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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Well, Signor Bocelli can sing jolly loudly, so even with social distancing everyone should be able to hear him... Joking apart ( and believe me it was quite hard to think up a joke set against such a stupid, bizarre and insensitive proposal) it is quite grotesque to be even contemplating spending that sort of money ( which would go a long way to relieve suffering) on what is basically an ego boost for those who are attempting to seize control of the tourist market; set amidst the economic and social destruction of the inchoate policies which they and the government which answers to them have imposed. Obscene.
  2. Perhaps, but then not all countries make their schoolchildren recite the national anthem every morning... There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being proud of one's country. I do however think that it is wrong that one should, as a child, have uncritical and unchallenged pride in one's country forced upon and demanded of one. It is a bit like making them wear a straightjacket to stop them putting their hands in their pockets! Of course it doesn't really work, as the current younger generations (unrealisable) interest in living elsewhere rather demonstrates. As soon as they shed the straightjacket the hands go into the pockets!
  3. "You pay already." "Sorry, delivery late, maybe soon." "Sorry, no refund." And so the familiar tunes play on...
  4. I wonder how long before the operators of the quarantine facilities will be approaching the testing authorities with "tempting offers" to ensure that their "quarantine hotels" are kept full?
  5. Yes, as soon as "quarantine" is on the cards, one day, seven days or two weeks, with all that entails in terms of "release" being at the whim of officialdom, then most will go elsewhere!
  6. Take out the "unaccompanied male", take out the "backpackers", take out the "budget holidaymakers", oh and take out the Chinese 'cos that whole ballgame is changing for Chinese domestic political and economic reasons; there is not an awful lot left. A few of the illusory Indian Billionaires perhaps perhaps? I am not wealthy, and have little real insight into what drives the wealthy into selecting a holiday destination, but I am pretty sure that being fawned upon by the world renowned gouging Thai establishment, manifestly intent on separating them from as much of their wealth as possible, against a background of shuttered venues and frankly grotty manufactured "attractions" will not work!
  7. Well done, that has firmly put the boot into whatever may have been happening in Khon Khaen! Honestly, some people! Have you been on a special course or does it come naturally?
  8. They have blown their whole reopening strategy. One of the main (perhaps only, certainly few ) night time attractions for tourists here in Chiang Rai (foreign and domestic) was the night bazaar area. Stalls, shops and hawkers selling a wide variety of clothing and Northern Thai artefacts and clothing. In the middle were a couple of "beer garden" affairs, where you could sit, drink a glass of beer, order snacks and watch the comings and goings. You could take your children there and they could perch on the edge of their seats and drink a glass of pop with the grownups. There was a stage for musicians, dancers, and the inevitable, ubiquitous "lady boy show". No hassle, no trouble, no fighting, no drunks. Less risk of catching Covid than queuing for KFC in Big C! Within a week of the bars being closed, virtually everything else was closed. People simply stopped going. Several hundred jobs and livelihoods were lost, probably more if you consider the supply chains for the goods. Of course most of those were among the local hill tribe community ( predominantly Akka) so the powers that be couldn't give two hoots! The puritans and the comic opera soldiers quite simply don't get it. People (Thai and foreign) like to relax, have a drink and enjoy themselves. If they can't, and that is known, then they won't come!
  9. The teachers themselves have virtually no say in whether their schools are closed. Our school is now shut ( luckily the holidays start this week). Why? Because 3 children in one class have it. They caught it from the driver of the van which brought them to and from school ( they are all getting better thank God)! There is no effective testing regime for people like the van drivers!
  10. Now there is an angry chap! Saved up for a week's shagging last April and then had to cancel?
  11. I trust that before posting this (accurate) description of "The Hammer 2021" you checked that he was not in the electric car business? "Where the sun doesn't shine" and so forth...????
  12. "Ride-hailing services enter uncharted territory after new regulations take effect" Best upgrade the old GPS then!
  13. He went on to express surprise that the country extended beyond Bangkok and it's surrounding provinces, although he did admit to wondering occasionally where all the poor people went when their jobs had gone!
  14. I come from Bath, it would be a shame if the old place were to depreciate!
  15. "Returnees" - those with homes/families here yes. "Normal" tourists no. Ironically, the great "white (?) hope" for tourism, the Chinese mass market is probably over. Chinese looks set to be restricting travel for its people for the foreseeable future, for domestic political and economic reasons. The Indian Millionaires are a mirage. Thailand needs it's traditional Western tourists rather more if it is to have any sort of recovery; it seems hell bent on discouraging them.
  16. No, it was a light-hearted comment! Actually, I think I may have had a mild case way back at the start - February 2020. My daughter went to a pop concert, and a couple of days later had a cough, sore throat and temperature. I took her to the local hospital, they gave her some medicines, including green chiretta, and sent her home. Looked after her, after three days she recovered, and I went down with the same thing. Took me a week to recover. I haven't been tested, not least because in earlier days a positive test would have meant being banged up! It would be interesting to know though!
  17. Well I have been taking a couple of capsules every morning for the last few months, and I haven't caught Covid 19 yet! Seriously, I have used it for colds/flu for years; it helps with the symptoms. As a medicine to suppress/alleviate symptoms (in particular coughs, fever and sore throat) it seems to work. It certainly cannot do any harm. It is not being claimed as a cure, but as a treatment.
  18. Might come in at just a tad over his budget, especially if you couple it with a Leica!
  19. I would beg to differ; "Dad's Army" had some basis in fact, it was well regarded and is remembered fondly, and those playing a leading role were amongst the most talented in their professional generation...
  20. However Digital Economy and Society minister Chaiwut Thanakhamanusorn thinks he scents an opportunity...
  21. So the Thai authorities are going for highly publicised measures, which are impractical to enforce, only vaguely explained, largely misunderstood and will be ignored by most of the population. Definitely back to normal!
  22. This morning she was told it will be Friday. After lunch it was announced that "there is a problem getting the vaccine", so it might be next week, or maybe later... And so the familiar tunes play on...
  23. "I am thinking of a holiday somewhere in the Far East - maybe Thailand?" "Righty ho, now, we can get you some good deals on flights, £xyz return with Rattle Snake Air." "Sounds good!" Yes, now of course you will need Certificates of Entry, you can get them from the Embassy, vaccination certificates, you will have to pay for a series of tests when you arrive - pricey I know but the nurse is cute, special Covid insurance only available from a Thai government approved company, maybe the same for quarantine, it's a bit unclear, after you have been in whatever sandbox you end up in for a couple of weeks you may be able to travel around if the local police chief is in a good mood, oh, and of course, now there is an entry tax of..." (Potential tourist interrupts at this point) "No, sod it, I think I will go to Greece!"
  24. There again, with all the supplementary charges: special insurance, testing charges, possible quarantine charges etc. etc, this may, for some (many) be the straw which breaks the camel's back! I am willing to bet (were it legal) that it will only be payable in cash, into the sticky paws of an official. "Sorry, no change, receipt cannot!" Thailand is certainly determined to restore it's tourist industry!
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