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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Long-term CSHT had a neutral effect on BMD in transgender men. In transgender women, only lumbar spine BMD seemed to be affected after CSHT. Hormone therapy decreases strength, LBM and muscle area, yet values remain above that observed in cisgender women, even after 36 months. These findings suggest that strength may be well preserved in transwomen during the first 3 years of hormone therapy. Fina bars transgender swimmers from women's elite events if they went through male puberty - BBC Sport Transgender Women in the Female Category of Sport: Perspectives on Testosterone Suppression and Performance Advantage | SpringerLink
  2. It was on the BBC website qute some time ago when the scandal of domestic servants being kept like slaves by Arab Families in the UK was revealed they are treated like children who can be brought in on their parent's passport, they effectively had no status. It may have changed since
  3. Correct: they don't have to have the cosmetic surgery on the genitals just have male hormones suppressed for a year but the muscle mass and bone density remains.
  4. You are probably correct but the straight job opportunities usually involve domestic service where they are kept as if they were slaves. More than one case of Arabs domestic Filipino servants running from their masters and asking for help at UK police stations. Domestic servants can be brought into the uk without passports
  5. Naughty, Naughty, if you were in the UK you might lose your job for that remark. The mysoginistic women haters in charge of international sport say they are not men they are women even though they have greater muscle mass and bone density than any woman because they went through male puberty
  6. Thailand the land of business opportunity, an entrepreneurial young lady just trying to get ahead in a legal business.????
  7. They already know all the issues in Pattaya. They simply choose to do nothing about them.
  8. The arab states can no longer source their slaves from the Phillipines because the population has finally wised up and have now turned to Thailand
  9. Bad grammar It's 'Free Porn' not 'Porn Free' think your eysight is going cos you watch too much Free Porn it was a lesbian feature the lion was female and the one who loved herwas a woman
  10. When's the re-enactment of the crime? Will there be pictures? Who will point? What will they Point at?
  11. They should stop trying to cancel all porn and concentrate on specific areas, as happens in the West. Go after Child Pornography websites and posts. Go after revenge porn websites and posts where men post videos, pictures of former lovers who have rejected them. The internet originally flourished because of porn and later online shopping. They are never going to be able to stop it
  12. Comparison data is made over the same period of time not the whole time each company has been in operation hence between 2000 and 2020 Airbus has a far better safety record than Boeing. Boeing has an atrocious safety record and whistle blowers have told of the Boeing production line fitting badly made control wiring in order to cut cost
  13. Attempting to overwrite true history because the Issan region is held in such low regard.The cats presented to the russian court were not Siamese they were the short tailed Mekong Bobtail cats of the Issan region, also kept as temple cats and owned by the King. My fiance in Nong Khai has 3 of them
  14. Back in 1953 C Northcote Parkinson wrote a very insightful set of rules based on very careful analysis of published statistics written in a comedic style with examples regarding the UK Civil Service and Armed Forces (Thai civil service is based on British civil service), foreword by the late Queens Consort HRH Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh. Still published by penguine books it has the actor Terry Thomas on the cover. There are mathematical formulas in it that can be applied and they work One of the rules states that: "Work expands to fill the time available to do it in and the number of people available to do it" An example of this is: In 1914 the number of 'officials' working at the Admiralty was 2000 it expanded to 3569 by 1928 and this growth was totally unrelated to any possible increase in workload, the British Royal Navy had in fact got smaller over the same period of time.
  15. But spent another 10 minutes reading the comments and composing your post?
  16. Wow. I often find that those who point the finger, like you, are often pointing at reflections of themselves rather than the individual they are attacking
  17. You carried on reading for 5 minutes? I sugggest you don't read his posts in the future and let the rest of us enjoy them without annoying puerile comments
  18. Practical though, it will stop re-offending dead
  19. Not double standards just practical. The animal is dead the soul is gone. What remains is just meat which in the wild would be eaten sometimes by their own pack mates in times of hunger when there is poor hunting. Wild lionesses eat their own young when they are killed by the new pride leader.
  20. Just last week someone fired something at a train window from a light controlled pedestrian rail crossing near me in the UK. The window was smashed and a 9 moth old baby was injured by broken glass. Railways are very vulnerable to vandals
  21. It is very similar to the system used in the UK which seems to work
  22. Unfortunately spiking drinks and injecting women with drugs (usually Ketamine) whilst they are in a public space such as a bar is becoming quite prevalent in the UK and Europe. A number of these incidents have been reported in the UK usually one individual woman targeted by some potentiaal rapist. What makes this very unusual is the number of women as though the potential rapist has gone on a spree he injected a potential victim then found that he couldn't follow up by kidnapping the woman whilst she was under the influence (Crowds, friends nearby etc.) so went on to try with another victim and failed again a number of times. There may yet be a victim who he succeded with, who has not or is unable to come forward (Forgot because of the drug, held hostage, dead etc.)
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