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Everything posted by 2009

  1. I don't need her to be super smart or anything -- in fact I ain't into nerds -- but she can't be painfully thick. I think cultural compatibility is more important. Even the educated Thai chicks are beyond my comprehension.
  2. Cardiovascular exercise will flush out excess adrenaline. Get on the treadmill daily.
  3. Yeah, but they do it to each other too. Almost everyone is a con artist here. They've grown up around this kind of behavior and learned all the tricks of the trade. Then, us farang come over all kind, honest, naive, and as dumb as mules. Easy money.
  4. I see Thais being very materialistic and try to keep up with the other Somsaks and Ting Tongs probably much more than I ever witnessed back West. Cars, bike, gold, phones, designer things, house, land, making merit/donations, dowry, gifts, how much ice cream money their kid gets each day for school.......so much competition. They are the only people I have even known to lie about the cost of something to make it more expensive. Lol (i.e. saying their house cost 10 million when it clearly cost 2 million). It's probably just a massive chip on their shoulder. Insecurity. Or maybe "new money" folks. "Old money" people don't act like this. Whereas, where I come from we might lie to make it sound cheaper, like we found a bargain. Thailand is hands down the most shallow, materialistic place I have ever seen.
  5. This isn't a serious question is it?
  6. In Bangkok, I've never been denied a beer during those "supermarket ban" times.
  7. As a non-tourist, I can pretty much avoid most of the tourist troubles on my list, yeah. Lol
  8. Interesting point. I wonder how many RETURN tourists there are? Except from sex tourists, of course. I am able to avoid most things on my list by not going to tourist areas, driving my own car etc. etc.
  9. Such a quality country.
  10. Exactly, So many Thai apologists on here.
  11. Come to Thailand: - Get ripped off on your hotel - Get ripped off by airport taxis -Get ripped off by most other taxis in downtown areas - Get ripped off to get into everything tourism attraction - Get hassled in the streets and on the beach by lowlifes - See how we have polluted our part of the Earth -Appreciate our casual racism - Be unable to swim in our water - Consume our overpriced low quality goods - Enjoy the cheap oil, MSG, and sugar in everything -Risk life and limb on our roads - Be robbed blind by a pack of rabid monkeys on an island - Pay more for our pisswater beer than you do in your home country for a decent pint -Don't worry. To make it all better we have stinky foul-mouthed hookers lined up on the streets for you. That's what you are here for - Don't forget to stroke our ego by telling us how good Thailand is
  12. Good. Let them shoot themselves in the foot and reveal their true nature.
  13. Thanks for clearing that up. You do a good "Explain It Like I'm 5"
  14. See what happens when a Thai mother tries to leave the country alone with mixed race kid. Lol My EX was held by security until I made it through immigration and was able to verify it was my child too and we were leaving together.
  15. It's also to protect foreign children from being abducted by Thais. And Thais abducting Thai children.
  16. How it works is: leave on Thai passport, arrive on UK passport. Then, the reverse when returning to Thailand.
  17. I think you also missed my point entirely - probably deliberately - about there being more useful and important learning materials FOR CHILDREN that could be showcased in a classroom than homosexual couples, or something similar.
  18. Well, the prefrontal cortex doesn't fully develop til like 25, so.....we all did stupid <deleted> when we were his age.
  19. John Frusciante
  20. In most cases, it's the guy who is probably legless drunk. Lol. Although, I get that consent doesn't work that way.
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