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Posts posted by herfiehandbag

  1. 22 minutes ago, taxin said:

    Me too, dropped below the 400K so I’m all over this “special dispensation”.

    I would like to know what they will likely consider under this special dispensation ? Will they relax on the 400K requirement and grant the one year extension, or will they grant a rolling 60 day extension ?

    I would very much doubt that they would drop the ThB 400,00 requirement.


    I think it is possible, unless they intend to cease offering the  non O multiple entry visa under the present requirements, that they may offer further 60 day extensions at ThB 1900 a time, until the borders to the adjacent countries, where these visas can be obtained, are opened.


    That would be a simple pragmatic solution, which would benefit the visa holders, and bring in an income stream for the immigration service. Remember such people (myself included) are not trying to extend tourist visas, but are bona-fida residents, using visas happily issued by the authorities for that purpose.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

    so what is your solution ?

    I'm looking for one. At present I don't have one.


    What I want is a non Immigrant type O, because I am a single parent caring for a child. I would settle for a single entry to get me through to the New Year, but would prefer a multiple entry.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Yeah, they know all the right things to say, but I can almost guarantee you they'd be happy to be similarly wealthy with similar power. Most Thais I have encountered, rich to poor, aspire to the same culture. 

    Happy to be as wealthy as the Red Bull clan perhaps, I'm sure we all would be.


    Their anger was directed at the corrupt shenanigans by the bodies responsible for investigating and prodecuting. That is altogether different.

  4. 8 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    Fail to see how keeping this Dinosoar alive is going to benefit anyone except the freeloaders !

    Those calling the shots are from amongst the freeloaders!


    It will surely be approved.


    What will be more interesting to see is whether they will be extended bankruptcy protection in other jurisdictions - notably Europe. If it is not extended , especially in Europe, as much of their fleet is leased, will their route restructuring options be somewhat limited?

    • Like 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, vogie said:

    I don't think another referendum would be the end of it though, the SNP live and breathe for separation, nothing else matters to them or their followers, they are a one trick pony. The only way to stop the cancer that is nationalism is to get rid of the SNP, it may take a while, but it surely must happen for the sake of the United Kingdom.

    That is very true. They demand independence, but don't even have a policy on what currency an Independent Scotland will have!

    • Like 1
  6. "Morning Gents, excuse ranks, I am your PTI. This is your annual Fitness Test. To your front you will see a civilian protester. He has a thirty metre start on you. When I blow my whistle you will have 3 minutes to chase him, catch up with him, kick him to the ground and deliver as many blows to the head as you can until the time is up.


    Ready? "Peep" go"


    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Rather than waffle on and enlighten us all to your own personal view on democracy and absolute margins, why don't you invest on reading about the US Electoral College system and why the founding fathers thought this wise. You might also read about The Tyranny of the Majority.


    Very few countries use a simple majority to elect their President, PM, Chancellor or whatever title. The UK certainly doesn't. 



    From the (limited) reading which I have done, it is obvious that the "Founding Fathers"  intention was absolutely not to to create a system whereby the popular vote, in a simple binary contest, could be overturned. That is what has happened. Similarly, I don't think that the "the tyranny of the majority" is remotely relevant, unless it is another way of explaining that the winner in such a binary (national) contest should not be acknowledged as such because you don't like her policies. A majority did, that is why they voted for her.


    I know that we are very much of opposing views when it comes to "qualifying " electoral results. For me it is quite simple, the person who gets the most votes wins. It is not a parliamentary election, it is a simple vote for a President.


    The rest of my post explains my views on the effects of the electoral college  shenanigans. If you don't like them, feel free to ignore them.

    • Like 2
  8. On 8/10/2020 at 7:34 AM, 2 is 1 said:

    I recoment that buy machine whitch heat water also! Get clean clothes, i notice before that all my white clothes was ruined coz nothing spot go away after wash! Whit your budget you get that kind! I buy my last one from Home Pro. And off cource automatic machine, not that kind sht where have 2 chamber!

    I have a bog standard Thai twin tub. My daughters white school shirts come out spotless, and believe me she is very particular! My shirts are fine. Thai washing powders/liquids are formulated to work with cold water.


    The "kind sht where have 2 chamber" work fine...

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, simple1 said:

    At this stage with trump the indicators are trump will again not win the majority of votes, but will have to see what happens with the Electoral College process.

    If that were to happen again, and if the USA were to have a further four years of a President who had again conclusively lost the popular vote in a national election, then we could only conclude that democracy has ceased to play a part in the election of the President.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    Why would the EU not want an independent Scotland? Oil. Massive fishing rights. A stable country which already adheres to the EU's standards. A country which will be a net contributor

    This does rather raise a number of questions.


    Whilst the SNP has said that it would wish for an independent Scotland to join the EU, has the EU said it will allow an independent Scotland to join?


    Would an independent Scotland meet the criteria required to join the EU - rather than expecting a special case to be made for them. Whilst the French might support them - anything to stick mud in the eye of the "Rosbiffs" - would the rest of the EU be so enthusiastic. It is perhaps unwise in the end, to rely too much upon the French!


    What about the currency - the rock upon which so many arguments foundered last time round. If an independent Scotland is still (as seems probable) using Sterling, then they will not, by definition, be fiscally independent and therefore able to join the Euro.


    However stable, prosperous and we'll endowed with oil and fish, will an independent Scotland meet the fiscal requirements of an EU application, and if it does will the economic measures necessary to achieve that be acceptable to it's people.


    There are plenty more such questions which can be asked, and will have to be answered if you wish to realistically consider membership of the EU.


    Personally I suspect that such an application will take quite some years to complete, and will require an independent Scotland creating and maintaining its own currency as a precursor. If the economic case for an independent Scotland is dependent on EU membership, that will cause major problems. Carts coming before the horse and all that!

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    Pretty sure he married into the family, and is but a director.


    He's not going to prison. 



    Hmm, I had the impression that he was fairly central to the whole business, but it is only my impression.


    I agree with your second point. No prison.


    Lucky that there were no wild mushrooms in his panther willy soup!

  12. 17 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

    if ferrrari boy gets away with murder of a cop, why would anyone go to jail for owning a gun ?

    Just perhaps; some people of influence think that there is a chance that Premchai might be prepared to include part (or total) control of his very lucrative construction business, in any deal which avoids imprisonment?


    Perhaps the Red Bull business is quite simply just a question of milking cash - the cashflow depends on the creature remaining out of prison - control of the business may not be on the table?

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