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Everything posted by malthebluff

  1. All they have done is contained the virus so its spreads easy amongst these there. Like one bad apple in a barrel it turns the whole barrel full bad. I dont think they were really ready to open but saving face and it's a pity that they should be saving lives
  2. Read it wrong I missed a full stop. But cooking the books meant for all countries. I dont understand what makes you think that the survey is based on age and the % of vaccinated it would be to big a job to do such a survey as every country have differant ages where vacs are given some age just 13 that have been vaccinated where in other countries they still doing the age 40s. And nowhere in any of the survey does it say about age of population. Much easier to count all the people and the vacs given to get a percentage. And that's why i think the surveys or the out come of them are worthless
  3. From experience I used the monthly income but for my 3nd year as I remember that i had to show the full 12 month bank statements and I didnt have them at the time. Things could have changed as many years ago. So I used a agency for the 1st nd 2nd years didnt need to show anything not even insurance. I think I paid about 10.000 baht and had no problem with 90 day reports. Wish I had carried on with them so easy and no paperwork or going to immigration
  4. Must be trust issues. Most of the good vaccines have been donated by other countries so its the same stuff used in the uk. So it seems like the uk not trusting Thailand in giving it out. Even if the certificates say pfzer and the media saying 70% vaccinated
  5. I remember reading on here how Thailand offered people things in the provinces not sure if money was involved more like discounts on stuff and vouchers
  6. It should but it is not t's on population and vaccine so really not worth comparing if a country has 100 million people and 50% are vacs and another 66 million like Thailand and 44% vacs I agree it should be on age of population and these who have had the vac but its cooking the books
  7. Pssssssss ( hey you ) wannabe buy a small leo if so keep it quiet and meet me somewhere not busy
  8. I'm sure if they counted the number of vaccines donated and had 1 million more then expected they could work out where it came from. ( that if it has been counted and not hidden )
  9. Tourist places always more expensive but if you look they are free but charge you a fee just because you walked in the door I'm in surat and it's always 100 baht for anything you want from immigration but read 200 baht 300 baht fee at other immigration offices
  10. Resident certificate very easy to get they are free from immigration but like anything in Thailand theres a 100 baht admin fee. Just needed rental agreement even a hotel receipt will do
  11. Yes all the same as the 2 year licence. Didnt see subtitles on video but I didnt watch it wife did she just read out the questions after all very easy more common sense then anything. But it us only because of covid your allowed to watch at home the last time pre covid I had to sit in a room with 20 others
  12. I had to watch the video but at home and yes a doctors note saying I'm not crazy everything was the same as my 2 year licence no writen test just 3 easy questions from the video. My wife watched and answered for me as in thai
  13. That wasnt the same as mine I got a Q scan I used line app to scan and open it and it gave me more or less what's writen but in a certificate with a code number
  14. Did my licence very easy but I watch media the video on a lap top at home it then asks you about 3 questions very easy if you pass it gives you a q code to scan or a certificate ith a number I just took a picture with my phone went back to licence place then colour blindness depth rest and reaction test all easy sane the first time you did it. Pay the money have pic taken and wait 20 mins
  15. Even if he loses it's all about saving face in Thailand and racism is high in the media at the moment so hopefully something will change.. I hope so and hope more people like him stand up
  16. Well done Erwin Buse it's about time somebody stood up to this duel pricing as its not just in the hospitals it's in nearly everything and is a form of racism . Good luck
  17. The percentages quoted for each country are supplied from the population not on age. If 100 people differant ages live in that country and 44 elderly are vaccinated it still leaves 66%. I understand what your saying about kids not being vacs but there isn't much differance in the countries requards age so the % of population including kids. And that's if the statistics are genuine and are to be believed. The problem will be if only 20% protected compared to 80%
  18. Surely the percentages will be on the population of that country if only one person lived there and had the vaccine then 100% would be fully vaxed if 66 million people lived there and 44% had just a single vac that leaves about 40 million unvaccinated But also what vaccine should be counted to if that one person had jabs that give 80% protection and 44% had jabs only giving 20% protection. So none of this survey can be taken seriously
  19. Dont look back look forward and make a plan. When the money runs out she will contact you or be forced to by the others who benefited from you sending money when she contacts be ready with money for taking your daughter back with you but dont send any money until you have a list of demands and not just her promise for this and that. Tell her as soon as you have some sort of legal custody you not will not be sending money. Make arrangements to meet her at a lawyers and buy your daughter back sad as it seems this is Thailand and money talks
  20. It's crazy each town making up their own rules nobody knows the rules fully or not understand them but it goes further. I am flying to bangkok from surat and staying maybe 2 nights and when I asked what I need they told me just my passport. Unconvinced I asked a few airlines and they all told me different fully vaccinated covid test and quarantine. So I asked again vietair and again only passport needed. So only need a passport to go from a red zone into a green zone with some airlines which dosnt make any sense but its Thailand after all
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