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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. No problem. We can respectfully disagree with each other Like it or not, on the basis of being a former President, Donald Dump is a bit different than the average citizen however that shouldn't afford him special legal status. Dump's arrogance will definitely shine through in court and possibly it'll help some of his Dumpster followers get a clearer understanding of this smug, vile mammal. Based on the questioning in this Fall 2022 deposition, I'd speculate bank fraud may be part of the focus of the Dump inditement.
  2. I share your disgust with Donald Dump but contrary to you, I hope all the proceedings are televised. I often watch court proceedings from gavel to gavel. I know of no better way to cut through media BS than to witness everything live. It's also one step further away from secret trials still held in some countries. Let's have complete transparency, I say.
  3. I once had a Bolt drive where the driver was engrossed in watching a film on a device sitting on his dashboard.
  4. What did the test cost and where was the lab located?
  5. Since this is all new territory, I'm curious as to where you acquired that understanding. Do you have any links you can share?
  6. Does this mean Donald Dump is not above the law? Will he actually be held accountable for crimes he's committed. His trial likely won't begin before the 2024 Presidential Election. Is it conceivable he could be running for President while being tried for alleged crimes?
  7. Yeah, sure. This forum is absolutely stuffed with multi millionaires. Pleaz tell us what you think translates to high net wealth.
  8. Do you seriously think your post is helpful to most members on this forum? High wealth? Become a Client Coutts services have been designed to meet the needs of high-net-worth individuals and their businesses. Lets (sic?) start with a few simple questions to ensure we are well suited to your needs.
  9. I know a fellow who when selling his car the prospective buyer wanted him to accompany to the bank to pick up the cash. Turns out the buyer was going to the bank to merely apply for an auto loan. The sale never took place.
  10. What do U.S. cops have to do with this thread?
  11. A gigantic condo building is just what that area needs. I'd hope the city planners would require the principle parties in the project to live full time there for a set number years so they could also enjoy the congestion they contributed to.
  12. Since you brought up the topic once again, I'll respectfully reply. I hadn't given it too much thought but if I had to make a choice, I'd go for what's behind door # 1 which is the former. As for the second part of your question, that'd be a firm no answer with the comment that I guess some people are just thin skinned. I.e. they're comfortable dishing it out but at a loss when it comes to them being on the receiving end.
  13. Donald Dump just wants more time time work in his tan.
  14. If you'd like to make a complaint about the forum, please take a number and get in line.
  15. The only venue I know of where that claim might gain traction is running a chain of brothels.
  16. Well that's more that the GDP of many cuntries. You ask? Investors in Tesla will certainly care.
  17. If your intention is to lose a friend go ahead and tell him. Since the matter is none of your business he'll likely focus his disappointment and anger at you rather than the lady. He's an adult. Let him handle his own business.
  18. A potential 55 billion USD pay package seems excessive. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/musks-tesla-pay-package-under-001827198.html
  19. Ok, That's merely your take on it. Transparency.com might have a different take on it than you.
  20. Some people just can't be helped.
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