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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. He is mates of the right family and has the connections though, which is all that matters in Thailand.
  2. Some people thought, and still think, that Thaksin was the problem. ????
  3. They have different fires in Thailand, as foreigners we don't understand.
  4. I wasn't. I was fully aware his power grab was entirely for self-enrichment and preservation of the entrenched elite that a populist Thaksin party has threatened since his election in 2001.
  5. Give your obsession a rest mate. This mob have been much worse than decades of successive Thaksin governments ever would have been.
  6. Simply incredible, trying to spin their inherent dishonesty, lack of ethics and immorality into something positive. ????
  7. I hope when he is shanked in prison his assailant uses the same excuse in his defence.
  8. She probably thought she would get away with it or it was ok to do it because so many do the same in Thailand and are never caught and/or punished.
  9. I let it dry our thoroughly and break it down to take most of the root material out before reuse. I think about three runs is the max I'll get out of it but the plants are thriving on this third run so never know. Remember that coco coir is inert so it really is just filler material in a hydroponic setup to absorb and hold the nutrients until the plants feed.
  10. Removing elected, charismatic and popular leaders and replacing them with low IQ military goons who are the polar opposite was only ever going to have one outcome, especially in the days of social media and the internet.
  11. Like most everything else here, TG is a boondoggle. It will continue to function and be propped up by the taxpayer so long as it continues to serve the interests and line the pockets of the select few.
  12. I reuse my coco coir and perlite. On my third run now with the same medium and it is doing great!
  13. This has damaged the reputation of the island irreparably. Cannot see tourism on Koh Lan recovering after this.
  14. My Night Moves by Exotic Genetix. These are some of the most impressive Genetics I have grown. Heavy yielding plants with extremely frosty, tight buds. Check out the frost even on the fan leaves!
  15. A lot smarter than the current incumbent. Speaks English, mingles well and was very well respected in diplomatic circles. The current guy throws tantrums, bananas and speaks no English.
  16. Yet the guy you cheerled into office, Gen. Prayuth is neither. ????
  17. Thais don't like the truth, it interferes with their culture of money worship.
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