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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Well no, in 1971 I was 14. Didn't do a lot of independent travel ( or vegetables) then! You will always find someone who harks back to " the good old simple times", invariably they omit to mention the poverty, lack of medical care, endemic diseases, shorter life expectation, child mortality and political savagery of those times. There is much to "tick" about here today, but people's lives are measurably better, despite 7/11 and Elton Musk's ambitions to scatter corpses all over space!
  2. So confusion reigns, but the underlying theme remains: Not for you foreigners...
  3. I was born a couple of years after the span of dates you specify. I don't know about understanding "our world". I certainly don't understand you! PS. I have had a good root around on Google street view, and you are right, there are no icebergs around here...
  4. A direct quote from the OP: "Lieutenant Phanurak - the doctor concerned". A rational, evidence-backed case for assuming that he is a police doctor.
  5. Well it is rather difficult to see what other conclusion could be reached! However, enough is enough, you are obviously determined to pick a fight on the matter - however I am not interested.
  6. You can claim a record number of vaccinations for that day - fuel for the big reopening plan?
  7. They also mention his rank. That rather leads to the conclusion that he is regarded by the police as " one of them".
  8. Well, perhaps it may be more accurate to say that this government emerged as the "winners" after the last election; after they engineered the banning of one significant opposition party immediately prior to voting, engineered the dissolution of another immediately after the election, including banning it's leader on ridiculous trumped up charges, and were only then confirmed as winners by an appointed senate made up from their cronies who they had appointed when in power prior to the election, in power remember as a result of having staged a military coup! Frankly I would suggest that the ballot box was probably the least important factor in this government "winning" the election.
  9. He is described as a police doctor. He is also described by the rank he holds in the police force. There is some confusion granted as to whether he is a Lieutenant or a Lieutenant Colonel, I rather suspect the latter. Now it could be said that he is a senior police officer who is a doctor, or a doctor who is a senior police officer. It doesn't really matter which is put first, but the fact that the thrust of the report in the OP states that he will be granted no special favours because he is a police officer suggests to me (and I think many others) that it is one of, if not the primary considerations which his superiors want to establish.
  10. Perhaps the cat has poked his nose out of the bag to suggest that they are not having much success at producing it this year?
  11. Especially those who paid for it two months ago, in the expectation of receiving it in October.
  12. In my neck of the woods they take great care to avoid any such exposure - you simply never see them after dark, in fact they don't even go out in the rain!
  13. Described in the OP as " Lieutenant" which rather indicates that is he is a uniformed member...
  14. Oh I am sure that the announcement with detailed statistics and suitable graphics is already prepared. The vinyl printing machine will be programmed, only the date to be inserted. As to when it will be released, that probably depends on 1) their plans ( I use the term loosely of course) for announcing reopening, and of course 2) if anything (scandal breaking) happens which causes enough of a problem to need a " distraction programme" - although that would be a "nuclear option"!
  15. They just can't help themselves can they? That is not dual pricing, that is 16 times pricing! Next we will hear that they are trying to ponce Sputnik vaccines of the Russians. Surely there are enough in bemedalled senior goons scratching around in the various sandpits to put a stop to this - surely they realise how such rampant overcharging will screw any such project, or are they blinded by the thought of what their share of 7,500 x 500,000 will be?
  16. Yes, and of course you are entirely right. As many will realise, the Police Force, especially in cases which involve one of their own, and which have a bearing upon their "benefits" have an ability to dictate the outcome in such cases. In the unusual event that a court "gainsays" their "findings" then that judgement is simply ignored. Again, I am sure you know that.
  17. Two points. You appear somehow to have got the idea that the military exists to serve society. Exactly the opposite is true, society exists to justify, feed (and fund) the military. I thought Tarot was that sickly green or purple gunk which they put in those sticky buns in the refrigerated compartments in 7/11? Why do you spread it on playing cards, and if you get it on your pentacles, doesn't it make it rather hard to see through them?
  18. You may well be right there. What is more, I wonder if the almost total cessation of trading by very many enterprises, the supervision of which was a lucrative form of licensed banditry for various uniformed and trinket strewn agencies has led to some discontent, at a time when the same agencies may soon be needed to be "on side"!
  19. Well with everything closed down there is <deleted> all else to do! Except for complaining about people coming on TVF ( or whatever it's called now) and complaining about too many people complaining, if you see what I mean...
  20. I suspected some time ago (and suggested) that sooner or later they would just give up and let the Covid control measures just fade away. Could this be the first step in this happening? One can only hold a hot potato for so long without burning ones fingers...
  21. The senior police officers have very considerable influence, and will deploy that influence to ensure that events follow the course which they wish them to.
  22. They don't need an opportunity to change. They need the will to change. They need to want it to change. They have neither.
  23. I have rather come round to that opinion. If they don't change (and they won't) it is inevitable.
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