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Everything posted by 2009

  1. That little Somsak is trying really hard to get some extra rotten fish sauce for his supper.
  2. I don't think anyone has forgotten about HIV. It is likely the most feared disease that many people seem to think they are likely to get very easily. STDs are likely the most blown out of proportion diseases around. What people do forget about is the much more serious diseases, like cardiovascular diseases, cancers, organ failure, etc etc. Even diabetes which is probably the most downplayed disease ever.
  3. Yes, you will be eligible for the test with the PGCEi. If you fail a test your resit it.
  4. You need to study a graduate diploma in education (or higher) if your bachelor is in a different field. And anyone who graduated in education after 2019 has to do the tests.
  5. Cheers Which Red Cross location is it?
  6. Does the Red Cross offer a general check up?
  7. Could you imagine what a glorious nation India would be if the British had stayed? Look at Australia.
  8. So what? So other people's sexual health is why we should cut off babies foreskin? And the HPV thing is BS, by the way. HIV, yeah, ok. I'll give you that. Same with pussies. So what? Cos my life's mission is to keep my groin area fresh 100% of the time. Lol And there is such a thing as: a shower. We could pull out all my teeth so I don't need to bother brushing or flossing. Doesn't that sound great.
  9. To he honest, most of the bad times in my life have involved women, haha Better to keep them at arms length and stay single. Take care of yourself.
  10. Life has been a rollercoaster, and there have been plenty of adverse things happen. There are loads of things I would change. But nothing truly devastating has happened, yet.
  11. This makes no sense. You could take off your eyelids too. More clean. Some types of female circumcision are "more clean" too. Why not just remove our fingernails too? More clean. Maybe wash your mouth with soap. That's more clean too. And if you want to do these things to yourself, go ahead. But leave the kids alone.
  12. Doxy is magic . One a day keeps the STDs away. And malaria.
  13. Yeah, the go cannibal pretty quickly.
  14. I've always been fascinated by this phenomenon in Asia. I still can't figure out if they genuinely have no spacial awareness or if they just don't give a F..... I sense it's the latter. .
  15. Yup, that's me. This girl deserves a leg up. But I ain't seen any 60 baht beers in a decade or so. And I can't remember the last time I had service that deserved a tip. Even though I do tip occasionally nonetheless.
  16. Well, send a few hundred if you are worried about it being a scam. No need to send much. Even 300 baht is a day's wage to an uneducated person and may be appreciated. I am sure we can all afford that. Pennies make pounds.
  17. Papaya salad is actually Laotian.
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