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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Hey, there's two sides to every story. Women ain't the angels we have been told. I find it hard to believe he got married just so he would end up flying to Thailand to "cheat" on his wife. There's more to this story. Maybe if the legal system wasn't so sexist he'd divorce her and be treated fairly.
  2. This is the way it is nowadays. The progressive (ironically) don't accept freedom of speech. They have an arsenal of names ready to silence people with: incel, misogynist, homophobic, racist, supremacist etc. etc. How about just letting the man talk about marriage issues (which is not off topic) without hurling insults on his character?
  3. Who said that? You seem to be deliberately missing my point. Aren't married couples supposed to have a sex life? That's what I am saying. Unless, they both would rather celibacy, then fair enough. I understand there are some women who are not interested in having sex with their partner, but marry anyway (or stay married) for other reasons or agenda. And if his needs aren't being met, why shouldn't he go to Thailand? Marriage isn't a prison either.
  4. I think I am starting to notice a pattern, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
  5. It's the money she cares about. He sends money to another woman every month and perhaps she's bothered by his travel expenses too. It's always about the money with broads. I am sure - at her age - she doesn't care what he does with his willy.
  6. Evidently not. And she may have imposed celibacy on him many decades ago. They've been married 50 years! You don't know what drove this man to Thailand.
  7. She probability wants her cake and to eat it too: the benefits of married life without any sexual responsibility. A few decades of that would send any man to Thailand for the trollops, and rightly so.
  8. How do you know? Maybe she has expected him to be celibate for the last few decades while enjoying the benefits of married life with him.
  9. Which traffic offenses go on criminal record in Thailand? I know that in other countries certain traffic offenses are criminal, whereas others are not. How about in Thailand? Suppose you get into a car accident and you are considered at fault, you'll get a fine for: careless/reckless driving (with causing injury to others in some cases). I know in some countries you get a criminal record for that. How about going through a red light or speeding?
  10. Is it possible for anyone to get a police clearance certificate for personal reasons? I know that in the past you go just go and get it yourself, but recently I heard that only a school or Thai organization could request them. Is that right?
  11. Well, it seems politically correct today to be a misandrist, so......????
  12. In all fairness, Trump was probably the most "attacked" politician in history. The sick left media even went after his son, making fun of the way he clapped his hands and talking about autism. Meanwhile, look at Biden's junkie offspring and all the other stuff. But not a peep from the left. He's alright. ???? Trump took it all on the chin like a champ tho.
  13. Ah, yes, because just this morning I woke up and thought to myself, "You know what I want today? A big, black <deleted> in my <deleted>." No, actually, I am happy with a cup of tea. That's enough excitement. And I am happy with my own race, gender, and orientation. Thank you. Each to their own.
  14. What I don't understand is how this woke thing has spread so far and so fast.
  15. I think they are likely the most honest.
  16. Someone should tell him the country reopened a while ago.
  17. Yeah, but I bet they didn't say that while the were driving along the pavement or up the wrong side of the road. Or tailgating an inch from the bumper at 120km/h
  18. In a country of adolescents, driving should not be allowed.
  19. He's talking sense. Aren't we supposed to be taxed on our only on our gains? Isn't that the logical point? Think it this way: he invests 100k, and makes 10k. Then, transfers the 110k and they tax him on all of it. The tax will likely be more than 10k, so he has lost all his gains, plus some more. If that's the way it worked, nobody would ever make money from investing.
  20. Exactly. Can't believe how much scammer apologist posts I had to read before I found a voice of reason.
  21. Just try to imagine all the parents walking around school with ID badges covered in selfies, ????
  22. Sounds like they are going to make you a picture ID card so that you can enter the school to pick up your kid. The good schools have these. You don't want any Tom, Dick, n Harry wandering around the school, do you?
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