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Everything posted by 2009

  1. It's a cosmetic decision or a religious one. Medical, my backside. ????
  2. Yeah, and surely it makes more sense to give boys the HPV vaccine to help prevent penile cancer, rather than circumcision.
  3. Aside from that, I've never had a complaint, lol.
  4. This is sick. Imagine if men said they preferred a woman that was genitally mutilated as a baby. I am sure some men do in countries where that type of barbaric thing goes on. Well, I reckon I'd feel less sexually satisfied without a foreskin.
  5. Women are against him, what? What's he missing out on? ???? You are missing out on having soft, moist, sensitive mucus membrane under the foreskin (the way nature intended). Try to imagine what sex feels like with that.
  6. It keeps your mucus membrane as it should be. When you cut off the foreskin, your mucus membrane starts to toughen up and it becomes more like the regular skin, not mucus membrane. It also protects the delicate meatus (the pee hole). Some circumcised guys end up with a meatal stenosis when - due to trauma - the pee hole get damaged, scar tissue builds up, and then it becomes very narrow so that they can't pee. That requires surgery to fix.
  7. You may not be intimately familiar with this if you don't have a foreskin, but you can pull it back to wash when you are in the shower ????
  8. Well, it is nice to speak with a woman who isn't an air head.
  9. 5 year olds have a vocabulary of 5000 words. Adult native speakers have 15,000+ words. Trump is sharp, despite his age. None of your points make sense. Biden is senile.
  10. Hell, if Biden can beat a 5 year old in a spelling bee, I'll vote for him.
  11. Philippines does have better education than Thailand.
  12. More like, they are told to leave after the break up cos Thais are unable to be mature
  13. Cancel culture is a pretty sad and pathetic recent human development, among others, of course. Tucker was literally the only reporter not afraid to speak out. Now we can enjoy our propaganda from sell out reporters feeding us whatever narrative is on the agenda. They couldn't control him -- that's the reason he got fired. The scary thing is, it makes no financial sense at all. Getting rid of him is apparently worth losing a lot of money for. It's ominous of what's coming.
  14. Seems like you stated a fact (bolded for emphasis) without providing a source to prove it, as per forum rules. ????
  15. I remember teaching English to a scientist who became deeply insulted when I wanted to talk about how we all originated in Africa. So, I dunno..... Don't mistake education and training with emotional maturity.
  16. This is why we shouldn't stay in the (typically rural) low socioeconomic areas. This type of thing is far less common in more civilized parts of the country, like Bangkok.
  17. I'll decide after I see what they do when driving their car to a pedestrian crosswalk.
  18. Ah, okay, so it's basically health/life insurance, not vehicle insurance. Cheers
  19. Agreed, Plain white rice is the worst. Potatoes are the king of carbs.
  20. So, you know that insurance you get with your tax sticker, what does that actually cover? I usually get 1st or 2nd class insurance in addition to that, although I know some Thais who don't. So, what does that basic insurance with tax sticker actually pay out for?
  21. Haha ???? This is what I said though, bolded for reading comprehension: "Until I see them cast a white person to play a black historical figure,I'll call it pandering." According to your link, you are trying to compare Al Pacino playing Tony Montana (a fictional Cuban character) to a black person playing a white historical figure, like a queen/ruler of a country, such as Cleopatra. Nice try though ????
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