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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Many posters on this forum repeatedly downplay / deflect / deny the threat from the far right in the UK, many of whom have posted in this topic, so what does that make them? Suppose will receive the same old emoji from the group.


    Police have vowed to thwart the rise of the far right, which they have said is the fastest-growing terrorist threat in the UK, as they try to stop race hate ideologues from bringing violence to the country’s streets.



    "“The problem is small but it is my fastest-growing problem,” he said.


      Yeah, like one instance last year , two instances this year gives a 100 % growth



    "Most of the plotting took place online, police said, with links overseas to extreme-right followers elsewhere in Europe, in the US and South America, swapping information and messages of encouragement."


    "The remainder were jihadist, which remains by far the biggest terrorist threat to the UK and has stabilised at a very high level after years of growth."

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 minute ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

    Hope she gets divorce,bad enough she is chatting with other guys,but giving them the home address ......

    I don't know what kind of relations you guys have,but it doesn't matter if they have bad sex or no sex,or whatever.They are married,so no chat or meet or f... with other guys or girls unless they both agree with it,easy as that

    Quite a lot of posters here cheat on their wife, and they cannot say too much when the Wife does likewise 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, CLS said:

    None of these countries.
    Back to a civilized, democratic country that respects human rights. Where people are educated and the average IQ is over 100. 

    None of these attributes are true for the failed state called Thailand.

    So clever people out on the streets protesting about whatever , and then wonder why so many people are dieing because of the virus  

  4. 1 minute ago, johnnybangkok said:

    It must be exhausting all this mental gymnastics you and your fellow TVF posters must have to do just to try and defend the indefensable.

    We've had 'there was war vets there' as some way of mitigating that the VAST majority were a bunch of football hooligans/far right groups hell bent on a fight. We've had the police were going too easy on the BLM protestors, despite 135 arrests made the week before and now we have the 'well someone had to defend the statue as the police wouldn't' despite it being boarded up and guarded. 

    Your true motivations and thinking cannot be hidden by any of these straw man fallacies. The actions of these individuals hell bent on trouble (both BLM and far -right) cannot be mitigated by any of your spurious nonsense and should be condemned. It's even more surprising coming from people who like to think of themselves as straight talking and being able to 'call a spade a spade' (pun very much intended).   

    They had taken statues down in Bristol the previous week and the authorities didnt stop them .

    Ant Theethers spent the week deciding which statues would stay and which ones would go .They decided that the Churchill statue in London would have to be taken down .

      Ant Teethers announced they would be protesting in London (and saying goodbye to Churchill) , it was then the statue defenders announced they would be there to protect the statues , and it was after that the statues got boarded up 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    You really need to stop trying to force facts to suit your own narrative - or get better at doing so.


    I made no comment on the intent of his actions, merely pointed out to englishoak that nazi salutes were on display.


    OK, fair enough, as you dont think his salute was done because hes a Nazi , as you dont think there was a political message behind his actions .

      We can both agree on that 

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