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Everything posted by RobU

  1. the word body can be used in many ways including 'Live Body', 'Body of People' (ie a group of people), 'Body of Evidence. The use of 'body' as meaning 'dead body' is a colloquialism body should always have a qualifier in good English grammar.
  2. It seems to me that the Thai mindset is Project based not maintenance i.e. finish the build then move on to the next project do not maintain and do not tweak the old projects. You see this in in buildings and public works where the build is finished then is allowed to deteriorate and collapse, then a new project is announced to replace the last one. This has become more prevalent in the EU with the advent of National Lottery grants and EU grants for projects but not maintenance. I project that eventually there will be an announcement of a 'New' super dooper website to replace it, complete with new flaws and process errors that will never be rectified until the next website is created with its own new flaws and process errors which will never be rectified. And on it goes...
  3. At least there is an accessible toilet but I suppose there's no toilet paper, no soap and no towels as is usual.
  4. I am getting the same kind of messages from friends and family I have created a stock reply i.e. Hi <name> Thanks for your kind message I am sorry to tell you that what you read and see in the media is total fantasy. Thailand is still locked down, almost impossible to travel between regions even if you are vaccinated. Most Entertainment venues, bars and restaurants are closed. Ridiculously high prices for anything that is open Mandatory Insurance is sky high and difficult to get Officials are extremely hostile, including the Thai embassy in London Mandatory hotel stays at unbelievably high prices on arrival. and possible detention in a hospitel (yes that's the correct spelling) for a further 7 to 14 days at hyper inflated prices Forced to download an app that doesn't work to your phone which may well be contaminated with malware. There's more but I am now starting to cry, so I'll sign off Lots of love RobU Saves a lot of repetitive finger fiddling 55555
  5. Nah, they all go to Scarborough caravan camps for Scots Fortnight in the UK high summer and spend all their money on booze there. They haven't got enough money left for a winter holiday
  6. BBC News has this as front page news on the UK website Thailand reopens to vaccinated tourists from over 60 nations - BBC News 'Tens of thousands of travellers are expected to arrive in Thailand today as the country reopens to tourists after 18 months of Covid restrictions.'
  7. This is not new. In the UK, we were informed in March 2020 that renewal of passports could take up to 11 weeks and this warning has not been rescinded. I applied for renewal in June 2020 and received my renewed passport within a month. It is however a timely reminder that the process can take up to 11 weeks and has been so since March 2020
  8. He suffers from Premature revelations? Has anyone told him that you can get treatment for it? I find that doing complex maths problems in my head helps me and stops me from revealing too quickly. My Fiancé appreciates this she says that it gives her the opportunity to reveal herself because women can take longer to reveal than men and there is a long build up to a full body revelation which takes her breath away.
  9. Use of the Covid Crisis for purely political disciplinary purposes, not for health. This has been expected where Authoritarian governments would use Covid as a cover for suppressing the population. I honestly didn't expect Thailand to be the first to be so blatant and obvious about it
  10. You are probably right, this chap may be an anomaly that got through the international system which filters out the decent truth tellers. I suspect that he may be for the chop since people on both sides of the fence will be screaming for his resignation. i.e. resign because he is stupid for telling the truth or resign because he made a mistake (as some on this forum are spouting) so d****d if you are honourable and d****d if you are not.
  11. I think the people posting on this thread should be congratulating him for being Honest and admitting his mistake rather than finding fault. It shows that there is honour in Thai politics
  12. Totally Agree. The test depends on the viral load. Initially at the point of infection it is too low to be detected but starts replicating at an exponential rate feeding on the human body. rising slowly at first then extremely rapidly within a short period. It can become detectable well within the 72 hour period
  13. Good point, probable that the idea is to discourage travel abroad and encourage spending the money at home (in Thailand) instead
  14. I have a friend who used to work in the sex industry in the UK. She would not attend bachelor style parties (even if there were other women going) because of the high risk associated with them. She states that even the 'nicest' men can become like animals influenced by testosterone highs and male hysteria, conforming to a crowd instinct, violent rape and gang***g was common but not reported because the police had no sympathy or intent to take action. At least it is taken seriously in Thailand
  15. I agree, you can look, you can admire, you can enjoy what is on display but don't touch unless specifically invited. I used to go to UK Rock Concerts in the 70's and 80's where Heavy Rockers policed the grounds. Girls would often go topless and sometimes naked and no one touched them because if anyone did all the girl did was tell the 'Angels' and that individual was hurt very badly. Police stayed outside the grounds and didn't interfere.
  16. Flu was not and is not tested for to the same extent as Covid. The fact is no one knows the true extent of flu. asymptomatic flu has never been tested for, covid victims are not tested for flu. You can get 2different viruses at the same time. Fact is that governments have ceased or are suppressing reporting flu statistics because everyone is diverting resources to covid. Flu is probably just as prevalent as Covid but it is ignored because it's not fashionable (believe me the scientific and medical establishment follow the current fashion trends of their professions and those who contradict the opinions of the 'leaders' of the profession tend to be ignored or actively discouraged like the doctor who tried to alert the Chinese authorities to the dangers of covid). Fact, flu is also spread by physical contact, just like covid, flu virus survives on surfaces for up to 72 hours, just like covid, flu mutates, just like covid. The difference is that we have very cheap tried and tested vaccines for flu used all over the world which reduces the death toll considerably. In the early 20th century flu killed hundreds of millions worldwide just like covid. Wearing a mask doesn't necessarily stop you from getting flu. Perhaps the worst cases of covid are the ones who have contracted covid AND flu at the same time but the flu virus is not tested for.
  17. Yes prostitution will have existed in Thailand long before GI's and the Vietnam war. I think what he is saying is that The GI's influence created the modern 'sex tourism' social infrastructure that 'was' prevalent in Bangkok, Pattaya and other urban centres until Covid. i.e. Thailand for a few weeks holiday/R&R get laid every night with a pretend girlfriend then back to the real world with no strings attached. Thai people accepting this as the 'norm' and the sex worker is not stigmatised for earning good money for the family by going from client to client and having farang 'friends' who send her money from abroad.
  18. I wasn't aware of what GP meant therefore it wasn't obvious CANSIAM clarified it for me
  19. All this reminds me of the UK TV series 'Life on Mars' which depicted the casual police brutality and corruption of the 1970's and 80's. At the time the Met was being investigated for corruption as were other major City police forces. It seems that Thailand's social health approximates to the UK in the period between the 50's and the 90's, and, like the UK did, they are trying to do something about it, but remember that the Officer leading the corruption investigations in the UK was disrespected and false charges laid against him.
  20. You are Not correct, If you spend more than 9 months in any year out of the UK all benefits including free NHS healthcare are automatically suspended, All disability allowance benefits cease after 3 months out of the country (6 months in very exceptional circumstances). This is a fact whether you have an address in the UK or not. Some UK hospitals and GP's don't make adequate checks and often many UK GP's don't know these rules so some people slip back in and are effectively defrauding the state.
  21. It seems that all this jumping through hoops is to attack and get money from foreigners who have emotional and business ties with Thailand and are desperate t get back to their loved ones/business contacts, business can be conducted over the internet so it's really attacking those who truly care about the country and it's people. No casual tourist in their right mind will want to jump through these hoops when there are many other destinations equally as warm and 'friendly'. i.e. -Lets go to Thailand this year *That sounds good -Oh don't bother I have just seen the conditions for entry they seem very complex and to change each week. I just emailed the Thai embassy for clarification the answers are very curt and unfriendly *Lets go somewhere else then -Yeh, lets try Europe for a change or Fiji we've never been there, it might be better than Thailand, we can go there in the future. They are effectively discouraging future tourism because people who habitually travelled to Thailand for holidays will find more foreigner friendly places and change their habit.
  22. Me too, there in time for Songkran and my Niece's 6th birthday
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