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Everything posted by RobU

  1. I agree with you that it isn't unique to Thailand. In the UK police now arrest people for 'Non Crime Incidents' people can be placed on a non crime incident database without their knowledge. When the right people complain about them. One elderly chap was arrested for a humorous post on facebook which showed that four LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ flags formed a swastika, they sent 8 officers to arrest him and hancuffed him for not committing a crime.
  2. Thats a 50% increase. Will all other visas be extended by 50%? I am coming on the 3 month retirement visa if this applies to all I would be allowed to stay for 4.5 months
  3. During lockdown of the COVID crisis many Thai workers returned to their villages of origin. Perhaps those workers have found that their quality of life in the village is much better than quality of life, alone without family, living in one room, perhaps sharing with strangers, on low pay in expensive dangerous cities. They get work on farms which always need workers and go home to their families every night.
  4. Another entertaining read, nice to see your face at last, beautiful family they must get it all from their mother though.
  5. Slightly off topic but I believe relevant to escaping disaster in entertainment areas Last time I was in Pattaya I went to the Non Nooch Gardens, pretty boring walk around static dinasaur displays, then I saw the show in the theatre and was afterwards directed to the stadium for the Elephant Football I noticed that he emergency exits in the elephant football stadium were locked and chained and the only way out in an emergency for hundreds of people seemed to be the entrance tunnel under the stands. I didn't feel safe at all so I left. I didn't notice if the emergency exits at the show were also locked
  6. In the UK water from the fridge is known as refrigerated water. Water from the tap is known as cold water also drinkable throughout the UK but is at ambient temperature
  7. We used to have this problem on motorways in the UK. Road works would be started then abandoned as the next project was started, workmen returning for a couple of days a week sometimes not for weeks. The government introduced 'rental' charges for lanes and demanded a specified schedule of works (i.e. start time/date and end time/date) with increased charges if the work went beyond the specified end date. You don't see many 'abandoned' road works on UK motorways these days.
  8. The Thai people accept this fact that he will certainly get away with his crimes and never be held to account. They know that they can't do anything against one of the most institutionally corrupt police forces and justice systems in the world. So they just shrug their shoulders and move on. It is only us stupid westerners who are outraged and cannot accept this fact.
  9. I remember a young father once telling me how he 'trained' his 2 year old daughter not to run on the road. He made her step on the road repeatedly then smacked her immediately. He honestly thought he was protecting her. I did put him right on the matter and threatened to call social services. His girlfriend kicked him out shortly afterwards. These grandparents seem to be of the same ilk.
  10. My thoughts are also with the mother. The baby may have been born dead, the mother having no access to maternity services. She may need medical attention or be the victim of abusive boyfriend or even parents who were shamed by her pregnancy.
  11. Electric vehicle batteries are easily liable to explode or catch fire it is one of the major safety problems with electric vehicles. A battery can be damaged by a severe jolt (e.g. driving too quickly over a speed hump) but the effects of the damage will often not become apparent for weeks or even months. Electric vehicles are more liable to catch fire after an accident than fossil fueled vehicles and have been known to catch fire weeks afterwards due to battery damage. The battery on this scooter could have been damaged weeks ago the explosion and fire probably a result. Unfortunately the Thai lexicon does not seem to have the words maintenance and repair in it
  12. Yes I would, I was hit many times at school for no apparent reason by a bullying teacher (I believe he took umbrage at me squinting at the blackboard). I eventually stood up and hit him back. He didn't do it anymore, he merely changed tactics and encouraged other pupils to hit me instead during lessons. <deleted> like that should be hanged. It doesn't happen now due to it being classed as common assault in the UK and the teacher can go to prison for assaulting a child.
  13. A bit like most UK citizen's perception of the Metropolitan Police except there is little fear just contempt and a knowledge that only 'worthy' people will be protected.
  14. Hello caller. Please stay where you are, take two plastic bags from the dispenser in front or you, place them over your head and wait for the officer you are complaining about to arrive. Thank you for your cooperation, is there anything else we can help you with today?
  15. Legalisation of cannabis is an interesting experiment with a population of 68 million people. No one knows what the outcome will be. I think that other countries such as the USA and UK will be watching and taking note. To see what effect it has on 'law and order', addiction to stronger drugs, road safety (Yes I know its Thailand) and population control. It's almost as if the members of the WHO have taken part in a lottery (wealthy counries and countries of a lower civilisation level excluded) which Thailand won
  16. Or a special for witches , Head of snake, Belly of bat Poo of pigeon A healthy snack
  17. I think the report means the child was running to catch the bus and dropped his bag. Most likely ran up to the bus and asked him to wait whilst he retrieved the bag. Bus driver refused and told the child to find another way to get to school
  18. I was with you until you brought right wing and politics into the conversation sheeple is a word used by people of any political bent when trying to denigrate others who they don't agree with
  19. I agree. In the UK it was fashionable for comprehensive schools not to have uniforms in the 60's. The experiment failed. Today you won't find any state school without a uniform policy. The reasoning is exactly the same as given in Thailand i.e. pupils will not display their wealth wearing designer clothes and jewelry and make less fortunate pupils feel inferior and less worthy. However it is abused by some schools forcing parents on low wages to buy expensive uniforms with weird colours from designated suppliers who give kickbacks to the school, defeating the very purpose stated.
  20. In the UK drunk drivers who kill can now be charged with manslaughter and receive appropriately long sentences. Since Thai driving law and beaurocracy was originally based on the British Colonial model, perhaps Thailand should also adopt this excellent law
  21. You are so right about being patient and calm. In the mid 70's a friend of mine tried to teach his girlfriend to drive, he started getting more impatient with her at each 'lesson' and finally yelled at her to "move out!" at a T junction. He panicked her so much that she drove the car straight across the road and into the lampost on the opposite side. Fortunately both wearing seatbelts. The car was a Lotus Cortina which was quite an expensive car and of course is now a classic very expensive to repair. Karma was a real B**ch that day
  22. I saw the video very cute. When she first mounts the elephant it actually assists her to get up with it's trunk makes sure she doesn't fall. It then picks up the riding crop and passes it to her. When they leave the compound it opens the sliding gate. It doesn't seem badly treated more like a family companion. I agree though that if the school is only 500 yards away then it is probably a publicity stunt since she could easily walk to school. Even knowing that, it brought a smile to my face
  23. I saw the video very cute. When she first mounts the elephant it actually assists her to get up with it's trunk makes sure she doesn't fall. It then picks up the riding crop and passes it to her. When they leave the compound it opens the sliding gate. It doesn't seem badly treated more like a family companion. I agree though that if the school is only 500 yards away then it is probably a publicity stunt since she could easily walk to school. Even knowing that, it brought a smile to my face
  24. I saw the video very cute. When she first mounts the elephant it actually assists her to get up with it's trunk makes sure she doesn't fall. It then picks up the riding crop and passes it to her. When they leave the compound it opens the sliding gate. It doesn't seem badly treated more like a family companion. I agree though that if the school is only 500 yards away then it is probably a publicity stunt since she could easily walk to school. Even knowing that, it brought a smile to my face
  25. Long-term CSHT had a neutral effect on BMD in transgender men. In transgender women, only lumbar spine BMD seemed to be affected after CSHT. Hormone therapy decreases strength, LBM and muscle area, yet values remain above that observed in cisgender women, even after 36 months. These findings suggest that strength may be well preserved in transwomen during the first 3 years of hormone therapy. Fina bars transgender swimmers from women's elite events if they went through male puberty - BBC Sport Transgender Women in the Female Category of Sport: Perspectives on Testosterone Suppression and Performance Advantage | SpringerLink Do you require more or are you done with making mysoginistic insulting comments?
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