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Everything posted by RobU

  1. You are persistently stating that it was OK and reasonable for him to resort to violence after she verbally rejected his advances. You have taken this stance in all your many posts no one has ever stated that it is OK for a woman to pour a drink over a mans head and that he should not respond. it is your rather warped interpretation
  2. So you think that physically assaulting a woman (or man) is a reasonable response to a refusal to engage in dialogue, you need therapy or perhaps imprisonment if you practice such behaviour.
  3. Its starting to happen in the UK bike riders riding on footpaths treating pedestrians as obstructions, thinking they can do no wrong. Motorcycles will be next.
  4. it's about time. I understand that during the past 2 years no one has died from Flu, Dengue fever or old age because Covid has bullied those causes into hiding. (before anyone jumps down my throat I am being facetious)
  5. Interesting viewpoint, My fiancé was a bar 'Girl' she is 55 she is now back in her own village we have built a house. She has 2 'Gardens' (allotments, to you Englishmen) where she grows food and she works in the fields with her neighbours. She lived and worked in the squalor of Pattaya because she had to survive. She had already bought the land for the house and started building on it when I met her. Many of these women come from villages and their dream is to be able to return and live a normal life away from Bangkok and other tourist traps. The parties that we have had do not end up in alcoholic blackout. In fact consuming alcohol is a pretty rare occurrence. The extended family are very supportive of us both to the point where her Sisters Husband will travel 10 hours to do building work for us and take her to be vaccinated. They have also clubbed together (with me) to buy her a motorbike and sidecar so she can be independent when I am not there and sell produce at the market. You must have had a very bad experience, not everyone is as bad as you claim.
  6. It was a young lady wearing sexy clothes cooking and selling street food she was warned by the authorities to wear an apron
  7. The Shingles virus can actually lie dormant in a healthy persons skin. It erupts when that person becomes run down. So the possibility is that you and the other people already had the shingles virus in your skin and the injection caused your body to become run down because it was directing all its effort to manufacturing covid antibodies. In other words the vaccination does not give you shingles but the weakening of your body as part of the short term side effects of the vaccination may allow the previously dormant shingles virus to start breeding
  8. A dog in my fiancé's village killed one of her cats. It had previously attacked and badly injured a goat and threatened people, yet it was still allowed to roam free by its 'owner'. It hasn't been seen roaming the village since the cat was killed, I believe the village headman had a 'quiet' word with the owner. This Thai attitude of 'it's not the owners fault' ghasts my flabber, those kind of dogs are an incident waiting to happen they could just as easily attack a child or a baby.
  9. There is no excuse whatsoever for what he did. I cant believe that you think assaulting a woman (what he did was physical assault) is a good response to her rejecting you no matter how derogatory her verbal response is.
  10. She refused his advances, he got miffed and tipped a drink over her head, she responded by trying to kick his head in. Good for her. I fail to understand why she was fined for responding to aggression by that twerp
  11. It won't work. Only money talks. Big fines, possible imprisonment and confiscation of vehicles/bikes is the only answer
  12. Last time I was in Pattaya all traffic stopped for red lights including the crossing on Beach Road. The problem is lack of maintenance of the lights which get stuck on flashing amber so all drivers just go around pedestrians rather than stopping
  13. Yes great. They will install them, but will they maintain them? Will half of them be out of action by next year? which seems typical of Thai Project outcomes
  14. It's a dirty Farang word, everything must be new. New Projects rule OK????? Once the project is finished it is forgotten. The city wouldn't have enough money for the new big vanity projects if it actually spent money on maintaining its structure. The lack of maintenance of the very expensive high profile camera project is a case in point, I understand that 50% of them don't work anymore
  15. Also they don't maintain them. When I was there the crossing lights (meant to go red when the button is pressed) outside my hotel on 2nd road were damaged not working , apparently this had been for some time, still not repaired when I left 1 month later
  16. Fairly common amongst corrupt police officers. Make a false arrest then charge the victim with resisting arrest. The reason for the arrest is ignored
  17. What gets me is if they actually start policing and prosecuting motorists with decent large fines etc. the Thai authorities could make a fortune and confiscate vehicles and bikes for serious offences. Attitudes would change very rapidly in the end money (or loss of money) talks
  18. I cannot understand why infection rate is so important no virus has been tested for in the same way as Covid for all we know common Flu infections could be classified as Pandemic but no country tests for Flu to the same extent, My feeling is that Hospital Admission and deaths because of Covid (not WITH Covid, as it is in the UK) are more indicative of a dangerous Pandemic. I fully agree with your assessment
  19. Considering the reports on what happens to Filipino servants and workers who are treated as slaves by the Saudi's, If I was Thai I would be very wary of working there. I believe word has now got around in the Philippines about the atrocious treatment of their nationals and recruitment is difficult there so Saudi is now looking for fresh meat to fill the gaps
  20. In the UK Infection rares are rising BUT Hospitalisations are half the total for the same time last Year Death rates from Covid are now no different to Death rates during a severe flu epidemic year Plus According to the latest COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report from the UK Health Security Agency, published on January 20, 2022, "several studies have provided evidence that vaccines are effective at preventing infection" and that, since uninfected people cannot transmit the virus, "the vaccines provide some protection against transmission". The report noted: "There may be additional benefit, beyond that due to prevention of infection, if some of those individuals who become infected despite vaccination are also at a reduced risk of transmitting (for example, because of reduced duration or level of viral shedding)." The report referred to a number of studies providing evidence of reduced risk of household transmission from vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated ones.[2] There is strong evidence that the vaccine is effective against serious illness and hospital admission. New data from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that unvaccinated adults aged 18 to 49 are 12 times more likely to be admitted to hospital than those who are immunised. For unvaccinated adults aged 50 to 64, the likelihood of hospital admission is 44 times greater.[3] Most recently, research by the Office of National Statistics showed that double-vaccinated adults had a 41% lower likelihood of developing long COVID than the unvaccinated.[4] Covid is now regarded as Endemic in the UK and all regulations have been relaxed accordingly
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