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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Crosswalks in the US, Zebra crossings in the UK, both have the same function to give safe passage for pedestrians when crossing the road. Other countries have different names and different colours for the same thing. The name used is irrelevant they all mean the same thing. And by the way Zebra Crossing is not British slang it is official terminology quoted in the highway code.
  2. Has she just left or has she died or been injured? Obviously she rented for 5 years without missing payment. Nobody knows where she is. That is not 5 years of hoarding there would be a lot more. Another victim of the Covid crisis perhaps.
  3. This very forum shared fake news which claimed that one centre was offering 3rd and 4th booster shots when they were actually offering 1st and 2nd boosters the second booster for frontline staff only
  4. In the UK landlords are not allowed to 'inspect' rented property for cleanliness etc. They only find out once the premises are vacated, often repossessed due to non payment of rent. There are many cases like this in the UK there is even a TV series showing them because there are so many. Not sure if the same kind of law applies in Thailand.
  5. I agree they don't even have to spend any time creating it, just copy the UK highway code. Have a written test and force every car driver to take a minimum course of driving lessons from an authorized instructor who would be obliged to teach the highway code This would actually create revenue for the government since authorised instructors would have to pass a test and pay to be registered. The written test would be charged for and if they made a law that all vehicles must carry a current copy of the highway code then the massive sales from that publication would also generate revenue
  6. Big dendrobias I think you are being silly. Geoffggi effectively said that IN SOME COUNTRIES pedestrian crossings are referred to as pavement crossings (or crosswalks in the USA). You (and I) perhaps know them as pedestrian crossings but people from other countries would not recognise the term 'pedestrian crossing' and its function. n crossing'
  7. Exactly my point the small breeders are not allowed to sell at the appropriate point when the pig is ready for slaughter and have to keep feeding and treating it incurring costs which are not recouped at point of sale. I.e. the price of the pig remains the same
  8. I understand from a friend that many small pork breeders (2 or 3 pigs) are under contract to sell only to specific buyers. However those buyers are refusing to buy and slaughter pigs keeping the price high and the sellers are not allowed to sell elsewhere. It has been going on for some time now the small farmers are going out of business and refuse to raise any more pigs. This price rise has been deliberately manufactured by cartels.
  9. There, that wasn't so difficult was it? An informative response albeit still containing insulting language and a trolling attitude different from your original response which told me to 'lighten up' it is a very serious subject, as you say. So your response 'lighten up was very weird to say the least and indicative of trolling behaviour.
  10. I'm so light I'm floating old chap. But you still haven't answered my question, or is it that you are practicing the ancient Farang art of Thai bashing throwing insults and unfounded allegations around to cause trouble? These days it is called trolling (posting comments on a forum in order to disrupt and cause argument).
  11. Why do you have to highlight that it was a female trucker? I never see any stories saying Male trucker or Male driver. Is the author a misogynist?
  12. i didn't understand it either, your sarcasm appears extremely subtle to the point of incomprehensible unless you are attacking another user of this forum
  13. Why is the driver a bad driver? By the sound of it he had his hazard warning lights on. He blocked the lane to prevent other drivers running into the man and the kitten. He moved slowly behind them and once the captured kitten was in the car he moved off carefully and accelerated gently.
  14. That's good news since my family in Nong Khai province haven't been offered a third dose yet
  15. mtls2005 I think your reaction to what was meant as a humorous comment based on what hormonal kids get up to at that age was a bit extreme. At that age in the UK. unless it is non consensual, the eldest child is usually given a police caution (If a complaint is made) so if the girl is older than the boy, even by a few days she is given a police caution for interfering with a minor the eldest of the 2 children is also put on the sex offenders register.
  16. I like the part about attracting pensioners (NOT) the income requirements for staying in Thailand are ridiculously high and beyond the income level of most pensioners. I have 2 UK pensions NHS and State and still am not at the level required. It seems that an income of £19,500 after tax is compulsory and keep a specified amount in a Thai bank doing nothing
  17. Yes it does. Gangs of male mallard ducks often gangbang female mallard ducks (which are not paired and protected by a male) to death when in season. Either drowning them by continuously mounting them on the water not giving them time to breath or by sheer exhaustion on land. The female mallards try to escape but are overwhelmed by the gang. I worked as a park ranger during the hols when I was at university and often had to rescue such victims.
  18. True, but that's because they often carry much more in the bag than men can carry in their pockets. Most men ask their partners to put cumbersome inconvenient things in their handbags rathe than wandering around with it clutched in their sweaty paws all day. It used to be everything but the kitchen sink and then someone invented 'Wet Wipes'. I don't take mine off when I am away from home and it has a strap with steel threads to prevent it being cut. Zips on every pocket and a zipped internal security pocket for my wallet and passport, much safer than bulging trouser pockets, which are easily picked. Mine is thick brown leather and looks more like a small man's document bag slung over my shoulder rather than a ladies handbag.
  19. Same thing is being reported in the UK. More people are going to GP's with sleeping difficulties requesting medication. It may be due to lack of exercise i.e. not getting tired enough. Or, in the case of Thailand expats, lack of alcohol not getting drunk enough to collapse in a coma after a session at the bar. Thai wives/girlfriends must be going crazy trying to find ways to prevent their partners demanding conjugation at night????????????????
  20. I have started carrying a 'Manbag' much more convenient than pockets. If you were a beautiful Thai lady and said such a thing to me I would accompany you back to your station, otherwise please go away with short jerky movements (**** off)????
  21. You are correct. There are well documented Nordic/Scandinavian studies of offenders who are chemically castrated (hence no sexual urging) who go on to re-offend and the conclusion was that it was about power and dominance not sexual desire.
  22. You are wrong about weed users not being violent it is a popular myth disseminated by users. Paranoia often leads to violence and yes you are probably right about alcohol but as I said many cannabis users divert attention to alcohol as if Alcohol's worse effect, excuses the bad effects of cannabis, which it does not.
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