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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Exactly. Built our 3 bedroom house for less than that and it looks like a REAL house -not far off Western standard - designed and project managed by a qualified architect from a massive well known firm. Okay, he is kinda a friend of the family and gave a friendly price, but still... This guy's one for 1.6m (I'm sorry to say) looks like his wife's uncle or father build it (tin roof n all) for a few hundred thousand and pocketed over a million in his own bank account.
  2. Some things here are pretty good value here. And some things are terrible value/standard to the point where it would be illegal in most of the world. Anyway, what do YOU think it GOOD VALUE over here?
  3. I don't get why people hate the rich. Typically, they were either good business people or bought assets and held. What's the problem? If you're family hold onto assets across multiple generations eventually they'll be super wealthy. Isn't that good?
  4. Can I infer that you mean the other tests would cover that (i.e. the liver and kidney function tests would detect problems, therefore the ultrasound is not needed)? Is there any scenario where you could have something up with your liver (e.g. cancer tumor) but the liver function test comes back within normal range?
  5. From an objective point of view, you may be right. The masses don't care about one individual But from a subjective point of view (e.g. someone who wants a mid-life screening to make sure things are in order) it makes sense. And if it catches a disease early then it's money well spent. Something might show up in the screening (hopefully not) and that would be important for the individual - not the overall population at large. Who cares about others, really anyway? I suppose you don't recommend routine STD for sexually active people? And before you answer, I'd like to inform you that the odds of a sexually active heterosexual having HIV, for example, are far far far far less than the odds of them having: undiagosed diabetes, a liver problem, a kidney problem, a heart attack about to happen, a stroke about to happen, or even some kind of cancer diagnosis over the next decade. These things are common. They are the biggest killers in humans.
  6. Surely getting a couple of X-rays in your lifetime (I wouldn't be doing it every year) isn't likely to result in cancer. Especially, compared with all the carcinogens in our life nowadays. And they ain't gonna biopsy anything if they don't find something to biopsy. I don't really get your point on this one. I can actually think of almost 10 people I personally know, or friends of family, who were diagnosed with, or died from, something in the West that could have been spotted years before if had they been screened. The GP was using statistics, of course, while managing his budget and didn't want to send them up to the hospital. I think there is a place for these big comprehensive screenings once a decade (less in-depth testing more regularly perhaps) after you become middle-aged and the benefits likely outweigh the risks.
  7. Their family held their investment for 685 years. They deserve it.
  8. Could you elaborate at little please? X-rays and ultrasounds can definitely show things that are there, even in asymptomatic people. I know someone who had a 6cm cancerous tumor in the lung without symptoms found while doing a routine chest x-ray for a working visa.
  9. This is the one they have for people in their 30s. What do you make of it?
  10. What do yous think of this check-up (for men aged 40 plus)at Mission Hospital for 10,900?
  11. So, at the Red Cross, it's just the blood tests for 600? Is that correct? What blood tests are covered?
  12. Lol, I just didn't pay him. He was going the wrong way then told me to get out. But he did say I was to pay the 40 something baht for my trouble
  13. Exactly Imagine if other occasions acted the way taxis do If they are working as a meter taxi driver they should follow the rules. If not then they can hang around street corners in a regular vehicle to try to pick up customers. I usually get rejected about 5 times at least before getting a pick up. I even had one the other night, make a wrong turn after a few minutes of me stepping into the taxi, and when I informed him he was going the wrong way, he told me I could get out if I wanted (but he expected me to pay what was the meter). Lol
  14. That's the idea, but they keep changing the rules and some of us are running out of time. Now we have to take a test which is only available once or twice a year. And before you can even apply to take the test you have to have a DipEd or higher and if it's from another country you have to get them to check it's validity which is taking a really long time these days, like some people have been waiting since last year. It's pretty much a joke at this point and if you run out of waivers you need to find a new place to work.
  15. You would get a temporary license (also known as a waiver) right away. The "having to work at a school for one year" thing is just when you go to apply for the full license.
  16. Well, I am talking about getting the work permit without a teaching license or waiver, not working illegally. I understand that is an option at some schools.
  17. So, what exactly are our options for teaching without license/waiver? Of course: language schools and universities. But what about colleges, international schools, and satit schools? I have heard mixed reports on those. Any clarification? Experiences?
  18. The real reason to avoid tourist areas is not because of the foreigners who dared to visit this place, but the scummy, scammy Thais that are waiting there to ruin your day. The tourists are mostly fine. It's the tuk tuk & taxi drivers, the people following you around trying to sell you <deleted>, the shoddy unauthentic overpriced Thai food, the expensive <deleted> local beer, and the rude waitresses. Honestly, and perhaps a little ironically, the hookers are the only decent thing in tourist areas.
  19. Christ, I spend around that in Makro every month and I buy some highly taxed foreign foods too. You could live off chicken thighs, potatoes, carrots, and onions for 1000 baht a month.
  20. Nope. 'Farang' is only used, by Thais, to describe whites. They have been saying it since they saw their first white men who were Francais.
  21. Alright lads, Let's go down Walking Street and claim 200k for every time we're groped by a lady(boy). Will definitely exit the street a millionaire.
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