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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Wow you must be Old!???? crossings with 'Belisha Beacons' have been in use since the 1930's in the UK. The first formally named Zebra Crossing was introduced in 1951 (so you are at least 74?) I fully agree with you about the inattentive mobile phone users I am a crippled old fart and it is impossible for me to dodge them when I stagger out with my stick, their poor legs get tangled in my walking stick and I have ended up falling after them (fortunately they fall first and act as a cushion for me when I go down????)
  2. Micro sleep is a well documented phenomenon it can happen at any speed, concentration does not lapse whilst the person is awake they simply 'drop off and the eyelids close' usually because they drive after having a poor nights sleep or have been driving for too long on a boring long distance drive, akin to a form of self hypnosis. There was a high profile TV and Poster campaign in the UK warning of this and there are signs at regular intervals on all UK motorways stating 'Take a break' or 'Don't Drive Tired'
  3. The old coconut picker (CP) monkey's are rarely used now since more modern methods superseded them, they are more as tourist attractions. They are classed as revered family members and are only bred with other CP monkey's. CP monkey's are all born 'in captivity' and it has been so for over a hundred years non of them are taken from the wild. The recent scandal where a so called animal charity, funded by Florida coconut growers, managed to get UK and US major retailers (Tesco's etc) to stop selling Thai coconut milk, saying they were taken from the wild and treated cruelly (for a short period until it was exposed as an outright lie), highlighted this. There is even a school run by Buddhist monks which specialises in training them humanely. They would not survive in the wild.
  4. There was this weird assumption in western society that strong, highly intelligent and capable women cannot also be beautiful and very sexy . Intelligent women were often depicted as frumpy lumps and beautiful women as vacuous dreamers in drama and movies (Marylyn Munro has a lot to answer for), I think this seems true of Thai society. This young woman gives the lie to that assumption and confirms my experiences having worked with highly intelligent female doctors for many years. She is perfectly within her rights, as a modern woman, to enter beauty competitions if she wants and take advantage of ALL the assets god gave her.
  5. Over 50% of all violent crime in the USA is perpetrated by Black Males not just against Asians
  6. Is the overnight service from Bangkok to Nong Khai back in operation now?
  7. Yes the rules are very clear on this for the NHS. There are 3 sets of pension rules which depend on when you stopped working for the NHS. I fall under the oldest set which does not recognise relationships outside of marriage. The second set recognises same sex civil partnerships and the third set allows the pensioner to designate a partner to receive the survivors pension
  8. Thanks youreavinalaff I appreciate your support (I had to do a double take on your name to get the joke)
  9. It has to be a legally recognised marriage Local village weddings are not legally recognised. I have just recovered from an operation for Cancer (it is classed as cured but it could recur) as my wife she is legally entitled to half my small NHS pension (NOT the UK state pension) when I die which means she will be financially secure. This survivor benefit can only be claimed by my wife hence my need to register a legal marriage
  10. According to some reporters. He is a very arrogant man who takes pleasure in 'being a Prince' and lording it over his inferiors (basically anyone who is not Royalty). I for one believe he is guilty because he believed he was above the law.
  11. Thanks allane. My Fiance is illiterate she went to the District office in Rattanawapi Nong Khai and was told that they will not marry foreigners. The UK embassy requires me to first make an appointment to Marry then contact the embassy to make an appointment to be interviewed for the certificate (No indication of how long I will have to wait to be seen at the embassy)
  12. I am very new to this I met my fiance in 2019, left Thailand in February 2020 and haven't been able to get back to Thailand since. Life was very simple travelling on a 3 month retirement visa. We have maintained close contact via Facebook I want to return in November 2022 and marry her. 1. Are there any register offices in the Region (I believe they are called Amphurs) which will register a marriage between a British Foreigner and a Thai National? 2. Can I extend my Non Immigrant O retirement visa for a few more months once I am married without putting huge sums in a Thai bank I. Don't expect to move permanently to Thailand my income is not high enough but 5 or 6 months of the year would be sufficient for us both
  13. Fully agree with You my experience of a Taxi driver who I contracted with for 2 days in Pattaya was that he was a better driver than most English drivers. He was careful, he monitored his mirrors al the time, he anticipated the idiots and on longer motorway journeys he stuck to the speed limit and remained in the inner lane allowing other to pass in the lanes to the right. He also slowed and stopped at pedestrian crossings
  14. Quality of the water plays a very large part in the brewing of good beer I am always wary of the quality of Thai water sources. Also the quality of Hops (are hops grown in Thailand?) the soil the hops are grown in imparts flavour most of UK hops for brewing are grown in Kent which has a particular style of soil.
  15. I don't know the law in Thailand but in the UK it is an offence to overtake or undertake at a pedestrian crossing (Zebra or light controlled) hence if a vehicle stops at a crossing all other vehicles travelling in the same direction must also stop
  16. I think it means that the dead man was in no way responsible for the accident i.e. he was innocent of any wrongdoing
  17. I would suspect that he didn't dare retaliate at the time if her kicks were hurting him, realising that she had boxing skills would make him think twice
  18. Yes there is evidence the body is weaker due to short term side effects and EVENTUALLY after 2 weeks the body immune system is reinforced AGAINST COVID specifically Nothing was mentioned in my post about the immune system being weakened what I said was you are more susceptible to eruptions of Shingles if you are run down or have an infection which causes your body to weaken. The vaccination simulates an infection and stimulates the body to produce antibodies however whilst it is manufacturing those antibodies it is overworked and the OPPORTUNISTIC shingles virus which already exists as a commensal on the skin takes hold. Basic Virology 101 still taught today. The professor is correct the Immune system is not suppressed it is overworked during the period of mass production of antibodies Shingles is a very specific opportunistic virus known for taking advantage of such periods
  19. Yebbut will they remove the Thailand Pass, will they stop the rip off hotel isolation of foreigners who test positive without symptoms.
  20. Point taken. It seems more like English people travelling to Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland but with border checks
  21. Pouring beer over someone's head is an assault by law, it is physically attacking someone else. What about the damage to her clothing that he caused or the probable fact that she will have to pay to visit the hairdresser to rectify the damage caused to her long hair by sticky unhygienic beer. He destroyed a simple night out she would have had to go home to get changed and shower.
  22. Only 14 million of UK citizens take holidays abroad, UK has a wealthier population and a similar size population. I would have expected much more than Thailand
  23. Thanks, the fact that shingles virus can be dormant and activated by weakening of the body due to other conditions is actually very old knowledge, I was taught this in the 1970's as part of my nurse training. The weakening due to vaccination side effects is just another cause to add to a very long list of reasons.
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