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Posts posted by herfiehandbag

  1. 4 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    I am still waiting for the Italians to tear down the Colossium all those white Christian slaves died there ., i still wonder how i kept my sanity after visiting it and seeing how those slaves died ,i would have been traumatized now.


    Just now, Mac98 said:

    You miss the point: It's OK to be enslaved as long as master and slave are the same color.

    They were white and Christian - what is your problem?

  2. 49 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Welcome to Thailand where anything can happen.  This being such a high profile case nothing would surprise me. Folks get removed because they cause an issue that impacts the hierarchy or they tread on the wrong toes. Nothing new ...  this has been going on in many countries for years ... look at Jamal Khashoggi, Alexander Litvinenko,  Benazir Bhutto and many more. 

    Doesn't make it right though, does it Steven?

  3. 32 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    Mate there are moves afoot to decide that.

    Remember that Scotland was never taken into the union via a referendum so why would it need one to leave?

    No. The Scottish parliament at the time entered the union. Legally the Scottish parliament can leave it.

    Umh, the Scottish Parliament at the time entered the Union, and abolished itself. It is dead and long gone, as dead as a Norwegian Blue parrot!


    The current Holyrood Parliament is an entirely new construction. No connection or inheritance.


    To put it into perspective - an English King named John signed Magna Carta in June 1215.

    I am English, and share his Christian name. That doesn't mean that I can rescind Magna Carta!


    • Haha 1
  4. 12 hours ago, GigsGigs said:

    Regardless of everyone's opinion on this matter, it is somehow fascinating to observe to this day there are still very strongly opiniated pro-Thaksin and anti-Thaksin people, it is undeniable the man really left a "mark" on the Kingdom.


    I like to look at things from a more pragmatic point of view;


    What has he done/accomplished/achieved for the Kingdom in the past and what WOULD/could he possibly do for the Kingdom if say, he was allowed back in one day?


    He allowed the Thai electorate to experience that they could choose who governed them. They could elect the government they wanted not the one selected by the establishment. 


    They experienced, and took part in, democracy; flawed, with many failures, arguably a poor selection of candidates; but democracy none the less. That it was crushed by the military at the behest of "the establishment" doesn't change that. He let a cat out of a bag, and it won't go back in.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    But, but, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



    Doesn't change that the Shins were greedy corrupt thieves does it? 

    But, but, but...


    It doesn't change that the Shinawatra's party were elected (won) what was it? Five elections "on the trot", elections in which incidentally it didn't take months to count the votes, interpret the votes, and declare a winner, who just happened to be the incumbent Prime Minister, who appointed himself after leading a coup!


    It doesn't change that the Shinawatras didn't simply arrange for the disbandment and removal from office of their opponents on a series of charges (which give a whole new meaning to "trumped up"!) in order to claim that they had won those elections.


    It doesn't change that the military saw fit to engineer unrest prior to and during the last three of those elections, in order to step in "for the state of the nation", twice by good old fashioned military coups, and once by rounding up all the party leaders and holding them incommunicado in a barracks, until such a time as it "was agreed" that the party which had actually lost the election would form a government. On the occasion of the last of those elections not only was voting suppressed, with what can only be described as the active participation of the military (funny that last time round they were that keen that everyone could vote that they marched their troops to the voting stations to ensure that they all cast their vote!); but the incomplete results (which it is suspected rather favoured the Shinawatras) were never released.


    The most important thing it doesn't change, is that the Shinawatra's party repeatedly were chosen by the Thai people to form their government. That choice has repeatedly been denied. That is a fact which has not changed.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Logosone said:

    Absolutely ignorant codswallop, the extermination camps were outside of Germany, not in Germany:


    "The major camps were in German-occupied Poland and included Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka."




    You are spreading completely false, misinformation. Mittelburg Dora was a labour camp, not an extermination camp, there were no gas chambers at Mittelburg-Dora whatsoever. Look it up and educate yourself.

    You yourself said;


    2 hours ago, Logosone said:

    You are obviously unaware that the huge death camps with factories were all located outside Germany.

    I named 3 camps at which inmates were worked to death in factories and a further major industrial enterprise all within Germany. 


    If we are talking ignorant codswallop, then you take the prize Mr Logosone, however "codswallop" is generally accepted as innocent rubbish, you however are deliberately spinning a web of disinformation, half truths and selective quotes in an attempt do defend the indefensible - the loathsome activities which we are discussing, and which you seek to diminish and excuse. The ghost of Dr Goebbels must be proud of you!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Morch said:


    It wasn't claimed that Dey knew "the full extent". That you find Dey's version of things as definitive, true and correct is at odds with the court's view. All of the words you pour here in the service of historical revisionism would not change that. Same goes for cherry-picking bits from links, making bogus claims based on figures and statistics, cherry-picked as well. And let's not forget the trademark ignoring of any comment, fact or rebuttal that does not seat with the narrative pushed.

    He quotes Richard Evans to support his claims that the Holocaust was not known about by the German People.


    When David Irving advanced similar claims ( to those of Logosone) he was the subject of a hostile review by a book reviewer - American academic Deborah Lipstadt. Irving sued Lipstadt and her publishers Penguin Books for libel. Evans was a principal witness for the defence. Your post is actually an accurate summary of Evans's dismissal of Irvings claims ! 


    Irving lost and had to pay costs.

    • Thanks 1
  8. He is of course the very model of discretion.


    There is a widely available video clip, of him indulging in what might be described as "kinetic discretion" against some demonstrators with whose viewpoint he took exception. Using boots, fists and brandishing a weapon - he actually had to be hauled away by cooler heads amongst his staff. 


    Wasn't crying though; maybe he has mellowed...

    • Like 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    As for the tourists who have been spending their enforced time in the country by putting money into the economy every day, they have been given a pretty stark warning that they are no longer wanted in the country. Okay, many might have been able to leave before, but still. I wonder how many countries like to discourage tourists. They like the country, believe all the faff from TAT, come and spend and then are told that, actually, you've spent enough time and have to get out. We don't want you here anymore.

     I honestly don't think that there is any official policy to discourage foreigners from visiting, or living here. There is some occasional "loose mouthed xenophobic talk" but it does not represent any sort of policy. In fact I don't think there is a policy on the matter really.


    Rather, it is the familiar problem ( with Thai governance) of the left hand not knowing (or bothering) what the right hand is doing. The problem is compounded because like the Hindu Goddess ( Kali is it?) there are half a dozen or more arms waving around!

    • Like 1
  10. On 7/24/2020 at 12:20 PM, stouricks said:

    Totally agree. I am on my second NUC, i5, 256 SSD, 8 GB RAM, W10 2004, PRO, Express VPN, through a 55 inch Samsung Series 5 NON Smart telly,, absolutely perfect

    I am terrifically impressed, I really am.

    I just wish I had the slightest glimmer of an idea about what it all means!


    • Haha 1
  11. 19 hours ago, Logosone said:

    You wrote above, anyone can see, "Your reasoning behind the stats is way off, you can't just relate the 20k convicted to the total number of wehrmacht soldiers for quite a few reasons."


    So what reasons would these be? 


    Presumably you believe more than 0.11% of the Wehrmacht were involved in war crimes. Why is this?

    Some years ago I read an absolutely spine chilling book titled "The Good Old Days". It was an account of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, compiled from interviews with and accounts of the activities of some of the perpetrators. What was absolutely clear was that participation in and knowledge of the killings and the whole process was widespread, if not universal, thought the German Military. They knew what had been done, they new what retribution was coming. Why do you think that such large elements of the German armed forces fought so desperately up to the end.


    If this fellow was a guard, irrespective of his age, volunteer or conscript, he knew what was going on in the camp. The machine gun in his tower wasn't just for him to lean on!


    Guilt is guilt, irrespective of his age. The court showed mercy in its verdict, mercy which was denied to the thousands who died in the camp he guarded.

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