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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Ah, yes, the good old, "Mai pen rai" conscience cleanse
  2. My aunt had a heart attack for 5 days before she ended up in the ER. Doc basically said if she had come in 5 days earlier it would have been a simple stent job and she wouldn't have ended up with (permanent, obviously) heart failure.
  3. I can't think of a more useless language. Who you gonna have a sensible conversation with?
  4. Interesting. I didn't know hospitals did physio. Does it include massage and manipulations? Can you just walk in a be like, "I have been sitting at the computer too long. Sore neck. Sore back. I need a physiotherapist"?
  5. You can take the blue pill and stay in the land where strip clubs actually have nudity, pole dancing, and skillful lap dances. Or you can take the red pill and sit in a moldy-smelling gogo bar with women in bikinis awkwardly and unenthusiastically shuffling on stage holding on to a pole which apparently serves no purpose while staring at you in an attempt to make you so uncomfortable that you'll buy them a drink just to make it stop.
  6. But these people are about as qualified to do manipulations as an 11 year old is to operate a motorcycle. I got a fractured rib from one of these numbskulls recently. Should have just went with the happy ending.
  7. Thanks for keeping us informed.
  8. Search out a physiotherapist or a chiropractor who also does soft tissue work. Thai massage is worthless, usually, because they are trained well, mostly don't give a <deleted>, and don't listen to you. It's their way or the highway. They don't think the (farang) customer should tell them how to do their job. And in tourist areas a lot of them are just there for the happy endings that they offer their oil massage customers, so they don't really want to be massaging anyways.
  9. I've never heard of parents suing for financial compensation for their child's sexual assault or rape (in other countries). Seems common in Thailand.
  10. I guess sometimes you just need a big stick for some people. They should have been forced into an all boys school. Let's see how far they get with their fingers there. You missed the part where the victim's parents asked for money to compensate for all the molesting, I think.
  11. God, most branches are filled with bimbos who don't know their <deleted> from their elbow.
  12. They really have a way with children, don't they?
  13. I generally despise Thai delivery drivers, but Dominos has very good staff in general and the best fast food chain pizzas.
  14. Freedom is the key
  15. My kid speaks with a Yankee accent and can put on the thickest Tinglish accent you've ever heard too.
  16. I see you've met my EX.
  17. You are ignoring the fact that it's worse here. Much worse.
  18. Welcome to Thailand. Enjoy having them stick their arm up your backside as far as possible and then leave it open for the next
  19. I actually think I got something similar. I was face down and she put both hands on my midback around bottom of ribcage and she just out all her weight on it and thrust down violently as hard as she could. There was nothing controlled about it. There was an audible noise. I felt cracks/adjustments, but not actual pain. But it did take me a bit to recover. It was quite an impact. I think I cursed and had to catch my breath. Then, I went about my business. I didn't think I was injured. I just thought she tried out a chiropractic move in a haphazard way. But now I occasionally feel some aches and pains from the side/back right of ribcage. Especially, when moving in particular ways, or at the gym. I really dunno what she did to me or if it's even related.
  20. You kidding? I just got charged 20 baht to withdraw in another province.
  21. There's not a hope in hell she would have gotten a tip from me. My general rule is: if she asks for a tip, she gets nothing.
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