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Everything posted by RobU

  1. It's the equivalent of doing an English degree in the UK. A teaching degree is different. Graduates who have an English degree can continue and take a Post Graduate course to qualify as a teacher of English they are not automatically English teachers.
  2. I think the idea of charging more for children over a specified height is fair. Growing children can consume a lot of food, sometimes more than an average adult. The food goes to provide the energy and mass for growth. Boys especially. It's analogous to me travelling on a plane. Airlines charge by weight for luggage but not for passengers. (The heavier the load, the more fuel is consumed) Why does the 20 stone (280lb) woman who takes up 2 seats only pay the same amount as the 8 stone (112lb) young woman in the next seat?
  3. Aggressive drunks or drug takers don't respond or back down from 'appropriate' restraint measures which people with unimpaired faculties respond to. They usually have to be put down hard and fast before the cause serious injury or damage. This often results in serious injury because they won't stop until they are unconscious. The alcohol/drugs anaesthetise them to pain and their sense of reason and self preservation is non existent.
  4. If they were parked and doing business the motorcycle lights wouldn't be switched on they would be visible by the local lighting
  5. Remember that the university will lose their income from expelled students. I understand that higher education is not free in Thailand so this is a major step.
  6. Mass tourism is the little people. The workers , paying mortgages and taxes at home, employed trying to save a little and spending some of their earnings on holidays, holidaying to a budget especially in the current climate of increased living expenses worldwide.. They are not going to eat into their savings to go on holiday they have to make sure they can pay the bills at home. Increasing the cost of holidaying in Thailand is counter intuitive and counter productive. Also creating unnecessary barriers and hoops to jump through, in order to be allowed to enter, is counter productive added to the increased (potential) cost and the high risk of being financially penalised and not allowed to actually have a holiday, once they have arrived, just incarcerated in an expensive hotel or some weird barracks for the duration at their expense, then packed off home (all done with a smile of course) and asked to please visit again is highly insulting. The people who own Thailand are naive and childlike in their thinking. The small number of so called wealthy cannot spend the amount that the large number of "commoners" spend they will only go to one Restuarant, stay in one (expensive) hotel per night and only visit one "sight of interest" at a time. They can't split themselves into a thousand different clones visiting multiple restuarants at the same time staying in a thousand different rooms at the same time and visit a thousand different places (or the same place a thousand times) at the same time and spending a thousand times the amount. For every dollar they spend Thailand loses 999 dollars in revenue from the little people who now can't afford to visit.
  7. Testing will not disappear. Follow the money. Who owns the laboratories that process the testing? I don't think you'll be surprised.
  8. No need to isolate at all now. All restrictions have been lifted in the UK. The only restriction left is compulsory wearing of masks in hospitals and medical centres and no visitors for hospital inpatients.. Residential and nursing homes for the elderly will allow 1 visitor per resident who must be the same person each time. The focus is on protecting the sick and the vulnerable elderly. People over 70 will receive a 2nd booster (4th dose of vaccine) in a couple of weeks time, along with people under 70 who are classed as possibly immune compromised (clinically vulnerable). I am amongst the clinically vulnerable, I expect to have had 5 doses of covid vaccine (,there will be another dose available in October in combination with the flu vaccine) by the time in return to Thailand in November. I really don't think UK citizens are a risk to Thailand
  9. The report says the lamppost slid backwards off the trailer, in other words the lorry shed it's load. The driver who was following did not fail to brake in time he had no chance to brake or may already have been braking the lamppost detached from the trailer and slid backwards. There probably was no need for a red warning flag because the lamppost was wholly on the trailer and not hanging over the back
  10. Your post makes no sense whatsoever besides being racially discriminatory. Asian countries in general have very poor reporting systems and do not generally have free healthcare. No one in those countries is going to volunteer to take Covid tests if they have to pay for them and they are then forced into expensive isolation facilities as they are in Thailand. The figures in these third world countries are skewed. All you have to do is look at Thailand itself it had a wonderful record of very few infections and very few deaths from Covid until the testing and subsequent isolation was made free, (as it always has been and will be in the west). Then suddenly the infection and deaths from Covid rose at an exponential rate surpassing levels in many western Countries except the UK where ALL healthcare is free and the people are not worried about losing income or effectively being fined for having Covid
  11. A dog killed one of our cats it had previously attacked and injured a goat and threatened members of my fiancés family, there were other incidents in the village. The owner knew all of this yet continued to allow it to roam free, it has since disappeared, hopefully to a shallow grave somewhere in the forest. The owner claims to be a nice guy and even my fiancé says that he is. My opinion was that he should have been charged and incarcerated. Once a dog has killed in this way it will go after other small helpless animals including children. These animals don't see the difference between a human being and another animal they are only loyal to their pack (the owner and family) and even then they will still attack children they think are usurping their pack status. Sadly child deaths and serious injury due to dog attacks are reported in the media at least twice a year in the UK. The response of the owner is always that he dog was a 'lovely animal, friendly and playful'. The owners humanise these animals and expect human responses they forget that dogs are a dangerous animals. The smallest dog can rip a child's face to shreds and this has also happened in the UK.
  12. Thanks, I think I would be happy to pay the national rate.
  13. So true about meetings. I regularly dropped off at the long unnecessary meetings where people droned on and on. They had no no outcomes other than to arrange the time and date of the next boring unnecessary meetings. My colleague used to pinch me when I snored, very sadistic woman who really enjoyed it, she was supposed to be my friend. I still have marks on my arms where she actually broke the skin with her long nails
  14. Cheap foreign labour affects a job market drastically supply and demand determines the wage. Indigenous people on low wages are the worst affected. They are kept to to minimum wage and this never rises above that because there is plenty of foreign labour to take their place. In the UK there is a very large casual labour market where no one gets more than minimum wage. In one instance an employer stopped using UK citizens (effectively employed but on a zero hours contract which stipulated an hourly rate and an increased holiday/night rate) because foreign labour were signing up to zero hours contracts for a lower hourly rate with no difference in holiday or night rate. This happened at Christmas (it was a cake making factory) when more of these zero hours contractors would be utilised. It isn't that foreign labour do the jobs that no one else wants it's because foreign labour undercuts indigenous labour.
  15. Yes but is the rate per hour or per day in Thailand, you haven't said. I think you are inferring that it is per day but can you confirm please. I am fairly new to Thailand and I expect to employ labourers to help with some work I will do on the house when I finally get back. I don't want to to be the White Buffalo easily ripped off.
  16. Problem with micro sleep is it can happen to anyone, even people who are well rested. Also often you don't know that it is happening until you have an accident or a near miss. As some one else said in this forum it can be due to the boredom and drone of the engine effectively hypnotizing the driver. The amount of time it takes for the condition of micro sleep to arise depends on many factors including the physiology of the driver. In the UK we are advised to take a break every 2 hours but micro sleep patterns can develop much earlier than that when driving on a long straight boring motorway.
  17. Chemical Castration is licenced in more than 20 countries (including the USA) to lower sexual drive in adult men with paraphilias, that is, exhibitionism, frotteurism, voyeurism, fetishism, sadomasochism, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, paedophilia, etc.. Rape is often about dominance rather than sexual gratification effectiveness of chemical castration is debatable, so these people will often just find another way to dominate women and children when they are released they just molest women and children in other ways. Chemical castration must go hand in hand with psychotherapy since many offenders don't want to stop so the castration does not stop sexual molestation and psychological trauma to future victims. Physical castration has been proven to lower re offending with rape from 50% to 5%.. but there are no figures for molestation. The only way to sort out paedophiles and rapists is to put them out of their (and our) misery by executing them.
  18. Biggest problem in the UK is public transport it's atrocious. Government is trying to force people off the roads and use public transport but it is totally inadequate it is far less stressful to sit in a comfortable car in slow traffic than on a crowded bus in slow traffic. Its also during commuting times faster to use a bike because you can weave through stalled traffic and use small side lanes (and of course the pavement or sidewalk in Thailand). I agree with you about meetings I have been obliged to attend meetings which: a) had nothing on the agenda I could contribute to b) were actually totally unnecessary ie there were never any actionable outcomes other than twaddle such as 'mission statements' sometimes not even that usually the only outcome was a date and time set for the next meeting I have worked on the shop floor and in the office and I know which is the easier ride, its definitely the office where people can stand up walk around chat with colleagues i.e. take time out at their own pace, spending a lot of time on office politics and gossip. Whereas shop floor usually have to stick to a rigorous schedule and actually work constantly for the whole shift. If office workers worked as constantly as shop floor workers you would need half the admin staff in most organisations, especially the larger ones or civil service. The constant response now in the UK is sorry for the delay 'it's because of Covid' or 'our staff are working from home' after 2 years that excuse is no longer valid. Working from home doesn't stop you from communicating with colleagues or attending meetings (Zoom or WhatsApp or Facebook) it is just another excuse (as you have exampled, I respectfully say that you were inadequately supervised both in the office and especially working from home), like Covid for bad working practice or cutbacks in staffing. Sorry for the rant but I am venting the frustration I felt when I worked thank god I am retired now. However I am now on the other end as a customer being affected by these poor organisational practices. I'll have to go now the nurse has arrived to put me back in my straight jacket( lots of buckles and things) then tie me to the bed for the night.
  19. Agreed I was the same when in salaried senior management posts with the NHS however there are many others not quite so committed at the same or higher levels and lower ranks who always go home on time and do not put the extra effort in they cannot be disciplined for lack of commitment and enthusiasm. I will guarantee your wife can tell you about quite a few of these characters who she can't touch
  20. Perhaps Thailand is ahead of the game. Drivers in East Yorkshire in the UK are being trained to ignore the white lines on the road. The council have put cycle lanes on each side of the road and removed the white line in the middle of the road because the resulting width between the cycle lanes is too narrow for 2 vehicles travelling in opposite directions to pass. Hence drivers drive with their inside wheels in the cycle lane and ignore road markings completely. It's the future
  21. According to the internet (which I agree can be wrong) they can live up to 70 years or more in protected environments such as this reserve but only 48 years in the wild. Sadly even less in captivity such as zoos, apparently because their mental health deteriorates. It's good to hear of the villagers looking after them rather than persecuting them as has been reported on this forum recently.
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