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Everything posted by 2009

  1. With Biden in office, Putin is running amok. Lol. Jeez. At least Trump is diplomatic.
  2. Biden is senile. Seriously, have you not seen him talk? He gets mixed up with where he is, what he's doing, where he's walking, what the topic is, answering simple questions etc. etc. How can he beat anyone?
  3. He said, in that video I posted, that he would do everything legally possible within the constitution to interfere (if Trump ran for office again). He stated that as his intention.
  4. Did ya see the video I posted with Biden saying that was his intention of Trump ran for president again??
  5. Well, this is how I'd explain it to my 5 year old. If "nearly" half the people think he shouldn't run for presidency, that means that more than half still think he should." See how simple that is? If there's something you still don't get, just let me know.
  6. The keyword in the title is "nearly" Read the title carefully.
  7. No, that's not what I said. I said it's unethical for Biden to use the law/constitution to stop someone becoming president. That's not his job. It's the job of the voters. It's called democracy. Rather than legally messing around with an election candidate, which - correct me if I'm wrong - is what he said. It's a misuse of his power as president.
  8. Exactly, the tortoise beats the hare.
  9. That would take some integrity, which is in short supply. Rather go the shifty, sneaky route. Songkran really is a travesty.
  10. Yeah, but it's clear these charges are trumped up. (Lol. Couldn't help it. ????) The timing with his arrest and him running for presidency again is a bit more than a coincidence. Biden even said that they would do everything in their legal power to stop him becoming president if he did run again. Lol. Watch this from 25:19 to hear him say that, "If he does run,.........." Is it really Biden's job to use the law to prevent someone else becoming president after him? I thought that was the job of the voters in a democracy, no?? Unethical.
  11. Yes, the Biden administration has read their history well: Stalin, Kim Jong Un, Hitler, Hussain, as well as other dictators also jailed their political opponents. Why can't they just leave it to the American people to decide? You know that thing called 'democracy'
  12. Sexual assaults are a problem too at this time. "Playing Songkran" is used as an excuse for unwanted touching. I read an article a few years ago about it . I've also seen gangs of men in rural villages stopping girls on their motorcycles by blocking the road and not allowing them to leave til they'd all rubber power on their faces, bodies, and had a flirt. Trying to force Laokao on them and steal kisses. I mean, these nimrods out in the sticks stop every vehicle like that as if they own the place, but young girls on bikes get additional attention from the pack. I've also known there to be a few child abductions over Songkran in the villages.
  13. Yeah, but having an actual girlfriend is a good way to become celibate. Haha
  14. Yeah, but you were comparing a man-made structure with the sea. ???? It's like comparing slipping on swimming pool tiles to getting struck by lightning.
  15. You were saying that someone wouldn't do anything creepy in front of a camera. I was giving more examples. Besides, I don't need credibility. This is not an eye witness testimony. Have you not seen the viral video of the Dalai Lhama trying to get a child to suck his tongue just moments after trying to kiss him on the lips??
  16. The video is there for all to see. There aren't any circumstances that would justify the "suck my tongue" things. People get could on camera doing weird things all the time. There are many videos of Biden sniffing random children touching them in an affectionate way (stroking hair, face, arms, torso). There are compilations made of it, he does it that often. It's amazing what people do on camera and shouldn't be hard to believe
  17. So, Trump runs for president, they indict him, and half the people think he should stop running. ???? Sad day for democracy. ???? I wonder if those people are democrats, by any chance?
  18. Why are people giving this guy some kind of excuse? Is it because the victim is a boy, rather than a girl?
  19. Have you seen the video? He tried to kiss the boy square on the lips. Their faces were milliliters apart and the llama was going for the lips as the boy resisted. Then, he said, "Suck my tongue" and stuck his tongue out while pulling the boy close face to face. Why don't you watch the video that has gone viral before making these defense comments?
  20. He did not slip on a naturally occurring thing. Beaches don't have steps, lol. They're man-made. Why build the steps then? Just a half-assed dangerous job. Those steps were made to invite people. How do you get onto the steps without walking on them? Did the Gods build the steps?? Didn't think so. ???? By your logic we shouldn't expect any safe infrastructure and just blame ourselves when we have an accident as a result of dumb human design. Maybe they should put seating on a cliff side to invite people, but no lights or barrier to stop them walking off the cliff in the dark.
  21. In all fairness, these steps were man-made, right? Some lights would make them safer. Kinda like driving on a poorly lit road. Maybe we should drive around in the dark using our common sense. Even without the wetness you could fall down them in the dark and break your neck. Just an accident waiting to happen. But if you don't know the sea is wet, you can only complain to God. Not really a good comparison, but nice try. ????
  22. Trying to stay dry this year, are we?
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