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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 19 minutes ago, Bob A Kneale said:

    The woman who, allegedly, was extorting money from the abbot wasn't pregnant with the his child.

    It says the Monk and the woman had an intimate relationship , so , it probably was his

    Thinking about , as she got married to her husband a few months ago , she must have been in a intimate relationship with both of them .

       Could have been either one of them...................or someone else

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  2. 2 hours ago, graemeaylward said:

    What a wonderful example to his followers! An abbot, is the top man at the temple but considers it ok to have a secret sexual relationship with a woman for 2 years, make her pregnant, and then snuff her out in a fit of jealous rage.  I wonder how all the folk who have been contributing to his upkeep and debauched lifestyle, through alms giving over the years feel about this pillar of the community now!

    Not to mention the unborn Child was was a month away from being born .

    • Sad 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    The guy was found guilty for action contrary to Section 7 of the Terrorism Act. Got a problem, someone might be interested, but not me, so kindly cease your harassment on this matter.

    Yes, but I was asking you whether you felt that it was justified , whether you feel that not giving your password to the police makes that person a terrorist .

  4. 5 minutes ago, FarangULong said:

    If that is the Black guy carrying the White guy, THAT DOES look a bit "staged" (not as in being completely fake, more as in "I'll do it for the cameras") to me. When I saw the pic, I immediately spotted his gloves. These are either motorcycle gloves (bad enough already), or "security" type gloves, possibly filled with quart sand, who's sole "purpose" is to really mess someone's face up, when you hit them (as well as protecting your knuckles while doing so).


    If you're only there to peacefully protest, you're not going to show up wearing stuff like that. If someone wants to argue "better to prepared etc", that is a sentiment I GENERALLY agree with. HOWEVER, I do not agree with it, when you're off to supposedly attend a "peaceful" protest, where it's the police's job to protect you and other demonstrators, rather than your job to prep for potential clashes with counter-protestors...

    ie I have a carry license and often carry. BUT I would never carry it to something like this, even though I have been at marches/rallies etc. that have been target by "anti-fa" types, "black block" and other bottom feeders, who are drawn to stuff like BLM, so they can riot and attack people in groups, pelt them, etc., even if it was legal (which it isn't, it's illegal to carry firearms/weapons at demosntrations, public sporting events, etc. where I am from). I also wouldn't show up with a mouth guard, MMA gloves/wrapped hands, etc. Or with anything else, that could indicate I was looking/hoping/praying for brawls to ensue... If they come at me, I'll fight back. But I won't do it like that, as that will only make the judge think that I probably provoked an altercation/was hoping for one to happen...

    So I AM pro-being prepared, but not at places where there is no place for violence etc. to begin with. Might be a naive sentiment, but I don't care.


    Maybe he was initially in on beating up the guy, maybe not. I wasn't there, I didn't see it. Maybe he was hoping for a punch up, maybe not. In my opinion it DOES look fishy, however.

    I do applaud him, for not letting the guy get his head kicked in (even if he was really "far right" or a "fascist", it's not a free pass to beat them up, let alone stomp them while on the ground and even rob them, to the "neutral" media's applause, like they did with the Birmingham kid, I previously mentioned). But the picture doesn't fit together, in my book.


    If that's someone else (I am too lazy to google), please disregard this comment/delete.

    The Black guy was there as security and wasnt there as a BLM protestor .

    The photo is genuine , I posted a video of the attack in post #247


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  5. 10 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    blimey, the country you are living in is infringing your rights and your answer is "get over it", terrible.. At what point will you care? How bad will it have to get for you before you do grow a pair? If the authorities in my country started to behave like that the entire country (including locals) would be up in arms wanting someones head removed,, in Thailand the locals don't care about you so will say nothing and the authorities see no problem in plonking you in second class citizen status and infringing your basic rights,,, 

    We dont have any rights in regarding going into Temples or getting on buses

  6. 3 hours ago, evadgib said:

    After a cursory skip through the thread I have several observations:


    - Patrick Hutchins actions have gone viral and he is on all major news outlets and all over social media. Taking this at face value his actions are very commendable but I am far from convinced that the situation hasn't been manipulated in some way.


    - I have seen nothing whatsoever about the person being carried; no name; no explanation as to how he was injured (or should I say who by); no apparent injury while appearing to be conscious; what happened to him afterwards and of course a liberal daubing of the 'Far Right' paint brush aimed at any that still fall for it.


    Beyond the feel-good aspects of this story too many questions as yet remain unanswered.



    Heres a video of the guy getting attacked .

    Scroll down 



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  7. 1 minute ago, simple1 said:

    Does not mean he was found not guilty, he was convicted of an offence under Section 7 of the Terrorism Act.



    In your opinion, do you feel that not giving the police the password to your telephone, is an act of terrorism ?

      A yes or no reply will be sufficient 

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