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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 1 hour ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    It was agreed ages ago and fans will be coming back in July or August. If you haven't noticed most of Europe are behind closed doors for sport at present.


    And what has sport got to do rising covid-19 infections when the infections are not rising?

    If its quite safe for 1000's of people to gather in parks , then wouldnt it also be safe for 1000's of people to all attend sporting events ?

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    The infection rate is still dropping in the UK, the protests would have seen a spike in the rate by now and it's now 3 weeks in. The age group of those protesting are the least likely to be affected by covid-19 but the most affected by unemployment and no education at present.

    Why are they playing sports fixtures behind closed doors ?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

    As has been explained to you many, many times, at the BLM demos, 230 arrests have been made and the police have released 35 images of people wanted for criminal damage   https://www.itv.com/news/2020-06-20/black-lives-matter-protests-london/

    At the 'protect the statues' demo, over 100 arrests were made. You make it sound like the police just idly sat by whilst criminal activity took place yet the number of arrests immediately negate that argument.

    Stop trying to fit YOUR bias into YOUR narrative. The facts tell a different story. 


    We are talking about whether the police can pick and choose what laws they enforce .

    That hasnt been explained to me many many times and I dont have any bias or narrative .

    Can police ignore law breakers or did the oath they took, requires them to uphold the law ?

    That is the question, no biasness  there

  4. 6 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Even when the man has identified himself as an actual expert in what you are Trying desperately to paint differently from reality, you think now is the time to double down with an example that I could even give you the answer to. 

    Unless of course you were once a policeman AND a prosecutor as well?

    Whilst I accept that at times , the Police can act with discretion , like if a guys in a park and needs to take pee and theres no toilets available, no need to arrest him for public exposure , act with discretion then .

      If that same guy picks up a petrol bomb and fire bombs a house , he needs to get arrested and to face charges 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Dont be stupid. That is a different discretion. That is a most serious offence. That discretion is when the officer can safely arrest, or maybe wait. Yes that discretion would well be to let the guy go home until a safe arrest can be made.


    Well yes so they have to arrest him , when they arrest him is irrelevant 

    My point was that its not up to individual police officers whether to arrest people for serious offences 

      I do understand what you mean about police choosing not to arrest offenders because it could put them in danger or escalate the situation if they are heavily outnumbered or out gunned

  6. 1 minute ago, Sujo said:

    young man. I was a police officer then a prosecutor. The law is not the law. It is also the intent of the law.


    If a military officer attended uk parliament in his uniform it is illegal, it is unlawful. So say general mattis attended uk parliament in uniform he should be arrested. But he wouldnt be.


    Police resources are not to be wasted on frivilous matters and judges frequently berate police for charging people with offences that whilst illegal are not in the spirit or intent for which the law was enacted.


    Police will often caution an offender instead of arrest because to arrest they will use a lot of resources for little gain.


    The oath police take is subject to directions from above. If an officer is doing surveillance but notices a jaywalker he isnt going to jeapordise his case just to arrest a jaywalker. But according to you he must.


    Police are not bound to arrest anyone and everyone breaking the law. They have discretion. Move on.

    OK, so if you were on patrol in uniform and you saw one man murder another man , would it be up to your discretion to intervene or just walk on by without taking action ?

     Would it be completely up to your discretion about whether you make an arrest or not , could you just say , "I didnt like the murdered guy either, so, you can go home unarrested"?

       You talk about "frivolous matters " ; 56 Police officers getting injured and property destroyed is hardly a frivolously matter , two different issues .

      Yes, "frivolous " matters are often overlooked , but thats not what we are talking about, is it .

    • Confused 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Nor have you addressed my question in response to your referencing a 14 year old posting some stuff on social media and the guy arrested at an airport for not providing his password for his phone i.e. how many are serving jail terms for minor terrorism offences

    I have no idea , but we were talking about the Guardian link that you posted and the topic was the "Growing right wing threat " and those two incidents were included in that , I have no idea whether they went to jail of not , actually, I seem to recall that the password guy got a small fine and the 14 year old is too young to go to jail .

      But we were talking about "instances" not necessarily involving people getting jailed

  8. 2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    To quote you "many of these seem to be youngsters posting" The comment is speculation, not fact. Nor have you addressed my question in response to your referencing a 14 year old posting some stuff on social media and the guy arrested at an airport for not providing his password for his phone i.e. how many are serving jail terms for minor terrorism offences. In other words are they included in the total of those jailed for terrorism changes from the far right. In any case enough is enough of your & others evasions - final goodbye in this topic.

    I have no idea who all the 29 people in jail for right wing terror offences are or what they have done .

    I did a websearch for "Right wing terror offence jail" and many of them seem to be teenagers posting things online or suspected membership of banned groups





      If you have a more comprehension list, then please post it up 

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