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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Teaching online ( done properly) is more time consuming both in preparation and marking/feedback. Assessing grades, always fairly subjective, is far more difficult. If nothing else it should expose any "pretend teachers". Now whether the schools will take any action over "pretend teachers", or even identify or monitor them is another matter...
  2. It is not just Pattaya. I had a drive around Chiang Rai yesterday - even up here in the frozen north things seemed to be stirring... To offer an answer to the OP, at the simple level the decision takers are driven by a desire to control people's lives (coupled perhaps with a certain prurient morality?); at the enforcement level an opportunity for some ore lucrative "informal licencing fees"!
  3. Well that should put the boot in to any attempt to resurrect the tourist industry!
  4. If you think that selling alcohol " for consumption on the premises", is a major contributor to the risk of spreading Covid (I don't think it is, any more so than many other activities which involve gathering in groups) then it is logical to ban it - full stop. Qualifying such bans by considering whether or not food is served, live music played, dancing occurs and/or zoning rather demonstrates that the policy is driven, at the decision making level by a desire to control people's lives, perhaps for prurient reasons, and at the enforcement level by the opportunities provided to some lucrative "informal licensing".
  5. The teacher's job is to prepare and present the lessons. If pupils either don't go online, or simply go online, turn off their cameras and leave a picture - usually a "teen" cartoon up whilst actually doing something else, there is nothing the teachers can do. Over recent weeks I have had several parents ask that I set work, and even on one occasion teach lessons again, for their (usually teen age) children who simply skived the online lessons, and are now worried about grades. I just refer them to the class Line site, where all the lessons and work sheets are. "But he/she ( it is usually he) doesn't understand the work sheets." "If he/she attended the lesson they would have understood the work sheets". Parents are responsible for their children attending school, whether on site or on line.
  6. It really is quite remarkable to see how the US has engaged with and in South East Asia over the last two decades. Someone understands "soft power". Gone are the days when Thailand was the only friend in the region!
  7. It goes with having what is in effect a military government. In some in ways there's a good argument for having a soldier heading up the fight against the lurgy. One expects a General to be able to identity, select and maintain an aim ( a principal of war) and to be able to carry out a thorough appreciation, prepare a plan and brief (give clear orders to) a professional and highly trained staff to achieve that aim ( a basic précis of the military leadership process); then I took another sip from my glass of home made cider (last week really was a remarkable vintage) and remembered where I was ...
  8. Well yes, but as the temples close their gates at sunset, and most cultural activities finish before the evening meal having a few beers in company does help pass the time until morning - then it is full steam ahead on the temple and cultural route of course!
  9. Earnest scientific observation of both these activities at a variety of venues has led me to believe that often they go (literally) hand in hand I was shocked I tell you, shocked! I had to keep going back, to ensure that I had not got the wrong impression! When the bars reopen I shall make it my business to resume observations, to ensure that such depravity has ceased.
  10. Missed payments maybe? There again, perhaps a little demonstration of what may almost certainly happen if you don't " play the game" over the next few months?
  11. I am afraid that I really couldn't comment. You see I have never had a few beers with Mr Heinecke
  12. Some of those involved may see the inside of a prison. Those responsible almost certainly not.
  13. Must have cut back on the "planned benefits". I have to say it is jolly inspiring to see the "upper echelons" of society sharing the "Covid pain"!
  14. Remind me, what are the Thai Red Cross Society planning to do with their wedge? How "uniform", for want of a better description probably the most apt, will be the distribution throughout all the provinces, and socio-economic groups?
  15. Indeed, one hears he will happily appear for a basket full of chicken essence pots tied up with ribbons... "Sic transit gloria mundi" - she has thrown up in the van again!
  16. There does appear to be a few who would like to stroll on deserted beaches, revelling in their virtue at having vanquished the temptations of the demon drink and the evil flesh ( at this point I pause for a few deep breaths and to mop my brow!) Must be a <deleted> having to wander around in this climate in black clothes, white collars and big tall hats with a buckle on!
  17. Yes,yes,yes! Mind you my Chihuahuas, Snowball and Cookie, have more grip on reality than TAT!
  18. Presumably that is where all the charter flights to Buriram Airport come into the plan?
  19. My UK driving licence has a series of little pictograms on the back - showing the vehicles which it entitles me to drive. It acts as a "provisional licence" for a motorcycle (learner, riding solo, with L plates on a small motorcycle - less than 250cc I think), and so has an appropriate picture on the back. Based on that, when I got my Thai driving licences they gave me one for a car and one for a motorcycle!
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