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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Yeah, heaven forbid they do something for the customer. When authoritarian, feudal society hierarchy slips into beers bars, lol, you end up with slappers thinking they are more important than the customer.
  2. Seems like an easy mistake to make. And let's not presume exactly what he/she wanted to be called. Transgender man certainly make more logical sense though
  3. It's getting to the point where I don't want to personally know any Thai people cos if something should happen to them, it's 'pin the tail on the farang' time.
  4. The Thais get them free off the back of their Milo breakfast cereal boxes, I think.
  5. Why should private landlords like myself have to become a charity? You have a contract and that's it; you don't owe them the right to squat in your property indefinitely. They should rent from the council if they want such benefits
  6. You lost me at this point. She should be in the taxi on her way home. Lol
  7. Anything to stop me putting the rent up so much she leaves? Why shouldn't landlords do what they want with their property? She can go stay in a council house if she wants to be treated like a baby
  8. Way to make property an ever crappier investment. I'll just stick to buying shares.
  9. I am talking about when you go for an actual massage but she doesn't have that in mind and she just spends most of the time trying to solicit extras (which is all she is interested in), when actually you just wanted a massage. Lol But of course you don't get a massage. You get a lot of talk and a negotiation. It's like this in 99% of the downtown massage places, even the normal looking ones. You can't blame an unsuspecting tourist for not knowing.
  10. I really like Thailand, warts n all. But how some folks bury their heads in the sand (in denial) is really interesting ????
  11. Lol, please. Standard is to try to charge the tourist double. Well, I certainly experienced my fair share of scams in India and Nepal too, but most of SE Asia, including Thailand, is full of them as well. I've been way off the beaten track, btw, and I've had (and seen) more troubles in Thailand. I suppose it is gullible to believe when you are quite a price for a fare that it would be honored, rather than changing. Just the other day, I saw a tourist at the Chao Praya River being ripped off. From what I could hear the guy had told him 300 and when he arrived he was being charged a lot more. The Thai guys were being really aggressive. Yeah, like: - "Buy me a drink" -"Buy drink for my friend" - "Give me a tip" - "You have to pay more cos you big body" - "I give you big plate of food cos you big man, pay special price" And of course the double pricing on menus in restaurants, and massage parlours, and other attractions. And when you go for a massage, but clearly she has no intention of actually massaging you. Lol The tuk tuk tour scams.
  12. Really? You've never experienced this kind of thing? Foreigners usually experience this as soon as they get off the plane at Suvarnabhumi and try to get a taxi driver to use his meter. - Taxis in beach places? - Tuk tuk rides? - Boat rides? - Massage? - Drinking in a bar? - Sukhumvit taxis at night? - Tour guides? - Restaurants at the beach? You never experienced scams and squeezes at these places? I mean, it's hard to do anything in tourist areas without this kind of squeezing more money out of you. And even in villages. I've known the local farang having to buy food for the entire extended family when he goes to the supermarket, lol.
  13. They may find it insightful to get our perspective.
  14. If you know a Thai person who can't comprehend what it's like being a foreign tourist here, or even an expat sometimes, just show them this for some first hand POV.
  15. Where are the cheapest beers on Sukhumvit?
  16. Bangkokians of the Pub Forum: how much do you spend on a night out (or afternoon out)? It can include drinks, food, taxis, and whatever else you spend your money on when out on the town!
  17. I think most straight white males don't get it, cos we can't say stuff like that. You've got: Gay Pride, Black Pride, Girl Power etc etc But try saying anything, like White Pride or Male Power and the far left extremists will devour you. It's is really interesting and ironic how fascist the left has become.
  18. I actually happened to be at that parade; it was quite entertaining. They had a few cool vintage cars. But there was a segment of the parade with some of them dressed inappropriately for public (you could distinctly see penis through the stockings cos they were that tight, thin, and see through) And they were carrying signs saying, "Sex Work Is Work" -- which I thought was a bit tasteless, considering there were families there with children (I mean it was broad daylight on a main road). Most segments of the parade were some form of protest though (about marriage laws n adoption, stuff like that), so not exactly joyful. There was one segment of the parade with angry ladyboys aggressively telling the spectators, "My body is my choice". And another part was full of signs telling the spectators about their children, example "Don't assume your child is straight" Anyway, it's their parade. I was hoping to see some joyful gay celebration, but much of it was just a protest about laws, and also quite a bit of X-rated-ness. And of course, bringing " your kids" into the equation.
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