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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Yes, ok, thanks for informing us of the history. But what's your point?
  2. Yeah, I want to work to earn my money, not claim benefits.
  3. But they ain't leaching the social security system. Back in the old days, migrants went for work to make an honest living. The Chinese, Indians, Irish, Polish, Greek, Italians.....they spread to America, the UK, and Australia (etc.) to work hard and make an honest living. I don't care if they had a valid visa or not. They were a good migrant. Now, it isn't like that. It's all about abusing the social welfare system; they don't want to work.
  4. 2009


    It is truly a fascinating phenomenon how humans place sexual health on such high level of importance, yet we, as a species, typically destroy our health in many other pleasurable ways (including our vital organs) and also take unnecessary risks (that could result in immediate death). But, nope, gotta keep our reproductive health perfect. We are like kamakazee shaggers.
  5. 2009


    Removing the frenulum (the most sensitive part for a man) is the equivalent of removing the clitoris. And there are several different types of female circumcision and not all remove the clitoris. The one in Sumatra, for example, just removes a small amount of skin around the clit. Does that make it acceptable? Clearly not. How so? Like I said above, there are kinds of female circumcision that are not more extreme than male circumcision. Only Africa really takes it to extremes, actually. And there are short term and long term complications with male circumcision too, just Google it. At the very least, it desensitizes your penis. Your soft, moist mucous membrane turns into tougher skin (i.e. basically ends up similar to other external skin). Oh yeah, let's start surgically styling children's genitals. That sounds sane. How do you even know how long it takes washing a natural penis? Or what it feels like to have sex with a penis that has soft, moist mucous membrane? You can't know these things. And, let me tell you how many UTIs, or penile infections, I have had...................................... ...............zero. ---------------------------------- Based on your logic we should routinely remove tonsils and appendixes. I got countless tonsil infections as a kid and I know someone who almost died due to having an appendix that became a problem.
  6. 2009


    It is when it's done to girls in most countries, legally so. And common sense tells you that when it's done to boys it also is. It's just that this practice was started in a different era in the West back when human rights, in general, weren't that great. You know that people wouldn't just start doing it nowadays. It would be an unthinkable practice to just conjure up nowadays. The fact that it continues, routinely, is either due to religious belief which is inherently backwards and dumb, or it's just a money-maker for a sickening healthcare system (can only think of America).
  7. 2009


    Probably less of a disease risk than eating a bag of potato chips once a year. I'd say it's negligible. The no-foreskinners are really delusional and in denial.
  8. 2009


    A flight is too drastic?
  9. Well, yeah, lol ???? I occasionally use Word and PowerPoint too
  10. It's just a luxury brand you pay more for. A computer is a computer.
  11. It would be interesting if someone who had obtained Thai citizenship could she'd light on it. I can't imagine anyone giving up western citizenship for Thai one though. Well, I suppose if you moved here young enough or if you were raised here (e.g. luekrung) then it would make sense
  12. Yup, but I was told by a lawyer and a politician whom I used to teach that Thailand doesn't allow it.
  13. This is a good point. Does one have to give up their citizenship to become Thai?
  14. Actually, open caskets are common during wakes and funerals before burial (or cremation) for people to see the corpse in the West. But we don't take gruesome photos of someone with their head caved in to post on social media, cos have something called........... RESPECT.
  15. It wasn't that long ago that it was normal for men and women to go around bare breasted in Siam. Then the Christians came. I feel there is some irony here. I think Thais should adopt their primitive ways once again and look to the shirtless farang as a good example. Let's be honest gentleman, we'd have no problem with a shirtless Chad and Somchai in public if there were also a topless Noi, Fern, and Ploy.
  16. Treated differently how? I've had a fair few accidents here. It's no biggie. You get a 500 baht fine for careless driving and you compensate the victim and your insurance pays for their vehicle damage. Like, the guy is driving a Lambo for god's sake. Why all the panic switching seats? I am sure he could afford a lawyer, not that it would be necessary for a simple thing like this.
  17. It's naive to think that any woman here is marrying a farang - or any man for that matter - without expectations of him providing financial security.
  18. Doesn't look like much fun. All fake, no passion. Too commercial. Uniform white-skinned wannabe Western-Japanese dolls. I bet the starfish and make squeeky noises in bed too. I'd rather a frantic gobble under the table from a chubby dark-skinned Isaan trollup on Sukhumvit, thanks.
  19. When will this embarrassing, shameful, idiocy end?? The parents should do life in jail.
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