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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. How will this initiative achieve any of those things? It will make visiting Thailand more hassle, less secure, and it is an antiquated process.
  2. Or you could just go somewhere else. 😉
  3. It is at local level, unfortunately. If the higher-ups saw what was going on they would be ordered to round the lot of them up. Only a matter of time before some agitators start to bring the behaviour of these people to the attention of someone that will order a crackdown.
  4. It is great that the Thai Police are not afraid to use profiling to catch criminals. Well done Thai Police!
  5. No Thai in their right mind wants them here. Their country their choice.
  6. The guy that built that and the similar style condo buildings in Wongamat Beach, Pattaya was Rangsan Torsuwan. He was arrested under suspicion of plotting to assassinate Supreme Court President Praman Chansue. The assassination did not take place, but Torsuwan’s trial dragged on for 15 years. Eventually, in 2008, he was found guilty, but in 2010, the Court of Appeal acquitted Rangsan. 😂
  7. You must have been incredibly unlucky. 99% of my flights in business on Qatar have been good to impeccable. 🤷‍♂️ Last week on flight back from Doha in Q-Suites 1A was a perfunctory experience. Check-in at Doha business class is a breeze, straight through private immigration and up to the Al Majal lounge. Leffe and champagne in the lounge, premium boarding at the gate, straight on the plane, champagne before takeoff, personally welcomed on board, requested meal immediately once able to do so, another glass of champagne, glass of white (forget which maybe Riesling), artisanal sandwich for meal, glass of port, glass of brandy, pyjamas on, bed made, slept 3 hours, woken up for breakfast, another satisfying meal and then deplaned first and through priority immigration at BKK in less than 5 minutes. Bag came off the carousel in the first batch as well. My best experience was on the A380 after an upgrade to first. Cannot beat the fact it has a proper bar on board.
  8. Qatar fly a mix of 777-300ERs, 787-8s, A380 and A350-1000's on that route. I fly it often, minimum 4 times per year. I try to avoid the Boeings as the Airbus fly smoother and the A380 has the best bus class next to the A350-1000 Q Suites. Last year, they stuck me on an old 777 with ancient business class (think it was ex-CX plane) and it was poor overall, but really the only poor flight I have had with them.
  9. Flown economy and business with them for past 14 years. They are the best business class in the World at the moment imo, levels above Thai, BA etc.
  10. That family again. Their father of course the Godfather of Chonburi himself, convicted murderer Kamnan Poh.
  11. Correct, had it happen after a Thai woman hit my Benz while driving aggressively. Dashcam footage showed she was entirely in the wrong.
  12. Competent or not, there are plenty of other idiots on Thai roads that could cause you an accident.
  13. Reading comments from all the tough Americans on this thread who have never won a war without the Brits.
  14. Drunk and speeding, a lethal combination, and another lunatic off the roads. Lucky he didn’t take anyone with him. I hope those he injured recover quickly.
  15. The car driver is a psychopath and needs to be locked up as he is a threat to the safety of others. Long threads on X about this guy, he has history for this kind of behaviour. To double down and post photos of a firearm shows he is not of sound mind. So many nutters on Thai roads, a large percentage of whom should not be allowed to drive.
  16. The Thais claimed sovereignty over 11 of the Malay sultanates, 7 of which form part of modern Malaysia, and 4 were later annexed by Thailand. The British were favoured over the Siamese as they brought prosperity rather than violence and tyranny: This was to be contrasted against the bureaucracy Siam was establishing in Patani, and which it had briefly attempted to establish in Kedah. In both, Siam’s first major public gesture consisted of violently deposing Malay Muslim rulers and replacing them with hand-picked successors, styled as “governors” and monitored by Siamese officials. These humiliations generated a crisis of moral authority. https://newnaratif.com/like-a-child-with-two-parents/
  17. True, but that was a political decision so as not to offend or annoy China.
  18. Not just encouraging, they are the ones facilitating their entry then supporting them when they arrive when they should be preventing their entry and deporting them as criminals. It is population displacement. They want a mixed race UK, so that the right wing cannot again take power. Remember, as students, a lot of these lefty failures were communists, including the PM himself. As we can now see, humans are going to be human and this will only strengthen the right, who will inevitably rise again in Europe, probably leading to widespread civil conflict. The one thing Thailand has right is their policies for dealing with illegals. 👏
  19. But they are not 'Thai' and that's the point. They are still majority Muslim Malay and always will be. They are being forced to accept a minority culture, customs and language. You conveniently forget that there is violence perpetuated on both sides, the Tak Bai massacre perpetuated by the same Chinese gangsters that control Thailand now is just one such example. You need to get over the 'they are Muslim so bad and violent' mindset, it blinkers you from understanding the real causes for the conflict in the South.
  20. Disingenuous comparison. You could have used the Republic of Ireland, it would be more appropriate but still inaccurate.
  21. Thailand took over the Malay provinces in the South after signing the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909. The four Southern provinces were Muslim Malay since the 15th century, and long before they were ever 'Thai'.
  22. Typical Thai modus operandi. Sneaky and duplicitous.
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