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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Lol. Just see a doctor. Or hit the pharmacy for some experiments.
  2. Haha I dunno, there are some very mediocre international schools here.
  3. So basically they followed the sensible protocol of their home country -- as did I.
  4. Nope, satit schools require a teacher license. At least when I worked at Satit Chula, the labor office refused to issue the work permit for me until I got the waiver. They said it's cos I was teaching children, despite the fact the contract was between me and the university itself. It was quite a few years ago though. Maybe in some cases it can be done, but not from my experience.
  5. I wonder if you get a job at an international school or university, can you still get a teacher license? I understand it isn't necessary for that job, but for the sake of professional development and becoming a qualified teacher. If you were teaching at a uni or international school and you passed the test could you apply for the teacher license with your valid work permit at that time?
  6. Anyone know if there were ANY tests available in 2020 or 2021?
  7. Are international schools possible to work at without a teacher license? I know universities and language schools are possible.
  8. Wow, cos I was told at Krusapa a month or so ago there would be two a year.
  9. What about international schools? Surely, if they are truly international and following a foreign curriculum, them the Thai MoE and Krusapa should not govern them. Or am I wrong there?
  10. Yeah, I agree people should be considerate a d wear masks when out. I thought you were meaning people shouldn't be going out. Lol
  11. Where do you get your sodium, potassium, and magnesium?
  12. I still don't get it though. What's the point in these schools? Are they just full of kids who are here cos their parents are here on business? Or are they full of Thai kids whose parents are intent on sending them abroad for uni and to live and work as adults? If so, ok. Otherwise, what's the point? How will these kids thrive in Thailand? Could they pass an entrance exam (in Thai) for a medical program at Chula? Or a science program at Mahidol? I assume all the subjects are taught in English and they just get Thai language classes on the side. It ain't the same as having your education in Thai. They'd be living almost completely disabled in Thailand, functioning comfortably as a hotel receptionist or something. They wouldn't have very many doors open to them in the country where they grew up.
  13. I mean the only positives I can think of regarding this is that a 35 year old Thai woman typically looks about 25 and is willing to date a 60 year old. But them being mentally and emotionally maturer than their physical appearance doesn't come into it; they are pretty much adolescents in the mind until...well...I haven't seen much evidence they ever leave adolescent mentality behind. The younger educated ones are different though. Pick up a mid 20s bird who had a good education and she'll be maturer than you are at 40. But the farmyard variety of female that most of us only have direct access to will always have the maturity of an adolescent.
  14. Basically, good education is really hard to find. Forget international schools if it likely your child will stay in Thailand: they'll just end up being stuck in some kind of communication, hospitality, or English teaching job -- cos all their education is in English; how can they do anything else in Thailand? Forget sitting an entrance exam (in Thai) to medical school, for example. And most international schools are garbage, even the ones charging a few hundred thousand a year. You have to spend a lot more than that. Even then it only makes sense if your kid will move abroad. There are few good Thai schools as well and they can be divided into two categories: the academic and the elite. To get into the academic schools you gotta be a straight A student. Simple as that. They are not pricey. To get into the elite schools, you gotta be connected, cos you get in based on alumni connection or some other connection. They are not very expensive either. You could try offeing an unusually large donation as an outsider at an elite school and this is probably your best chance of getting your kid a good Thai education in Thailand if they don't have the grades for a proper academic school. All the best international schools and (even some of the crappy ones) charge a big "entrance fee" and so do the best Thai schools, though it's more hush hush and in donation form.
  15. There is a Thai proverb, "To hit a child, is to love a child." That's literally the mantra of village mothers and grandmothers. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse.....
  16. I assume proof of it coming from abroad is only for those not working in Thailand, right? If you have a job in Thailand (and a work permit) surely they don't want to see the income coming from abroad.
  17. Does the 40k a month for extension have to come from abroad? How about if you are working in Thailand and have a work permit?
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