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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 3 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Exactly.you are not a member ....but still the club makes the rules for all who wish to use the club .....


    Before you were in with 1 foot in 1 out ..had privileges as no Euro accepting as currancy and big rebate ....it was not enough ...and left .

    And now it seems you are out with BOTH foot and like to be same as IN  the club...


    Same as your water your rules .....

    So single market OUR  market ...OUR RULES .....difficult to understand ..??


      Dont you have  separate rules for non members ?

    Rules that are negotiable ?

  2. 8 minutes ago, david555 said:


    that's not leaving....


    Only so when you accept that .....Boris could wake away ....????


    Mr Gove is making the same mistake all over again.    The EU has set the conditions that must be met for access to market and Institutions ... the same ones the 27 follow.

    Its as simple as that.    


      Enjoy the Dinner  Boris ????



       Why should the UK have to follow the rules of a Club that we are not a member of ?

    Your Club , your rules, we are not a member of your Club 

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, SidJames said:

    Then the qpr players knelt down before the whistle to start the game even though they had stopped doing so in previous games & were backed up for not kneeling down by Sir Les Ferdinand with quite a few giving the racist black power salute, Mahlon Romeo who was the most vocal Millwall player lead the team out ahead of their captain & also gave that racist salute.

    When qpr scored 2 of their players went to the sidelines then knelt down & gave that same racist salute to the stands.

    The Millwall crowd in attendance did not react to these racists stances & the commentators did not comment on them either.

    Are only white people held accountable for seemingly racist actions & words?

    Btw I watched the whole game.


       The players being deliberately provocative , which is not surprising as leaders of the BLM movement publicly announced that anyone who disagrees with taking the knee is a racist and they should be provoked and annoyed.

      So now we have players being deliberately provocative by making black power salutes  in the faces of white guys , when they score a goal and if the supporters act with disapproval , they will be banned from any future football games .

      I cannot see how this is helping with racial issues , it seems to be causing more division than unity .

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 minute ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    Did I mention Churchill?  Your going WAY of track and missing the point.. .. one of the only values of an 'education' is how to keep an answer a question/ discussion 'on topic'  ...... perhaps......


      OK, which statue was you referring to ?

    If you follow the discussion , we were talking about the BLM protesters trying to take down the Churchill statue.

    That was the reason given for the Millwall supporters booing the taking the knee by the BLM knee takers 

  5. 1 minute ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    As you say Equality IS the issue when it's an even sided arguement as your wording suggests.then it can be dealt with as you suggest. As it stands we've one culture that has been ruthlessly exploited for 100's of years by the other.. and the other side visually STILL endorsing it .. imagine your Jewish and your grandmother and extended family died in the Holocaust and HAD TO WALK PAST A STATUE of Hitler every day ..
    atm what your suggesting just can't happen why because  as it stands things just aren't equal..



      You are equating Churchill with Hitler ?

    When did Churchill try and exterminate any other race ?

    When did Churchill try and remove a peoples from the face of the Earth ?

    You seem to be equating Nazism/Fascism  and the fight against that ideology 

  6. 19 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

    “The Guelph Treasure originally consisted of 82 works and was purchased for a whopping 7.5 million Reichsmark in 1929 by dealers Zacharias Hackenbroch, Isaac Rosenbaum, Saemy Rosenberg, and Julius Falk Goldschmidt.


    The Jewish dealers tried to sell the collection soon after they acquired it but the Great Depression was already taking its hold on the economy and they only sold about half to private dealers and collectors for around $2.5 million Reichsmark.


    In 1935, they sold the remainder of the collection to the Prussian state for approximately $4.25 million Reichsmark. Soon after the final sale, three of the four dealers fled the country after the passage of the Nuremberg Laws.”




    So you purchase art work valued at 7.5 million RM during the Great Depression in Germany.


    They sold the art works for 6.75 million RM. They’ve lost only 0,75 million RM between 1929 and 1935.


    Nuremberg laws against Jews were implemented in September 1935.


    Was the 2nd part of the art works sold after implementation of the Nuremberg laws?


       I am with Trump and the Germans on this , the Jews are trying their luck 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    Even after WTO tariffs have been applied? Unlikely.


    The fall in Sterling will make imports more expensive. As will WTO tariffs. Please tell us how more expensive imports, especially food, will benefit the UK.





       Food importation prices are usually agreed 3-5 years in advance , to stop shop price fluctuations due to currency exchange rate changes .

       Not even the financial experts can  precisely predict the outcome, so theres little chance of either you or me being able to do that .

      We have ,you are a Remainer and you think Brexit will be a disaster .

    I am a Leaver and I think everything will be OK .

    Thats the level of our intellect 

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