Although I am admittedly a dirty rotten capitalist at heart, a little bit of socialism is okay.
Free university education is a good thing, as well as healthcare.
"Free" as in paid for by taxes. Otherwise, there should be no tax.
Imagine paying tax and not even getting education and healthcare, lol
If I had unlimited finances, I'd do 6 months back West for the weather, food, culture, fresh air, scenery.......and then 6 months here for the "culture" ????
Yup, I do speak Thai and I read it.
Lived up in the north in a rural village for ages.
I also work here.
Hell, I even studied a masters here with Thais at university for a couple of years.
I actually really loved Thai culture when I was new to the country, until I got to know the culture better, ????
It's not my cup of tea; I am a farang.
As the title says: why are you here (in Thailand)?
Many are here for work, study, family, fun, entertainment, culture, food, cost of living, spirituality, weather, health, sports, recreation etc. etc.
Curious to know what keeps us expats here.
That's right.
Everyone is speculating that he went to Thailand for sex. That's what this whole thread is about.
All we know is he enjoyed holidays here and sent money over regularly. Maybe he was going to temples and making donations.
What's the problem?
Yeah obviously, she announced it on national television, lol. She thinks it's the whole world's business!
I wonder how it would be accepted if he aired her dirty laundry for the world to see? ????
My guess is she hasn't slept with him in about 20-30+ years. Why else would he say his sex life isn't her business??