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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 1 hour ago, evadgib said:

    After a cursory skip through the thread I have several observations:


    - Patrick Hutchins actions have gone viral and he is on all major news outlets and all over social media. Taking this at face value his actions are very commendable but I am far from convinced that the situation hasn't been manipulated in some way.


    - I have seen nothing whatsoever about the person being carried; no name; no explanation as to how he was injured (or should I say who by); no apparent injury while appearing to be conscious; what happened to him afterwards and of course a liberal daubing of the 'Far Right' paint brush aimed at any that still fall for it.


    Beyond the feel-good aspects of this story too many questions as yet remain unanswered.



    Where did he intend taking him to ?

    He couldnt have walked far with a large man on his back .

    As he was conscious, why even pick him up ?

    We certainly need an explanation .

    If a person is laying injured on the floor, the last thing that you'd do is pick them up and put them over your shoulder

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    After a cursory skip through the thread I have several observations:


    - Patrick Hutchins actions have gone viral and he is on all major news outlets and all over social media. Taking this at face value his actions are very commendable but I am far from convinced that the situation hasn't been manipulated in some way.


    - I have seen nothing whatsoever about the person being carried; no name; no explanation as to how he was injured (or should I say who by); no apparent injury while appearing to be conscious; what happened to him afterwards and of course a liberal daubing of the 'Far Right' paint brush aimed at any that still fall for it.


    Beyond the feel-good aspects of this story too many questions as yet remain unanswered.



    Patrick Hutchinson wasnt part of the BLM protests , he was at the scene as a security official , security there to protect people , so, he was just doing his job

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, J Town said:

    I KNEW one of you guys was gonna try this.

    He was informed by experts in January of this pending disaster, even earlier according to some reports, yet as late as March he was calling the virus a "Democratic hoax." Even in the most delusional reality can you NOT call that a cover up?

    He didnt say that


    "Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax"



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    Allow me to start by showing my appreciation to you for your eventual acceptance that nazi salutes were used by the anti-anti-racist protesters (double negative and all that). It was a long road we traveled to get to this point, but I am glad that we are all in agreement and that there is now no doubt that these men were making such gestures. 


    I am a little perturbed at your attempt to trivialise it though. The Haka is a cultural tradition proudly maintained by a proud people. Nazi salutes, however, are not part of the UK's heritage.

    They were both used to intimidate  the opposition .

  5. 2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    If he was part of the BLM protest why was he in parliament square? It was the right wing thugs who were there.

    I just think that his political views are quite irrelevant and its quite absurd really , me and you in Thailand arguing about the political beliefs of a 28 year old unemployed trainee chef who pees on the pavement in London . ????

       TBH, we ALL need to get a life ????

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