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Everything posted by RobU

  1. I read the headline as Free Moderna booster dose for over 70's pregnant women Amazing the difference a comma makes????
  2. Step by Step. Thailand is socially at the same level that the UK and the USA were in the 1950's/60's. In fact they are more progressive than many states of the USA were then regarding same sex relationships. Thailand has to develop it's social awareness and tolerance and that means the population not the government have to achieve tolerance. You can't force it, Woke bullying doesn't work in Thailand
  3. Why is this strange? It's good advice? 1. Learn to swim then less children will drown (exactly the same policy was instituted in the UK for exactly the same reasons) 2. Learn English it is the language of international business and tourism. 3. Excercise, don't get fat and unhealthy like wealthy westerners especially the Americans. Very sound advice for the end of a speech ending a speech on a personal note which many speechmakers do the remarks often unrelated to the main speech but considered important to the speechmakers
  4. The management of Astra Zenneker have just announced that they no longer consider covid to be pandemic it is now endemic (ie it will never go away and we will have to live with it like we do with flu). On the basis of that they are now upping the cost of vaccination doses to certain wealthy nations so they can start making a profit
  5. I think the reporter has got it wrong and quoted nitrous oxide instead of helium the symptoms described are from over use of helium without oxygen added effectively causing anoxia
  6. Sounds like the usual Thai problem of no maintenance just install/build and then leave it to deteriorate
  7. People can own their home and still be poor. All selling the home does is delay the inevitable and creates absolute poverty
  8. It has long been recognised that the true purpose of education is to socialise pupils, education is a by product of this process. Hence the old classic song 'Brick in the Wall' by Pink Floyd released in 1979
  9. There seems to be an element of misrepresentation by the author. The first 2 shots are not boosters they are the primary vaccination. Any shot after the primary vaccination sequence is called a booster, therefore he will be getting a Second booster not a fourth
  10. 7 am in the morning is very early and totally unnecessary. People who have worked late the night before need their rest.
  11. My experience of Pattaya Taxis is they never use the meter and actually charge more than taxi's in the UK
  12. Accidentally? How do they know? The unknown man fired live ammunition in the street and aimed the gun at the security guard (No matter how far away) he is guilty of wounding with intent at the very least
  13. interesting that in Nong Khai province only the 2 basic sinovac+Astra have been delivered to the general population no one has had a first booster never mind a 3rd one. It seems there are elements of the population who get favoured status and people in the North East of Thialand will be allowed to die since they are classed as inferior by the Thai government
  14. Thus speaks an old hand , I get your point????
  15. Good Idea. It would perhaps make the motorcyclists think twice if they can be easily identified
  16. Quick Check shows that according to the quoted figures as a holiday destination (assuming all the visitors are actually holidaymakers), proportional to the population of the countries concerned, shows which countries regard Thailand as a 'holiday' destination the most. However the article does not state whether the arrivals were nationals of the country they are purported to have arrived from Switzerland----------------0.009700 Sweden--------------------0.007000 UAE------------------------0.005500 Germany------------------0.002800 UK-------------------------0.002500 South Korea--------------0.001800 Japan---------------------0.001000 France--------------------0.001000 US ------------------------0.000075 Russia----------------------0.000072
  17. Interesting that the number from Japan is 1258 and the population of Japan is 125800000
  18. One website does not mention anything about more vaccinated that unvaccinated are dying. The other websites are clearly fake news judging by the wild and fantastical non scientific other stories advertised on the same pages written on an obscure website with no scientific credibility whatsoever
  19. I used to work in UK operating theatres female staff were reluctant to stop wearing masks, even when they were demonstrated not to be necessary for circulating staff (as opposed to the staff actually doing the procedure) in modern theatres because it enhanced their eyes and actually made the most plain woman seem prettier
  20. well that means we are double d*****d, I am a foreigner she was born and now lives in our home in the Isaan region. Absolutely no chance of fair treatment
  21. It is well established in UK sex education that children are more likely to 'hear' the words and advice of non family or non emotionally invested people, because they are usually less embarrassed and they have support of class mates who they can discuss it with. Your comment abut a poor relationship with parents is invalid.
  22. People reach their first level of incompetence after demonstrating competence at lower levels, at that point they become politicians in order to hide their incompetence and progress further up the ladder.
  23. I don't think they are tourists in the classical sense. More likely to be people with an attachment to Thailand, i.e. property, family, girlfriend/boyfriend...
  24. Interesting that the page has been blocked by Microsoft Edge although the link works
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