mean, in this day and age, how many people have land lines in their name. e.g. Husband and wife, even if they have a land line, only one of their names can be on it, so how does the other person get their login.gov credentials?
  2. It's not only "American expats with addresses outside the USA and receiving their SS benefits in the foreign country," It's "American expats with addresses outside the USA." I had my Thai address on file with the SSA, but always had my SS checks direct deposited to my US bank, never overseas, and I got the annual "are you still alive?" letter.
  3. They ran 3x or 4x per hour. I used to catch the Red Bus on Jomtien Beach Road and was usually one of about four or five passengers. To correct my first post, the fare was B30.
  4. When I lived in Thailand (up until 2020) I would get the annual letter mailed to my Thai address from the SSA asking me to reply or they would suspend my benefit. I never had the SS payments made to Thailand – I always have had it direct deposited to my USA bank. I did, however, have my permanent address in the SSA system as Thailand, so I think it's not only folks with ACH transfers to Bangkok Bank.
  5. Shoot. Undoubtedly you're correct. I don't know where I got that one-year exclusion idea from.
  6. (Somehow that posted before I was ready....) If I can determine from Aetna that some/most/all of the pre-existing conditions would be excluded only for one year, I might start the policy in January 2023 so that the one-year period ends sooner.
  7. @internationalism Thanks. I do want to be in dialog with Aetna before I re-start (part-year) residency in Thailand. At this time, I wanted to see what expectations I should have, and ideally, have someone chime in who has actually done it. I'm planning a 60-day Thailand visit starting in January 2023 and will talk to Aetna directly then. I probably would restart residency in the autumn of 2023. (Don't want to have a retirement extension renewal date in high season again!) I have permanent residency in Mexico so I can come & go with ease here.
  8. @Etaoin Shrdlu Thanks. That's what I was assuming, but sometimes that eternal trickle of hope can work. Not this time, it seems. I'm planning a visit next Jan-Mar and will check it out when I'm there.
  9. I had lived full-time in Thailand from 2001 until February 2020 when I left on a one-way ticket to Mexico, where I have lived full-time since. I'm rethinking my life plans and considering splitting time 50/50 between living in Mexico and Thailand. I had an Aetna (previously BUPA) health insurance plan for 15+ years before I left in 2020. I maintained the policy for one more year but then decided not to renew. If I return to Thailand and want to get the another Aetna policy am I screwed for any/all pre-existing conditions? If so, would those pre-existing conditions be excluded from coverage permanently, or only, say, for one year?
  10. Thanks. That's a different series of phone numbers that what I had found/tried. The one I had rang with no answer. Maybe I'll try during the week to see if I can get a person on the line.
  11. Where can I find the web site for the Thai Embassy in Mexico? Close as I can tell it should be http://www.thailatinamerica.net/mexico/ but that domain is either not registered or has expired? I want to know their visa process, e.g. visa types available, procedure to apply, costs, etc.
  12. Remember the roaring success of the Pattaya Beach Bus circa 2005? Oh, right. It failed after what, six months? The fare was B15 or B20, IIRC, in air conditioned comfort, and they couldn't attract enough passengers to make a go of it. I think baht buses are here for the long haul. Long live the baht bus! ????
  13. A mountain goat would be on a mountain, hence they are flying right at/into a mountain.
  14. Interesting. I know they did that at Don Muang (before Suvarnabhumi opened). Didn't know that was the case at Suvarnabhumi now.
  15. Does Thailand recognize the Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine, which is one dose?
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