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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. I cannot decide between: 1) an ashtray on a motorcycle 2)a chocolate teapot 3) papier- mache body armour.
  2. I suppose that depends on who one defines as "we". The many tens, no, hundreds of thousands who worked in a wide range of of jobs and are now without livelihoods would probably say yes.
  3. So, having totally and utterly <deleted> just about every other sector of the economy with their inchoate and ineffective "pandemic control measures", this bunch of buffoons, secure in the knowledge that their government salaries (and various bonuses for the stressful times in which they find themselves) will of course continue to be paid, are turning their attentions to the larger companies!
  4. Actually, I think it is rather simpler than that - you would love it if the Thai people would vote for the people you think they should, those you think should be running the show. If (as) they don't you simply condemn them as stupid - a dismissal of repeated electoral choices which is breathtaking in its utter arrogance. As for the "I don't have any time for the other side either" bleats - utter balderdash! You are their most prominent cheerleader on this site!
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