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Everything posted by 2009

  1. One would think the guy who did it has a firm grasp of ironic humor.
  2. Yup, borrowing money from loan sharks then online gambling. Been rife for the last 5 years.
  3. And you forgot the million baht of farmland. Not to mention the gambling to try to get more. Happy. How do you know?
  4. Just like the word, "<deleted>" EDIT: wow, that's ironic. The "N word" for black people gets deleted by Thaivisa (cos it is offensive), but "farang" doesn't.
  5. Remind me never try marry one of these. Imagine being legally attached to someone like that. Shameful
  6. EXACTLY You won't find ANY loyalty in this country. Thai whole "Thai family" is just smoke n mirrors. They are abusive and neglectful very often (more than western family). And you end up with one cabbage-brained matriarch cracking the whip on everyone.
  7. You are kidding, right? More like let the kid walk around bare ass and <deleted> all over himself
  8. Agreed, but they don't do anything for free. Lol
  9. Well, they do teach English here from 3 years old, so he has a point. I have as much Thai as I really need and I have little interest in studying more. My precious time could be used in a much more beneficial way: exercise, reading novels, making more money, spending more time with family, having a beer, going for a massage etc etc I mean what are the odds of intellectual conversation in Thai anyway? The average Thai mother only communicates a few words to her children anyway: eat, sleep, shower etc etc.
  10. I dunno, I think SE Asian women are well overrated. Or maybe I have just been here too long.
  11. Mate, I wonder just how many men this resonates with. Admittedly, I can admit I know what you are talking about.
  12. BS. We get fat because we have more income than ever before. Even the "poor" village kids are drinking a bottle of coke a day. And the guys having their daily beer. The rich have Starbucks and McDonald's. Even the poor have more money than ever before. Waistlines increase with cash in the pocket. I think only Japan has defied this trend. It ain't about healthy food either. Most cuisine has not changed in decades, it's all the snacking we do now. Back in the 70s most were slim in the West (compared to now). Did they have access to better health foods? No. They ate cornflakes for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch, and meat n two veg for dinner. And that's it: portion control, calorie control, no much snacking, be hungry for your meals. They didn't have all the fruits n veggies, and healthy oils in their diet that are available to us now. They just ate mediocre food sensibly. Probably moved more too.
  13. No loss of face there. Is there anywhere else in the world where a national holiday leads to do maybe deaths?? Why are they so utterly inept at road safety? I think they just have terrible attitudes towards others in general which they usually hide face to face, but shows on the roads and is amplified by Songkran.
  14. Excuse me, lose the "male" <deleted>. 99.999999999999% of males are not like this at all.
  15. Another thing that is confusing: the Nottingham PGCEi is worth 60 credits. Whereas the Filipino Graduate Diploma in Teacher Education (through St Roberts) is 30 "units" Both are a year of study, right? Both are post-grad courses. But one is considered a certificate and the other a diploma. Is there a different numerical value between "credit" and "unit"? Of course, we are comparing different countries: UK and Philippines. The Dip.Ted from St Roberts used to get you the full teaching license on its own -- did the PGCEi ever get you that? Just wondering. I know it makes no difference now, cos we gotta do this test on top of our graduate education qualification.
  16. Just to double check: is there any course out there that excempts you from this test? Or does every education graduate from 2020 onwards have to take this test? What about an M.Ed?
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