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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Correct. It is utterly beyond their intellect and ability to change anything.
  2. She's a hotwife now, so I vote to bring her back.
  3. I've been all over Thailand and it appears very similar everywhere. Lao Khao, pick-up trucks, horrible music, soaking each other with water and silly shirts.
  4. Just another corrupt moron on a power trip who loves telling people what to do. Best ignored.
  5. Newsflash, many of the cops, regardless of age have teen giks and mia nois. Many are on a power trip, are certainly misogynists, bullies and extortionists. Surprised we don't hear more of these stories tbh.
  6. I will never have anything they make on my phone, sorry. They can't be trusted.
  7. Your alternative to the Yingluck administration - the military coup and subsequent junta didn't turn out too well for the people of Thailand unfortunately. The one who cannot be named and the vast majority of the Thai population did at the time too.
  8. And has this been done? Of course not. Can't have any of these nutters being told they are mad by a doctor or finding out their IQ is less than 80 as that would make them lose face.
  9. The point is that they can't renounce it or they would be put to death. ????
  10. Apostasy from Islam is considered hudud and punishment is the death penalty.
  11. Indians have been money laundering in Thailand for decades. Look at all the Indian tailor shops in Bangkok for starters. Of course.
  12. Indeed. Incidents like this should result in the business facing a proper investigation by health and safety authorities, criminal charges for the owner if warranted, closure of the business if necessary and court ordered compensation for the victim after civil action. The question that is never asked here is, was the business negligent? Were they responsible for this happening due to their negligence? It's stuff like this that clearly demonstrates how far behind Thailand actually is when it comes to occupational health and safety, training and competence and safety culture in general. If I were a betting man I would wager that there were insufficient health and safety systems in place to stop this occurring, which really would indicate this business should not be operating.
  13. Mongolia. Ulaanbatar is the best kept secret in Asia, just like Phnom Penh was up until about 2007.
  14. Jammy Dodgers, again a limited cultivar from Mephisto Genetics. Leaves are starting to fade and change colour. Not long now.
  15. Marley's Grin by Mephisto Genetics on day 68. Slowly frosting up and creeping into fade.
  16. Got a new run of photoperiods starting as I have about 12 autos finishing up over the next couple of weeks. 2 x Tackett Genetics 'Balboa' 2 x Irie Genetics 'Lemon Jeffrey' 2 x Irie Genetics 'Purple Heart' Tackett is a craft breeder who is very active on Twitter and I've been following his progress. his genetics are some of the best out there according to growers in the US that I respect and trust. Irie Genetics was recommended on 'The Dude Grows' show on YouTube several times and they have been on my radar for a while. I am also subscribed to the owner's podcast 'Grow From Your Heart' on YouTube (his name is Rasta Jeff hence the name of the strain) and am a member on the Discord. His genetics are impressive with good terpene profiles and high THC levels which regularly hit 30% depending on strain. Seeds were purchased from Siam Seeds with the exception of the Irie Genetics which I got from a friend in the US. I am germinating these now also: 2 x Tackett Genetics 'The Manta Ray' (his only sativa dominant strain so far) 2 x Exotic Genetix 'Quikz' (I was so impressed with the Night Moves from this breeder that I will grow any of their strains all day every day) 1 x Sensi Seeds 'Jack Herer' (they are the original breeder of the Jack Herer strain, so I'm excited to get this one going) Happy growing!
  17. I worked for a company that lost a radioactive source tube when the Montara platform burnt down as a result of an uncontrolled blowout on the Seadrill West Atlas in 2009, The same company lost another source tube out in the bush, same thing as the story you posted, fell off the back of a ute and was never recovered. ????
  18. Buriram mafia have billions invested, and that's what it is really all about. Will be interesting to see what happens after the election for sure. Thaksin will still be out for revenge after being betrayed by Newin in 2008.
  19. Yeh I went down there the other day, on the way down to cozy beach. Had a wee snifter of their products, not impressed tbh.
  20. If you like craft-grown connoisseur flower, no mass production, no big farms, no imports and no PRGs or hormones, check out Siam Seeds online here: https://siamseeds.com/product-category/flowers/
  21. Strawberry Gorilla plant in late flower. This is a sativa leaning hybrid from Fastbuds genetics. This was one of the flowers in the days before harvest. The finished product after drying and curing for three weeks. The flowers are potent with a euphoric buzz leading to a relaxing vibe. Really pleased with the results of this one.
  22. Some people just can't grasp these simple facts. The Thaksin obsessives all over this thread again, and we have them to thank, in part at least, for the last 8 years of military misrule and yet they have the audacity to jump on here pontificating and suggesting what is best for Thailand. You couldn't make it up.
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