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Everything posted by malthebluff

  1. This story should go International to all news media in every country only then will Thailand do anything, with Thailand getting a bad name it will give them a chance to save face maybe only short lived but this poor girl needs help now no matter how little
  2. I totally agree that the transition could be wrong but the word foreigner could not be. They could have said stop having sex or becareful with you you have sex with or no to strangers, but the word foreigner had to be used. In the last case it said Nigerian man on over stay Visa was the 1st case of monkeypots But Nigerians can not get an entry stamp so he must have had a 60 day Visa at the very least and then he was on over stay. But monkeypots symptoms start between day 5 to day 20 which means he caught it here so he couldnt be the 1st case in Thailand only the 1st case reported and they jumped to print that it was a foreigner without thinking or doing the maths on dates. Mud sticks and the media is the glue with the average person not questioning
  3. From the first case here they have blamed foreigners even when his Visa was on over stay meaning he been here long before he caught it. And so must have caught it here but Thailand being the most racist country in Asia and run by the most corrupt everything is blamed on foreigners They are so blinkered and brainwashed nothing surprises me here the education system needs to be changed so the people can wake up to the truth and decide for themselves what the real news is
  4. My wife has been in a government school 4 years now takes home around 15k after doing 4 years at uni to become a teacher. The first year at a real school is still only training at the pay then was 4k it is 5k now as it dosnt come under the national wage as its classed as training still. Ask a 1st year teacher at any government school what the pay is. Yes after 30 years it could go up to 30k a month and yes I to ( farang ) get free health care but that to is limited to government hospitals. Work at 7/11 and the salary would be 12k a month for less hours. But it's not about pay it's about how the teachers hands are tired and how the must teach the kids keeping them blinkered and narrow minded
  5. Every week theres something new on how they going to get more tourist or how they going to promote Thailand to make tourist come but nothing ever changes with the hard to get Visa and paperwork the corruption the duel pricing and talk of hotel duel pricing the crimes and scams against tourist and now the 300 baht soon to be entrance fee WAKE UP THAILAND, a normal family wouldnt come here with better cheaper and less hassle countries to go on holiday to.
  6. I can see a lot of Chinese skyscrapers going up very tall houses. If I had 40 million baht to leave invest and never be able to touch I think I would look at other countries
  7. A little bit if an insult by man u just leaving the cup behind. Agree it was a nothing cup but still should have shown some respect to the organisers and not just leave it with some radio commentator.
  8. Waive the Visa fee but bring in 300 baht entrance fee for medicle even if people have insurance, bring in duel pricing for hotels to go along with the duel pricing for everything else. and go a little easy on the police corruption. Yes that will bring the tourist flocking here they are already queuing up
  9. His long term partner try reading the news 18th april lost one if the twins he missed 2 home games because of it and now they other twin not good
  10. Attempted murder, why carry a gun when drinking he shouldn't have been bailed for something this serious
  11. It's not just Thailand flights all around the world have risen due to fuel increasing in price and them trying to recover some lost fares due to covid. It's nothing to do with Russian airspace most have avoided that long before the war
  12. 30.000 is way way to much average wage take home pay is around 12000 a month and that with a good job like a teacher. Tell her to go and if she damages anything the police will be involved. I bet she will change her mind and be all lovey dovey but I would still get rid black hearts never change
  13. My wife is s teacher in thai government school (paid very little being thai) and she tells me she wouldnt think twice about home schooling as she says the teachers are very limited in nearly everything they can do or teach. And with home schooling you can bring in more of your own education being it with books or homework. Teachers here have given up she says simply because they cant fight the system and must of the goid teachers are looking for other jobs because the pay is so small. New teachers 1st year get around 5000 baht a month
  14. Pure and simple racism. Lots of thai are billionaires but pay 10 times less then the normal working foreigner. And if they are on holiday with wife and kids then that adds up to alot of money extra. If everyone paid the same they would get more customers and earn more revenue but I dont think they know about business and what a lost leader is about ie buy a cheap drink no profit to get the customers but then sell them a biscuit at 400 % profit
  15. Politics and excuses for the justification of the 2500 people who were put to death under his command. He needs to educate himself before telling others that they need to be educated with regards to cannabis
  16. I'm not sure what I think if he did it or not why didnt he try to leave the country? Why did he still have the mobile phone? He cant remember when he went to the atm or to pattaya but that can be easy checked. Or maybe he did do it and can not remember so carried on as normal but seems strange he didnt try to run or even cover his tracks
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