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Everything posted by 2009

  1. What I am saying is: what they did was WAY over the top and in no way justifiable. They could have just called him a name back in return. No need for violence. You don't seem to comprehend this. Why are you condoning and justifying thug behavior?
  2. Yeah, it's a classic: 1. Get charged 10 baht extra for something cos you are a falang. 2. Get annoyed and say the worst word imaginable to a Thai (buffalo) 3. Get set upon by 10 guys and a woman with weapons while everyone else around smiles, laughs, and says, "Mai pen rai" They could make it a tourist advertisement, ????????
  3. No, I believe he said the word, "buffalo" as the news says. I'll be waiting here for you to justify the 10 man beating. Go ahead.
  4. You are painting a very civilized picture of the locals. Lol
  5. But dogs get the entire testicles removed. They are castrated. It's not really the same
  6. The evidence is he got violently assaulted by a gang. It's fact. What more do you need to know? Nowhere has it mentioned he threw the first punch or any punch. He was just attacked.
  7. There are other reasons to live here than to bask in the culture, you know. When Asians move abroad, it ain't cos they love the foreign culture.
  8. You are cheering someone being assaulted by a gang. Do you have any idea how sick that is? And you are literally making up reasons to try to justify it. You are even making up the story that this Finn has a long history of offending these people before they finally choose to maul him. Doesn't matter what kind of assault it is. It's not right.
  9. I've certainly never known a bottle of beer to cost 70 baht in a mom n pop shop upcountry (or in Bangkok), or in 7eleven. He got the farang price. He knew it. He got a beating for opening his mouth.
  10. It took a lot of imagination to write this, didn't it? Truly a vile thing to say. Victim blaming at its best. Bad fortune? She is likely with him as she hasn't met a better suitor yet. Though, she has the decency to know that he didn't deserve a gang beating, unlike others. I suppose you'd applaud a gang rape, or is that not popular in the colosseum at the moment?
  11. I don't think we can assimilate; we will always be foreigners to the locals. Doesn't matter if you are their teacher, husband, boss, neighbor, a monk etc. etc. I don't think it even matters if you aquire Thai citizenship. Even mixed race Thais are not viewed as actual Thais by most of the population.
  12. I lived up country. It's actually a common occurrence when you have those big village parties where all come to gather to watch the dancing girls on the stage.
  13. You do realize everyone has a different experience here, right? I've had friends whose GF would take his ATM card without asking and go around withdrawing money as she pleased. I've known farang here to be treated much worse than that too. Terrible treatment in the workplace, casual racism, and so on... Hell, just last night I saw a south Asian person walking down the street minding his own business when a street walker offered her wares to him and he politely refused. To which, she replied, "Poor country, smelly people, I don't like" while wafting her air from her nose. It reminded me of when I invited my EX wife to go for an Indian meal (which I knew she'd never tried before). Her response, "Indian people smell. I don't like" And when you consider, this is just the tip of the iceberg, the mind boggles as to what else is submerged. I don't think you can assume every farang's experience living here.
  14. That would never happen, not in a million years.
  15. The Thai apology is strong in this one.
  16. It's says in the article that she hit him with wood and then called on others to "finnish" him. ???? What "wood" you you call that? ???? (I'm on a roll this morning, hehe)
  17. "Jarae later came back to her shop and asked to buy a bottle of alcohol, but he only wanted to pay 60 baht instead of the 70 baht it cost." Highly likely: she was doing the favorite local sport of charging the farang 10 baht more than the Thai price. He knew he was being ripped off and treated with racism. He screams buffalo and gets beaten by the pack. "Thainess" is fascinating. They tolerate and exhibit the shiftiest and most dishonest behavior, but if you use a curse word it's like you've broken all 10 commandments at once.
  18. Uhm, perhaps cos she hit him on the head with a weapon and incited a lynching on him.
  19. One of the facets of "Thainess" that really fascinates me.
  20. It's amazing how it's socially acceptable to treat all males like they could be a danger, but not any other demographic group.
  21. I'd would do none of that. Of course, didn't I say right at the start of my post that I don't condone violence? You mean 'him'? Nah, I'd say if she's taking advantage of him, it's her fault. I don't see women getting the blame for anything............ever. The fact that you'd blame a man for a woman taking advantage of him is ironic here. Lol. I'm certainly a responsible person, lol, and obviously I make mistakes. ???? Not sure how this is relevant though.
  22. Exactly, While I can never condone violence, there's a fair chance she's not innocent either. Guys on here like to talk about Somchais like they are the world's worst men, and put Ploys up on a medistal like they are angels from heaven. It couldn't be further from the truth. I reckon they are as bad as each other, Ploy and Somchai. For all we know, they're married and she's gotten them into a million baht worth of debt with loan sharks for online gambling and lost it all. I've actually personally seen this a handful of times, it's more common than you think.
  23. I think this is off topic too, then. I just responded to this with a source. ????
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