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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. The Thai Police will not be granted access to that information, and rightly so, as they cannot be trusted, but they could of course make it a requirement to enter, with checks being performed on visa application or even on entry. What a mess that would be. Police background checks are already mandatory for PR and citizenship applications, with the onus on the applicant to provide this evidence from their home country.
  2. Except it wasn't because the rope snapped. They are so out of their depth with these kinds of OHS incidents. ????????????
  3. Offshore safety is really poor here and it starts with the poor standard of safety training the guys get before going offshore, and continues with a poor safety culture while onboard. One of the safety training officers on one of the tender drilling rigs in the Gulf of Thailand was dismissed from his last company onshore for issuing certificates to clients without the guys actually attending the training. Let's hope this incident does not result in a hydrocarbon release. Damage to the guy, his family and company reputation already done though and it is always preventable.
  4. You are applying logic and common sense as well as drawing on the education you received in order to competently operate a motor vehicle. None of that exists here.
  5. They don't have the ability or the courage to do what is necessary.
  6. That also goes for those trying to arrest or capture him. Patience is a virtue but it is very short supply here.
  7. They didn't visit any Lodges while here or I would have been aware. ????
  8. Doesn't bother me as I'll never knowingly visit or drink in them.
  9. The people of Thailand are fully aware of what is going on and would be a part of it if they could. There are many foreigners and foreign companies that get involved with this stuff too. It's very difficult to be very successful outwith this system in Thailand. Not impossible but very difficult especially when dealing with government agencies.
  10. 500-600thb billion in the red was the last estimate, then it all went quite for whatever reason, now all the news is positive.
  11. No surprise. Having worked in the oil and gas industry here, I would suggest that 95% or more of the 'educators' providing training services, especially to the offshore sector, are not fit for their position. Many of them have no experience of the subjects they are teaching, and don't understand the fundamentals of vocational education such as appraising, assessing and quality control, nor do they care. It's all about money as usual, with no real understanding of the basics or the subject matter. My staff did a confined space training course with one of the government training centres here, and the exam in English was complete gibberish. I complained to the centre manager, who spoke very basic English, and sounded like he didn't have a clue either. In fact, he sounded as if he wanted to start an argument with me instead of trying to solve the problems. I have stated many times before and I will repeat here, the competency of drivers is very low here because of the poor education they receive to become licensed. They need a complete overhaul of the system, with a proper, disciplined approach to competence assessment for licensing. Perhaps probationary periods and limits on more powerful vehicles for new drivers too. It's too much hard work and effort for them, and Thailand is far too corrupt for it to ever happen unfortunately.
  12. They do. Completely oblivious to any potential risks or danger. I think that is evidently what happened having viewed the video, which as others have said was disturbing, but sadly, that shows the mentality of many here and highlights how disrespected the Police are, arguably for good reason.
  13. Probably why just a few years ago they were threatened with a ban from flying to Europe and the US.
  14. Safety is not understood nor a priority anywhere in Thailand so no surprise if the national carrier is the same.
  15. They've got 500 billion bigger problems than food trays when landing.
  16. 20 years ago there used to be brothels all over central PP with underage girls in plain view sitting waiting for customers.
  17. Good luck dealing with the Russians. The Thais are not prepared for what is to come.
  18. No competence or effort allowed here! Cannot make the Phuyais look bad. Now, must be time for som tum.
  19. Yeh, not sure how that would work as all Thailand's natural gas and oil are in the jurisdiction of the Southern, predominantly Malay Provinces. Their natural resources power a large part of the Thai economy, so I think it would be the other way around. Roads in Malaysia are also much better made than their equivalents in Thailand.
  20. Another man-child with a gun that cannot resolve a simple matter without threatening violence.
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