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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 1 hour ago, Phulublub said:

    ER,,,then why all the bull and bluster fro Johnson et al trying like crazy to gte a deal?  And the support for his efforts form all the Brexiteers here and elsewhere?


    Could it be that different Brexiteers voted for different Brexit outcomes?  Surely not!




       Johnson and the Government are doing their own thing , they are doing what they think is best for the UK

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, pacovl46 said:

    Everyone knows that there won’t be a winner when it comes to nukes! I highly doubt that nukes will ever be used again by anyone, including Iran. Also, if Israel and the US have them then why shouldn’t the rest of the world?


       The more Countries that have them, the more the chance of them being used .

    If Iran wont be using their nukes, why the need to have them ?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    Youve come out with so much ignorant biggoted trash and failed to back ANY of it up.

    And now your trying to ..do . What exactly? ....  ...your train of thought is just ramshackle and beyond ANY train of reason.. as I said b4








       Just asking you to name the person/people you was referring to .

    Links have already been posted to back-up what I said , its not necessary for myself to post the links again .

    Getting angry and storming off again, doesnt prove your point 

  4. 8 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    Why ever the need from the U.K., after the Brexit vote, to knock at the door of the E.U. to discuss deals. 

    On what ground did the U.K. believed they would get what they want? 

    Did they never thought of the simple reasoning of the E.U.:

    "You left, fine. Now you want deals with us, also fine, here are our conditions" 







      We dont accept . 

    Goodbye E.U , Hello rest of the World 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    As your 'busy'   I'll answer for you you can't.. cos they aren't or maybe. This might l relate .....  The conservative party have some extreme right wing members  probably fascists.     Does this make the party fascist ?    CERTAINLY  NOT .
    ...BLM arguably is the largest movement the USA and maybe the world,  has ever seen with an estimated 15 to 30 million supporters there's gonna be the spectrum of beliefs in there   it would be Foolish to think not...

    It's core belief is of equality nothing more nothing less 

    And if you argue against that then what does that make you ?  That's not an accusation just a question perhaps you should be askin yourselve s







      OK , name the "extreme right wing/ probably fascist " members of the Conservative party ?

  6. 3 hours ago, david555 said:



    Any one has doubts what the answer go be from Ursula VDL......? ????



    Boris ready to quit trade talks tonight unless Ursula von der Leyen caves on EU red lines
    BORIS JOHNSON will tell Ursula von der Leyen he is ready to quit Brexit trade negotiations tonight unless she gives way on the EU's red lines.

    PUBLISHED: 13:58, Wed, Dec 9, 2020 | UPDATED: 14:12, Wed, Dec 9, 2020

    Alegra Stratton, the Prime minister's press secretary, said Mr Johnson would lay out clearly that the UK was not prepared to cave to the EU. She said the dinner would give the Prime Minister the chance to assess how Ms von der Leyen reacts before deciding whether to instruct David Frost to restart negotiations with Michel Barnier.


    Speaking this afternoon Ms Stratton said: "The Prime Minister is going to be clear this evening that he can't accept anything that undermines our ability to control out laws or to control our waters. "He's going to put that clearly to Ursula von der Leyen and see what her response is." She added there would be no negotiations tonight and this evening was "a conversation between two political leaders trying to assess where negotiations stand".



    Mr Johnson will fly to Brussels this afternoon ahead of his dinner with Ms von der Leyen.

    The leaders will meet at 7pm tonight for a meal at the European Commission's headquarters. They will be joined at the dinner by Mr Frost, Michel Barnier and a handful of others. Mr Johnson is due to fly back to London tonight and will not stay in the Belgium capital tomorrow even if Britain and the EU agree to continue negotiations.




    More to follow...


      Leave means leave , Auf Weidersen 

  7. 2 hours ago, mlmcleod said:


    Sad to say the UK just does not get it!  Deal or no deal the EU is still going to dictate trade conditions for the UK forever!  Brexit was passed to end immigration by Muslims.  Now the poor citizens are going to pay for it.  The difference between the economic power of the UK and the EU is tremendous.  Sadly, the USA was along the same path during the Trump administration.  Right now, it seems that only China has the depth of resources to go it alone anymore.


      No deal : We are happy with that . 

    • Like 2
  8. 37 minutes ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    Show me EXACTLY where the BLM say 'We are a Marxist orgonization and our aim is to destroy capitalism'.   



      Marxism is a political ideology , which cannot exist within a capitalist system . 

    To achieve a Marxist system, you would have to remove capitalism, stands to reason 

  9. 13 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Once you open the peacetime assassination bottle and let the Genie out,  the judgment of just who the "baddies" are is inherently going to depend on who's making those judgments. And although I'm not one of them, there certainly are plenty of people, groups and nations in the world who regard the U.S. and Israel as "baddies."


    In that regard, the U.S. begins to look a lot like poisoning Russia, poisoning North Korea and others in that regard.



       Yes, there are plenty of people who view the USA and Israel as the baddies and their intention is to attack and kill the enemy , even building nuclear bombs to attack their enemy and so their enemy trys to stop them building bombs and they carry this out by killing the developers or bombing the bomb making sites 

  10. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Russia poisons exiles in Britain, and the west is outraged...


    But then the U.S. drone strike assassinates an Iranian general visiting Iraq, and now Israel or someone assassinates an Iranian scientist in Iran.  And where's the comparable outrage?


    I'm not arguing either of the latter two guys were good or innocent sorts. But AFAIK, neither the U.S. or Israel or whomever are at war with Iran. So the question needs to be asked, what's the basis for these kinds of assassinations?


    And, what's the U.S. going to say and do the next time when some mal actor potentially pulls a similar strike against someone or something in the U.S.?  I suspect, they'll be labeled terrorists...  So what does that make those doing the other assassinations here?




      No outrage , because he was one of the baddies .

    Not on our side , he was one of them .

  11. 44 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


    Want to hear a real cracker?

    The act of union specifically states that ALL parts of the UK should be subject to the same trade tariffs and taxes.

    Northern Ireland will no longer be part of that arrangement.

    Johnson just tore up the act of union ????


       Isnt the idea to enforce the rules from the sea, rather than the land border ?

    • Haha 1
  12. 33 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Exactly.you are not a member ....but still the club makes the rules for all who wish to use the club .....


    Before you were in with 1 foot in 1 out ..had privileges as no Euro accepting as currancy and big rebate ....it was not enough ...and left .

    And now it seems you are out with BOTH foot and like to be same as IN  the club...


    Same as your water your rules .....

    So single market OUR  market ...OUR RULES .....difficult to understand ..??


       You keep going on about the UK's rebate from the E.U. , like it was unfair .

    Yes, the UK got a 5 Billion rebate and France didnt get a rebate.

    But the UK gave the E.U 20 Billion per year , whilst France gave the E.U 10 Billion per year .

    Even with our rebate  , we still gave the E.U 5 Billion a year more than you did .

    • Like 1
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