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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Thai men bashing again. Jeez What do you think they were arguing about: a women. I guarantee it. A low-life, classless, good-for-nothing woman, who dropped her skants for the guy's pal, of course. Unpopular opinion, I know.
  2. Let the locals shoot themselves in the foot if they want to. Up to them. Anyway, you wanna pay a fortune for your food, drink, transport, massage, attractions, etc etc?
  3. Vietnam. And quite right too. We don't want Thailand becoming a destination high-so tourists and ruining it for the local farang. Anyone fancy paying 250 for a <deleted> local beer?
  4. Better than sending it to an F'd up American school like the one in the article. And there are some Thai schools that produce students who go on to Oxford and Cambridge.
  5. To be fair, I could imagine this Thai home owner playing the world's smallest violin if this farang lost his home to some barwench. Wouldn't surprise me if he'd even have a good belly laugh about it with his pals; I am sure they wouldn't talk about it solomnly and feel genuine empathy -- that's a farang thing to do. As much as I kinda feel a little sorry for this guy, I have been in Thailand long enough to know they don't truly care about each other. There are a few exceptions.
  6. The other side is immature, irresponsible, hotheaded, stingy, ruthless, and the fun doesn't usually last, haha
  7. Ok, cheers. And I suppose the reason why they started it in the first place was....so they could keep our address up to date every 90 days? Just genuinely curious of the original reason.
  8. So basically the only reasons for rejection of report are: incorrect data filled in or incorrect time of reporting?
  9. I think the rejection could be because I didn't enter my condo building name, just the plot/room. And I remember the last time I was there (in person), the officer wanted me to write it down. So, perhaps it is cos of that (i.e. the address didn't match exactly). We will see. I submitted again.
  10. Will do. The first time I did it I got rejected because it was before 15 days. The second time, it said contact nearest immigration office immediately, so I began to think they believed I was on overstay (which I am not, but my previous extension would have ran out a few days ago)
  11. Same address I just wonder if they don't know I have extended yet and think I am in overstay. Cos my old extension would be over now. However, I did do my extension probably 2 months ago, you'd think that would be enough time for "central system" if there is such a thing to be aware I did my extension.
  12. Yes, though I suppose it possible I made a mistake elsewhere though I didn't think so
  13. Anyone getting a "90 day report has been rejected. Please contact nearest immigration office immediately" message? Edit: Should have been ok technically. 90 days isn't up for another week, but I changed reason for extension recently. I wonder if that could be causing confusion?
  14. The only worse place than Pattaya is Isaan. Well, maybe Central Thailand, then Isaan.
  15. Who says they are poor? Probably worth a million baht in land. Not all brown people are poor, you know. I'd feel more sorry for someone working 12 hours for 300 than these beach vendors renting out a chair for 100. Jeez, the locals are the biggest bullies out.
  16. To all the scammer apologists here: in what world is charging 100 for 30 minutes sest rental normal (especially when you are buying their product). That would be like charging 30 dollars for 30 minutes on a deckchair on America for example (if you factor in wages).
  17. I like the immigration here. Hate the Ministry of Education though
  18. There's no excuse treating people like that. And ironically, they chase away customers. Mate, if you think they care about their children's education more than money, you are naïve. If they were scamming people, I'd have sympathy for their 2 year loss if earnings, but that's not the way it is. I don't think the OP was looking for confrontation; in fact he come across as very reasonable. It was the business owner that confronted him. The only thing thst matters to them is money and ego.
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