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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Exactly, Thais don't tip.
  2. Yeah, heaven forbid they do something for the customer. When authoritarian, feudal society hierarchy slips into beers bars, lol, you end up with slappers thinking they are more important than the customer.
  3. Seems like an easy mistake to make. And let's not presume exactly what he/she wanted to be called. Transgender man certainly make more logical sense though
  4. Driver's licenses. Unless I am on the wrong thread.
  5. It's getting to the point where I don't want to personally know any Thai people cos if something should happen to them, it's 'pin the tail on the farang' time.
  6. The Thais get them free off the back of their Milo breakfast cereal boxes, I think.
  7. Why should private landlords like myself have to become a charity? You have a contract and that's it; you don't owe them the right to squat in your property indefinitely. They should rent from the council if they want such benefits
  8. You lost me at this point. She should be in the taxi on her way home. Lol
  9. Anything to stop me putting the rent up so much she leaves? Why shouldn't landlords do what they want with their property? She can go stay in a council house if she wants to be treated like a baby
  10. Way to make property an ever crappier investment. I'll just stick to buying shares.
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