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Everything posted by 2009

  1. I reckon you just try to flag people's comments to have them removed. (Like you are doing now). You must get some kind of pleasure from it. Or maybe it's your strategy in a discussion. I got a 9 day suspension for not posting a link recently while discussing something with you. Lol. Well done ???? ????
  2. Amazing the different sentiment on this thread compared with the one recently where the Finn was attacked by 10 Thai guys with weapons involved.
  3. I am willing to bet that if a farang got attacked on walking street it would be, "Mai pen rai"
  4. Exactly, they are trying to win points with the black community and the woke community. They probably figured they'd get more views that way too
  5. Exactly ???? "Link please" and "Off topic" are his two favorite lines.
  6. Of course, her race is relevant to her life. She was a ruler of Egypt. And she was of Greek heritage. Heritage matters when you are the ruler of a country, in case you didn't know. Just like Queen Charlotte wasn't black, yet Netflix cast her as black. Would we be having this conversation if an emperor of China was depicted as caucasian? It isn't racist to say that it's dumb to cast the Queen of England as black, when she obviously wasn't. You can't play the racist card all the time.
  7. Until I see them cast a white person to play a black historical figure, I'll call it pandering. But we all know that won't happen.
  8. Can't you see they are just pandering to the black community? How can you make a show about a historical figure and change her race? Might as well change her gender, nationality, and every else
  9. They should be sued as well for making Queen Charlotte black, lol It's a joke, isn't it? Let's see a white Nelson Mandela, lol. Or a Chinese Obama.
  10. I didn't. You were talking to someone else, lol.
  11. Ah yes. The favorite comment when you've got nothing else to say. It's a "go to" strategy for some around here.
  12. The way the left has gone, I don't think you have the right to call conservatives "nuts" ???? The liberals have gone bananas. ???? I used to be a lefty, but now I'd be ashamed to identify with that group.
  13. Thanks for the prompt. I did find some facts: "Findings In this cross-sectional study of 1 110 421 firearm fatalities, all-intent firearm fatality rates declined to a low in 2004, then increased 45.5% by 2021. Firearm homicides were highest among Black non-Hispanic males, and firearm suicide rates were highest among White non-Hispanic men ages 70 years and older." The link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9709653/#:~:text=Black non-Hispanic men aged,100 000 persons in 2021).
  14. I wonder if gun crime is actually getting worse or if the media is just covering it more. I'd also be interested in the demographics involved if it is getting worse.
  15. Exactly, a young man was trying to enter his property. The feeble old man defended his property. Yet the media painted him as a racist just cos he happened to be white and the other guy happened be black. But when blacks kill whites, it isn't portrayed as racism by the media.
  16. Haha. Good for you. Take Thailand as you please. People will say, "Why you here?" but just ignore the haters. We don't need to be here for the culture. There are other things. Honestly, the more I have interacted with Thai society, the more problems I've encountered. They've got a lot of baggage and I ain't a baggage handler (anymore) ???? I have met a few saints and angels in this realm, but there's a lot of muck to wade through and leeches galore.
  17. It's the best thing I've found in my decades in Thailand.
  18. So, he is a police officer? Hanging on to the bonnet,lol Maybe I am the only person in touch with reality. Who does that? Just take down his number plate and give it to the police, lol
  19. Cos it's not his job. He isn't a police officer
  20. Ah, you're right. I missed that part. Haha. Yeah, he should be charged with a DUI. But the motorcycle taxi driver seemed to sustain no injuries from the actual accident itself, but rather from his own actions from how he treated someone's property. I don't think the driver should be held responsible for his injuries as he was willingly laying on the car. Clearly a wannabe police officer. He's due a career change, haha
  21. I dunno. I'll leave that to the lawyers. They guy hanging onto his bonnet was playing sillybuggers. It was not the accident in progress. The accident was a separate event. It looked like they were trying to get into the locked vehicle or trying to get the driver out. If either of which had transpired, the driver could have been on the receiving end of a violent gang attack, so he/she fled to safety. Fair enough. I don't think the motorcycle drivers had any right to do that to someone after an accident. They should let the police handle the matter.
  22. To be fair, at the point at which he drove away I don't think it could legally be considered a hit n run. The accident had happened. The driver didn't flee. No hit n run. The motorbike guy was laying on his bonnet intentionally. I dunno what you would call that legally (besides dumb). All the other guys were gathering around, some angry. I think some trying to force the driver out of the car or to get into the locked vehicle. This is probably illegal. The driver was intimidated by their actions and drove off. At this point, I don't think it's a hit n run. So long as the driver went straight to the police as per the law, I reckon no charges besides careless driving for the initial accident (if the initial accident was even the car driver's fault) They tried to take the law into their own hands and messed up.
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