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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. LOL And Brits love to claim Americans don't get British humor or scarism. Sorry but you failed.
  2. Unfortunately such an oral promise isn't worth the paper it's written on.
  3. Tourism is up? Tell that to the countless business owners whose business is boarded up.
  4. Are you talking about floor covering or a suit to wear?
  5. So you're the one that scarfed them all up? ???? "So - can I get some sent snail-mail (by ship cheaply?) to me, like maybe small packets of 480 bags, 1.5kg max without the customs thieves confiscating them? Apparently postage by sea is many times cheaper than by air from the UK and that makes it viable financially. " How many bags do you use a day? I was once told by a customs agent they could tax the air inside an empty box if they so chose to do.
  6. Google shows a rate today of 34.45 THB to USD. What time frame are you using to say the baht is more expensive? As far as hotels go, when I check just for the fun of it at some hotels I like, the prices seem much lower than what I paid in the past. Your mileage varies a lot, I believe, from mine.
  7. Good golly. That's all the more reason the police should have no problem identifying the decedent. Did they forget to inquire?
  8. I know my vision is getting bad but I definitely don't see the pink you're talking about. Can you say the name of said pill you refer to from 15-18 years ago? Never heard of such a thing. "A foreign tourist with an unknown identity was found dead and unclothed in a rental room in the Banglamung district of Chonburi Saturday evening, April 23rd." I thought registration in a Thailand hotel required a passport. Since the hotels make a photo copy of the passport information page, shouldn't identification of the victim be easy?
  9. Are you sure that's not Heinz mustard? Your screen resolution must be better than mine. Poor lad even left earwax DNA on the cotton bud. He should've known they're not to be shoved in to one's ear.
  10. OK, BritTim. Sorry I can't comply with your request to check my long ago forgotten passport but it's duly noted you're in the "it's not a visa camp". My current passport however does in fact have visa stamped on it but I know it's not really a visa as if i even cared. ????
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